This build, sentry drop into colossus drop with speed, is a very strong, safe build which still allows for aggression. It relies heavily on your ability to even the harvester count with drops, even if you take a later expand and tech up. Even if one component of the aggression fails (the warp prism dies, sentries don't kill many workers, etc.), you should still be in an okay position and able to continue harassment while staying safe. This build emphasizes micro over macro, although having strong macro obviously doesn't hurt.
When To Use
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This build may be used against Terran 1, 2, or 3 rax expo or pressure builds. I assume that it would be okay to use against a 4 rax build, but 4 rax seems to have fallen out of fashion. Caution should be used when the Terran player seems to be going for a factory/starport opening (namely 1/1/1, cloak banshee, or hellion drop). If you suspect such an opening, or see 2 gas or 2 marines with no tech lab on the first rax, you can use the defensive immortal build outlined in this guide.
Build Order
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9 pylon + scout
10 chronoboost probes
13 gate
15 gas + chronoboost probes
17 pylon
18 core
18 or 19 gas
20 gate
21 warpgate research. Chrono this research once, ideally when there's an SCV in your base.
21 stalker. After the stalker completes, check the front of their base to make sure that they have expanded. If they haven't, follow the build but make 1 observer and immortals instead of a warp prism and expand.
24 pylon + chrono probes. Cut probes for ~1 second to get the pylon up before chronoing. If done correctly, probes will be continuously making thereafter. If you lost your scouting probe, you shouldn't need to cut at all.
26 double sentry
31 pylon (while sentries are making)
32 robo
33 chrono probes
Make 2 zealots, then a pylon when you have the resources
If immortal defense
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Warp in 2 sentries
Load the sentries up and drop!
~49 robo bay
Expand + pylon
Get warp prism speed and the first colossus as soon as you have the money. The need for gravitic drive is much more immediate than the need for the first colossus in most scenarios. It also takes 5 more seconds to complete.
Make obs as necessary, transition into chargelot/HT/immortal/archon afterwards.
**Notes: Your warp prism should complete at around 7 minutes.
If done correctly, your 32 pylon, robo, and warp gate research should finish within seconds of each other.
You should have 75+ chrono saved up on your main nexus by the time your robo bay finishes. You may use them to get faster prism speed/colo, or spend them on probes.
10 chronoboost probes
13 gate
15 gas + chronoboost probes
17 pylon
18 core
18 or 19 gas
20 gate
21 warpgate research. Chrono this research once, ideally when there's an SCV in your base.
21 stalker. After the stalker completes, check the front of their base to make sure that they have expanded. If they haven't, follow the build but make 1 observer and immortals instead of a warp prism and expand.
24 pylon + chrono probes. Cut probes for ~1 second to get the pylon up before chronoing. If done correctly, probes will be continuously making thereafter. If you lost your scouting probe, you shouldn't need to cut at all.
26 double sentry
31 pylon (while sentries are making)
32 robo
33 chrono probes
Make 2 zealots, then a pylon when you have the resources
If immortal defense
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Chrono out an observer or immortal depending on the position and size of their army. Make an obs or immortal afterwards, making the unit that you don't already have.
Make 1 stalker and position units to counter banshee or hellion drop, control the map with your first stalker and watch for hellion run-bys through the front.
Begin immortal production
Defend as you normally would vs a 1 base Terran; you should also be in a good position to immortal bust should their attack fail.
Make 1 stalker and position units to counter banshee or hellion drop, control the map with your first stalker and watch for hellion run-bys through the front.
Begin immortal production
Defend as you normally would vs a 1 base Terran; you should also be in a good position to immortal bust should their attack fail.
Warp in 2 sentries
Load the sentries up and drop!
~49 robo bay
Expand + pylon
Get warp prism speed and the first colossus as soon as you have the money. The need for gravitic drive is much more immediate than the need for the first colossus in most scenarios. It also takes 5 more seconds to complete.
Make obs as necessary, transition into chargelot/HT/immortal/archon afterwards.
**Notes: Your warp prism should complete at around 7 minutes.
If done correctly, your 32 pylon, robo, and warp gate research should finish within seconds of each other.
You should have 75+ chrono saved up on your main nexus by the time your robo bay finishes. You may use them to get faster prism speed/colo, or spend them on probes.
Dealing with Different Terran Openings
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Aggressive Rax Openings: If you scout T moving out with an aggressive rax opening, chances are that they have invested quite a bit into their attack. From here you have 2 options: follow the immortal defense build, or destroy their economy using a warp prism while their army is away. If you opt for the latter, ensure that you warp in a sentry at the top of your ramp before moving out with your warp prism. This will delay either your speed or your colossus, but you will likely do more damage than you normally would with your sentry drop in this situation.
Slow Expands: If you suspect an expo with your probe scout, but see an empty natural with your stalker scout, it's better to be safe and follow the immortal defense, scouting as soon as possible with your first observer.
