I started a thread a little while ago about the lack of places for beginners to play, and here's one of the results. I think it will be really great, and I have to thank SC Fighting alot for all of their help, and I hope everyone here hangs out in the channel sometimes. A special message to my Clan )TL( friends: this doesn't mean our clan is over, its just that the hangout-find games function is changing places. Things will still progress with our clan as usual. Thanks everyone, and here's the official announcement:
Today I am pleased to announce the beginning of a new community for the less-skilled StarCraft players among us, brought to you by SCFighting.com .
SC Start is a community designed specifically for players who are lower in skill level, who have trouble finding a decent game due to the high level of skill required in online ladders and the high variability of skill in public games. Instead of a highly competitive ladder situation, users will rank themselves according to Excalibur’s Skill Evolution article (link in the forums), a numbered ranking system with which users can determine their own skill level.
If you are looking for a friendly environment where you can develop your abilities without having to bang your head against the wall of the higher skilled ladder systems, head to channel op SCS on the Europe server and check out the SC Start forum, the home of the community which is linked directly with the channel, at http://www.scfighting.com/Forum/phpBB2/ .
We look forward to seeing you online, good luck and have fun!
thanks! SC Fighting is working on the load time problem as we speak, so that should be fixed soon. Just head to the channel, op scs, and start playing. The most important thing is that we all just hang out and play, everything else is secondary at this point
Just so you all know, the ranking system we're using can be found here: http://www.scfighting.com/articles/skillevolution.php . I think the key will be that people reevaluate their rankings based on how well they do against people of a similar rank. If you think you're a 3, play a few games. If you win them all, try moving up to a 4. We've had alot of people in and out throughout the night, thanks for everyone participating so far.