I recently played in the ICCup against STX Progamer (team STX SouL) and he approached me after the game because he saw I was European and thus spoke English (it is noteworthy to say that I'm a B Zerg and he was B+, I got beaten extremely hard). He asked me to post on TL because his English isn't sufficient. He can understand everything well enough though.
He recently moved to the US with his parents (his dad works there now and his mother is American), he will go to University in the states aswell. Due to him leaving Korea, he's been looking in to switching to SC2, and he's been playing for about a week now. His mechanics are pretty amazing but he needs a partner and/or coach (one or several) who can teach him timings, builds and observe his play.. coach him, in a nutshell.
Now, what he's looking for is a player who's at least Top 10 Master (a Zerg) on NA, EU or Korean ladder with very good knowledge of the game (no people who 2 base all-in every game, please).
If you're interested in helping this Korean prodigy improve, contact him on Skype (purenubble). Or in-game.
This is his post in the LF Partner thread.
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: STXProgamer.203
Race: Zerg
ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3376016/1/STXProgamer/
story: i zerg broodwar I move america need partner for learn sc2 unit i play not ladder yet so gold me not, i make game vs player master and win and lose i need coach/partner high master/gm zerg for learn game i am STX SouL Progamer please
i also have account europe ERASMUS.351 can play too europe thank/skype purenubble
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: STXProgamer.203
Race: Zerg
ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3376016/1/STXProgamer/
story: i zerg broodwar I move america need partner for learn sc2 unit i play not ladder yet so gold me not, i make game vs player master and win and lose i need coach/partner high master/gm zerg for learn game i am STX SouL Progamer please
i also have account europe ERASMUS.351 can play too europe thank/skype purenubble
NA ID: STXProgamer.203
Skype: Purnubble
My Skype: hitcher.im
Note that he gave me JulyZerg his phone number (after asking him for permission) and I personally confirmed his identity, there was some confusion earlier but I can guarantee you that's been cleared up.
Good luck and thank you all for your time!