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Mindfreak eSports is delighted to welcome StarCraft 2 player Kristoffer “TargA” Marthinsen to the roster.
The Norwegian Zerg currently living in Brisbane will prove to be one of Mindfreak's most celebrated pick-ups, as he prepares to go head to head with some of the world's best in North American Star League Season 3 and with Australia's best on the ACL PRO circuit in 2012. Having attended Intel Extreme Masters Kiev in January and beating the likes of Australian star mOOnGLaDe at the recent ACL Regionals in Brisbane, he could prove to be one of the strongest Australian contenders in 2012 and Mindfreak is delighted to be working with him.
Mindfreak eSports Director Reagan “RiGZ” Koryozo is excited to be working with TargA:
“This is a new venture for us and we are really excited to be entering the StarCraft II scene with a player of his calibre. We will do our best to support him and the StarCraft II community in it's growth in this country.”
TargA said this about the move:
“I am really happy to get the opportunity to represent Mindfreak, the team is a good fit for me and together I hope we will make Australian eSports magic!”
As stated TargA will be in action in season 3 of the NASL where he is placed in division 5 alongside the likes of MC, Polt, White-Ra and Sheth. For more information visit www.nasl.tv.
You can see TargA in live action at ACL Sydney where he will be representing Mindfreak eSports to battle it out on the ACL PRO Circuit. For more information visit www.aclpro.com.au.
He also participated in the North American MLG Spring SCII Arena Open Qualifiers this morning where he defeated Revenant 2-1 For more information visit www.majorleaguegaming.com.
Mindfreak will be keeping you updated on TargA's progress throughout these competitions and 2012.
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Mindfreak Esport www.mindfreak-esports.com - Twitter - Facebook
SteelSeries www.steelseries.com - Twitter - Facebook
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