United States23455 Posts
Questions, games with live viewers, and more! The debut episode.
The Games:DongRaeGu <Metalopolis> JaeRaeGu (Diamond Protoss) : DRG wears rubber gloves DongRaeGu <Shattered Temple> Veezy (Diamond Protoss): DRG uses chop sticks DongRaeGu <Antiga Shipyard> ZergJingJing (Master Zerg): DRG wears a cast! + Show Spoiler [DRG's Handicaps!] +NEXT WEEK: MARINEKINGPRIME
United States23455 Posts
What a spiffy set and nice sweater from Artosis.
artosis sounds super hyped, wolf sounds uninterested
Wolf seems kinda stiff....weird
Aww yeah John the Translator back on camera again.
Relying on John, thats a cop out DRG
John is looking handsome.
DRG should speak English more. He understands the questions.
United States23455 Posts
DRG understands questions, but speaks Korean.
Fionn, you sure set up the images kinda quick thar though :D XD
Aw, I thought he was refering to the string of Genius/DRG bulgogi pictures lol.
Yeah it is the same way with Polt. They understand plenty of English but it is just much easier to formulate answers in your native tongue.
Oh so they're going to do a bnet attack type thing where DRG plays random viewers as well. Could be interesting to see.
United States23455 Posts
"I heard you love Spain."
The girls in Spain are pretty.
I agree Spanish women are hot.
I'm just saying, the channel was "GSLOffTheRecord" apparently they don't know what spaces are D:
This feels kind of awkward, could be because it is the pilot. Am I the only one? Also does DRG understand English or does he know of the question ahead of time?
On February 03 2012 13:11 TheRPGAddict wrote: This feels kind of awkward, could be because it is the pilot. Am I the only one?
Yea, I think Wolf is nervous.
He is being very Akward.