Factory Openings: If you scouted 2 gas or some other obvious tell for a factory opening before your stalker comes out, you can abort the build and follow up with a build you're comfortable with. At that point, you should have opened up standard (13 gate + 15 gas) anyways. Alternatively, go for the immortal defense. From there, defend the 1/1/1 or factory build as you normally would.
Expand into Pressure: These attacks usually come after your first sentry drop in their main, and typically have stim, no medivacs, and pure bio. At this point, you should have a colossus on the way and a warp prism heading back to your own base. If you feel that the attack will be too hard to defend with colossus and warp prism micro, add a second colossus and sentries with your main army. If you feel safe enough, make observers and immortals. Transition as outlined below. If they commit to the attack and you hold it off well, you may be able to counter while expoing, as their viking production is probably delayed.
Fast Third Base: If you scout a fast third, you can typically take a fast third yourself. Since they're not really in a position to attack, you can chrono out your upgrades and get all of your necessary tech. You may also be able to punish their third, depending on the amount of damage you've done with your drops.
Slow Expands: If you suspect an expo with your probe scout, but see an empty natural with your stalker scout, it's better to be safe and follow the immortal defense, scouting as soon as possible with your first observer.
Factory Openings: If you scouted 2 gas or some other obvious tell for a factory opening before your stalker comes out, you can abort the build and follow up with a build you're comfortable with. At that point, you should have opened up standard (13 gate + 15 gas) anyways. Alternatively, go for the immortal defense. From there, defend the 1/1/1 or factory build as you normally would.
Expand into Pressure: These attacks usually come after your first sentry drop in their main, and typically have stim, no medivacs, and pure bio. At this point, you should have a colossus on the way and a warp prism heading back to your own base. If you feel that the attack will be too hard to defend with colossus and warp prism micro, add a second colossus and sentries with your main army. If you feel safe enough, make observers and immortals. Transition as outlined below. If they commit to the attack and you hold it off well, you may be able to counter while expoing, as their viking production is probably delayed.
Fast Third Base: If you scout a fast third, you can typically take a fast third yourself. Since they're not really in a position to attack, you can chrono out your upgrades and get all of your necessary tech. You may also be able to punish their third, depending on the amount of damage you've done with your drops.
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While harassing with sentries, add 1 colossus with speed while warping in zealots. While harassing with the colossus, you should be able to begin your transition into HT/archon/chargelot/immortal by adding a twilight council and additional gates. Take a fast 3rd/4th gas at your natural. Make observers as needed while beginning constant production of immortals. This transition renders your opponent's defensive vikings useless. If they don't make any vikings, you should be able to harass their army down to a point where you can attack with chargelot/immortal and kill them.
Train of Thought While Doing this Build
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9 scout with a probe and look for 2 gasses or multiple rax openings. If a multiple rax opening is scouted, decide between this build or immortal defense (as outlined below).
Open as if you're doing a 2 gate 5 stalker rush, but make 2 sentries, followed by 2 zealots after your first stalker. Stalker scout, looking for an expo or lack thereof, as well as any aggression. If you see an expo, continue the build. If you see aggression, do the drop build or immortal defense. If you do not see an expo, it is probably safer to do the immortal defense. Position your sentries + zealots back at home such that an SCV scout isn't easy for your opponent.
Assuming that you're continuing with this build, make your warp prism and 2 more sentries and drop. While doing this, get a robo bay and expand. Usually, you only get one opportunity to drop in your opponent's mineral line before they have units there. Kill as many workers as you can (target them down so that your sentries don't try to kill marauders/marines!), fly away and only harass the buildings lying on the outskirts of your opponents base.
After your first drop, it's macro time! Focus your attention back on your base; make warp prism speed and a colossus. Chrono boost both as much as possible while chronoing probes out of your 2 nexuses. Make a twilight council and slowly add 3 more gates. Double forge, expand again, or add more gates if you feel that you've done enough damage with your sentry drop, or if you can't spend your money.
If you see an attack coming at this time (probably pure MM, stim, no medivac), unload your warp prism and keep your colossus with your army. You may also want to add another colossus if your natural is difficult to defend. If there is no attack, or if you easily defend, keep pressuring with your colossus. Make observers as necessary and begin immortal production. By now, they should be making either vikings or missile turrets. If they have, continue the harassment but don't go deep into their base with the warp prism. If they haven't, you should be able to kill a ton of rax units for free. Add forges, templar archives, zealots, and gates when possible.
Once you feel that you cannot harass anymore without losing your prism, back off and play your standard PvT zealot/archon, using the warp prism to gain map control.
