Hi TL, I am a diamond level zerg player. I had my stream posted on TL since late October this year. But school work is keeping me from streaming. Now I got a little break, and I got a bronze account and want to ladder it up to diamond. So I decided to do a special set of stream just talking about mechanics and scouting and so you guys can see my play vs bronze to diamond players. I like this idea a lot because I think I can let lower league players see what is needed in various leagues. I will try to commentate a lot while playing in the lower leagues about mechanics and scouting, as I move up leagues and getting a little bit more serious, I will probably get back to the replay and analyze, just like what Artosis did.
I have a machine that can barely run starcraft 2 and stream at the same time, so the quality is not going to be super good (poor college kid). But, I will try to raise the quality of the stream by putting out good content. The VODs are going to be on my Youtube Channel as well, hopefully Xsplit don't fail on me :D
In the end, I want to let you know that this is happening from now till January 2, every day from 3pm to 12am. And hopefully I can get to diamond by then. If not I will keep streaming until I get up to diamond.
On December 27 2011 16:11 Greenishmilk wrote: Yay Zergies! i'm on about the same level as you as a Zerg, so ima come watch next time you stream! BTW what does your name mean?
my username is my actual name initials, the number is my birthday
On December 27 2011 16:11 Greenishmilk wrote: Yay Zergies! i'm on about the same level as you as a Zerg, so ima come watch next time you stream! BTW what does your name mean?
my username is my actual name initials, the number is my birthday
I am streaming right now, from the last two times streaming, I explained a lot about zerg macro mechanics, and today I will keep going, currently the account is playing against silver league players. Hope I will see you guys in the stream!
I am streaming again, I am now playing against some silver/gold league players, I will show you how to properly defend certain builds, and drone up and macro at the same time. Hope I see you guys on the stream!
I am streaming for two hours from now. I am trying to stream regularly from now on whenever I have time. More importantly I am going to stream my coaching session with SGGuitarmilk. He is going to teach me some sick tricks. I am planning to get coached by him every weekend for about 2-3 weeks. So make sure you stay tuned! Even tho you missed it, I will post it on my youtube channel.