The contest series is over. Unfortunately the contest was a complete disaster/failer due to lack of interest.
Only one entry was submitted by user Prillan.
He made an Sc2gears plugin ScoreScreenSave which automatically shows a dialog at the end of games where you can enter score screen data which are not available in the replays. You can do this later at any time too.
The plugin calculates the SQ (Spending Quotient) values of the players. You can also export the data.
You can download it here:
Recommended mirror #1:
By the contest rules the Bronze package is awarded to Prillan.
Today I launch a series of Sc2gears contests. There are multiple contest categories. Everyone can participate in any of them, even with multiple entries.
If you don't know what Sc2gears is: Sc2gears home page, Sc2gears thread
CATEGORIES (Categories are detailed below.)
1) Create a "How to use Sc2gears" video
2) Write an Sc2gears Manual
3) Create new Sc2gears Icon and Logo
4) Write a plugin for Sc2gears
12 winners will be awarded (3 in each category) with prizes worth a total of 100 USD offered by me:
1st place:
. . .
2nd place:
. . .
3rd place:
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If you don't know what Sc2gears Database is, check it out here: Sc2gears Database
February 29, 2012
-All entries have to be in English if it contains written or verbal text.
-All entries must be made with or refer to the latest version of Sc2gears (8.9 or newer), and you must use the English language in Sc2gears.
-By submitting your entry, you agree to publish your work on the Sc2gears home page or as part of the Sc2gears application. Credit will be given of course.
-If there is only 1 entry in a category, the Bronze package will be awarded; if there are only 2 entries, the Silver and the Bronze packages will be awarded.
-You can give away your prize to anyone if you do not want to use it.
-Entries must be sent to me via email (my email is on the About dialog inside Sc2gears)
CATEGORY #1: "How to use Sc2gears" video
Task: Create a "How to use Sc2gears" video starting with downloading and extracting Sc2gears, followed by setting it up. Show/explain the most common and useful features of Sc2gears and present most of the features in a logical order (the more the better).
-The video has to be provided as a file. It will be uploaded to YouTube by me (to avoid potential abuse), but credit will be given of course.
-Use HD quality if possible.
-Talk during the video, explain what happens or why you do this and that.
CATEGORY #2: Sc2gears Manual
Task: Write a Manual for Sc2gears. Describe how to set it up, what the different settings mean, how to use it, describe its features etc.
-Both a PDF and an HTML version is desirable (PDF to download, HTML to host it online or browse inside Sc2gears).
CATEGORY #3: New Sc2gears Icon and Logo
Task: Create images for Sc2gears.
The following images are required:
-Application EXE icon (ICO file containing the icon in multiple sizes 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 16x16)
-Application Window icon (PNG file in size of 64x64, should be the same picture as the application exe icon)
-Favicon for the Sc2gears Database web interface (ICO file in size of 16x16, should be the same picture as the application exe icon)
-Animated GIF logo for the about dialog inside Sc2gears (Help menu => About)
-Logo image for the Sc2gears home page (should be similar to the About dialog Logo, but in PNG format - no animation)
-The Logo for the Sc2gears home page cannot be higher than 48 pixels, width should be around 350 (but can be wider/smaller).
-The Animated GIF logo can be basically any size (should be no smaller than 350x48 pixels).
-Use transparent images in all cases (alpha channel).
CATEGORY #4: Plugin for Sc2gears
Task: Create a plugin for Sc2gears.
-You have to use the Plugin API 2.7 (and you're not allowed to use deprecated stuff...)
-You can choose what is the purpose of the plugin, it can be fun, interesting, useful...
-Try to keep the size of the plugin small (e.g. do not use big external libraries/jars).
-Must be a stable plugin, cannot cause system instability or failures.
-Source code release is a plus.
More about the plugin interface: Plugin interface
Rules and requirements might change slightly. If you have any questions, suggestions, please post them.