Open as if you're doing a 2 gate 5 stalker rush, but make 2 sentries, followed by 2 zealots after your first stalker. Stalker scout, looking for an expo or lack thereof, as well as any aggression. If you see an expo, continue the build. If you see aggression, do the drop build or immortal defense. If you do not see an expo, it is probably safer to do the immortal defense. Position your sentries + zealots back at home such that an SCV scout isn't easy for your opponent.
Assuming that you're continuing with this build, make your warp prism and 2 more sentries and drop. While doing this, get a robo bay and expand. Usually, you only get one opportunity to drop in your opponent's mineral line before they have units there. Kill as many workers as you can (target them down so that your sentries don't try to kill marauders/marines!), fly away and only harass the buildings lying on the outskirts of your opponents base.
After your first drop, it's macro time! Focus your attention back on your base; make warp prism speed and a colossus. Chrono boost both as much as possible while chronoing probes out of your 2 nexuses. Make a twilight council and slowly add 3 more gates. Double forge, expand again, or add more gates if you feel that you've done enough damage with your sentry drop, or if you can't spend your money.
If you see an attack coming at this time (probably pure MM, stim, no medivac), unload your warp prism and keep your colossus with your army. You may also want to add another colossus if your natural is difficult to defend. If there is no attack, or if you easily defend, keep pressuring with your colossus. Make observers as necessary and begin immortal production. By now, they should be making either vikings or missile turrets. If they have, continue the harassment but don't go deep into their base with the warp prism. If they haven't, you should be able to kill a ton of rax units for free. Add forges, templar archives, zealots, and gates when possible.
Once you feel that you cannot harass anymore without losing your prism, back off and play your standard PvT zealot/archon, using the warp prism to gain map control.
Countered By
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- Fast cloak banshee into expo
- 1/1/1
- Hellion drop
- Blind turret in the mineral line (soft counter)
- Fast starport/stim marine a la vVvRuFF (I'm assuming...haven't found him on ladder in a while...)
**Note: the immortal defense works pretty well against all of the above, with the exception of fast starport/stim marine. Probably.
- 1/1/1
- Hellion drop
- Blind turret in the mineral line (soft counter)
- Fast starport/stim marine a la vVvRuFF (I'm assuming...haven't found him on ladder in a while...)
**Note: the immortal defense works pretty well against all of the above, with the exception of fast starport/stim marine. Probably.
Common Mistakes
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Overextension: Your first warp prism dies full of sentries: While not game ending, the loss of the first sentries causes you to be more vulnerable to incoming attacks. You're forced to make extra sentries, which is never a good thing. However, you may still chrono out another warp prism after your first colossus due to the warp in of more gas-heavy sentries. Your tech will be delayed, but if your opponent engages poorly or if you harass well, the tables may easily turn in your favor.
Overextension: Your second warp prism dies with a colossus: Not nearly as severe as losing your first warp prism full of sentries, often encourages a push from the Terran. If you spot an incoming attack after losing your second prism + colossus, chrono out a replacement but don't rebuild the warp prism. If no attack is incoming, continue with the chargelot/HT/archon/immortal composition.
Misread: They bunker the nat, but don't actually expo: If you've kept your first stalker alive and just outside of their base, you should be able to react and deal with a rax pressure. If they're going cloak banshee behind their nat bunker, chrono out an observer, warp in a stalker and position your sentries to defend. You may choose to cancel or keep your robo bay, depending on how you defend 1/1/1s (the most likely follow up to fast cloak banshee). Continue with your sentry drop in this scenario and do as much damage as possible before returning to your base.
Overextension: Your second warp prism dies with a colossus: Not nearly as severe as losing your first warp prism full of sentries, often encourages a push from the Terran. If you spot an incoming attack after losing your second prism + colossus, chrono out a replacement but don't rebuild the warp prism. If no attack is incoming, continue with the chargelot/HT/archon/immortal composition.
Misread: They bunker the nat, but don't actually expo: If you've kept your first stalker alive and just outside of their base, you should be able to react and deal with a rax pressure. If they're going cloak banshee behind their nat bunker, chrono out an observer, warp in a stalker and position your sentries to defend. You may choose to cancel or keep your robo bay, depending on how you defend 1/1/1s (the most likely follow up to fast cloak banshee). Continue with your sentry drop in this scenario and do as much damage as possible before returning to your base.
Useful Facts
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Speed prisms move as fast as stimmed marines
Slow prisms have 0.25 more move speed than unstimmed marines
Sentries attack in pulses, each pulse lasting ~1 second.
It takes 2 pulses from 4 unupgraded sentries to kill an SCV.
It takes 3 pulses from 4 sentries to kill a MULE.
Slow prisms have 0.25 more move speed than unstimmed marines
Sentries attack in pulses, each pulse lasting ~1 second.
It takes 2 pulses from 4 unupgraded sentries to kill an SCV.
It takes 3 pulses from 4 sentries to kill a MULE.
Ideal Maps
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Maps with a lot of room around the main mineral line are ideal.
Good Examples: Shakuras Plateau, Tal'Darim Altar, Shattered Temple, Antiga Shipyard.
Bad Examples: Xel'Naga Caverns, Entombed Valley, Metalopolis in certain positions.
Good Examples: Shakuras Plateau, Tal'Darim Altar, Shattered Temple, Antiga Shipyard.
Bad Examples: Xel'Naga Caverns, Entombed Valley, Metalopolis in certain positions.
Replays and VODs
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More replays + replay descriptions to come! Currently away from my main computer + all of its replays...
Ladder Session (All PvT against danP, Moosy, FXOStrelok, and Christhorpher) Games against danP, Moosy, and Strelok go well but the game against Christhorpher gets really ugly. He kind of throws the game after gaining a decent advantage, but it still takes a lot from me to pull out the win. My macro abilities have receded a bit as well, but it seems like the build is still somewhat viable.
Vod: at 0:01:05, 0:20:45, 0:32:50, and 0:56:40 respectively.
Win VS aiRAbsolute: Holding early marine tank SCV all-in.
Win VS Ewic: Holding 1-1-1. After scouting no gas, I see no expo and no marine at the top of his ramp and abort the build. Initially I suspect a 2 rax SCV all-in and respond with a could-be 5 stalker rush. I abort that build as well, as his 2 rax never comes. Then, I suspect a hellion drop when his expo is still not at his nat. I position my units out and get an observer out in time for a cloak banshee.
Win VS coLdrewbie: Emphasis on transition. Drewbie goes for a 1 rax expo into 5 rax. He pressures with his 5 rax so I keep my sentries in my base. Drewbie overextends into my colossus, then I overextend. As I begin to colo harass, drewbie gets out 2 vikings and kills my warp prism. Continuing viking production afterwards, he has 5 not-so-useful vikings and no map control. I take a faster third and just have more stuff.
Loss VS EGDeMusliM: Closest thing I have to a proof of concept. Everything goes wrong in this game while I simultaneously disgust and perplex DeMusliM, with emphasis on the former. I lose my initial warp prism with all sentries, lose a bunch of workers to a drop, but I still come out in a decent (but definitely not favorable) position for most of the game. I end up dropping before the game ends, but DeMusliM offers valuable replay analysis from a Terran's perspective at the end of the VOD.
VODs: at ~2:59:00 to end of VOD and beginning of
Win VS DaSakura: In this game on Antiga, my execution was a bit off, but everything turns out just about the same. I scout DaSakura last, so I assume that she FE'd when I scout her marines + bunker in front of her natural. She actually went 1 rax gasless FE into 4 rax, so I got lucky ^^. I get a decent worker lead with my sentry drop and do a fair bit of harassment with my colossus. DaSakura responds with a massive bio/medivac/stim counter, which I engage at a poor angle. Relatively good colossus micro saves me from the situation my awful macro puts me in.
Win VS Mug: A standard execution of this build on Antiga. Mug opens with a 1 rax expo into 3 rax. Despite seeing my robo and suspecting a drop, I manage to kill 5 SCVs. He also gets a very fast starport, which begins producing vikings as soon as he sees the colossus. I escape with my colossus and prism, but its out of position for the counter which he sends to my nat. After defending my nat, a faster third and hefty worker advantage wins me the game.
Win VS UMADIMSTYLIN: A standard execution of this build on Shattered. UMADIMSTYLIN goes for a 1 rax gasless FE into marine 5 rax. He attempts to counter after my sentry drop and has pure marine vs a colossus.
VOD: Starting at 7:50
Replay: Coming soon!
Win VS tGensulator: I overextend with my colossus in this game on Tal'Darim Altar. tGensulator goes for a 1 rax FE into 3 rax, and because of my mistake he gains an eventual 25 supply lead. All hope is not lost though, as imba protoss units and perhaps the unluckiest EMPs ever recorded help me win the game.
Loss VS Libre: Fail reaction. Despite suspecting a factory opening and seeing a late expo, I do my sentry drop. He hellion drops me, killing a ton of workers. From there, I can only watch as I lose the game

Win VS Lostcause: Showcases an ideal outcome from this build, as my drops do a fair amount of damage. Lostcause goes for a 1 rax gasless FE into 3 rax.
Replay: Coming Soon!
Win VS LunarPrime: Immortal defense on Cloud Kingdom. I scout a 2 rax (reactor and tech lab) by losing a stalker and switch to the immortal defense build. I then pressure + transition into a normal PvT macro game.
Win VS Hli: Misread. I scout a bunker at the natural but neglect to check the actual position of the CC. As such, I follow through with the sentry drop build. Hli goes a weird hellion run-by build while I sentry drop his main, and I come out ahead on the exchange.
Ask me questions via PM, on this thread, or at bnYamonkey.925 and I'll try to get back to you
