Vulnerability to Splash: Hounds: Low because large footprint auto-spreads the units over a large area Marauders: High due to small footrpint and is vulnerable to storm and colossi
Extra Abilities: Marauders - Stim, slow Hounds: ?
Build time: Marauders: 30s Hounds: ?
Weaknesses: Marauders: Can't attack air Hounds: ?
Production Buildings: Marauders: Barracks + tech lab = 65s + 25s or 100m + 50m/25g Hounds: Factory (? + tech lab) = at least 60s or 150m/100g
So granted some stats are missing...but I think it is safe to say protoss no longer have to worry about facing marauder medivac anymore
For the record the battle went like this. 8 stalkers + 2 colossi faced 8 hounds. The hounds won the battle and didn't have a single casualty. Most curious...
We all need to relax until beta. I saw shredders do 20 aoe dps per second sustained. If I thought that that was going to be released as is I'd be freaking out.
All numbers posted (even if they have a question mark) I got from somewhere else.
The only major question mark is their unit cost. But if they do better damage than a marauder (because of the cooldown and same amount of delivered damage) and their hp is 260 to the rauders 125, then they can still be quite a bit more cost effective than the marauder, yet cost more than 100/25. (and this doesn't even factor in their splash resistance nor the cost of starports/vikings/medivacs that marauders need)
They'll probably be 3 or 4 supply, build time is unknown, and uhh, protoss has more units than just stalker colossus btw so there's no real way to know how they'll fit into actual gameplay.
I have a feeling that mech play is going to be incredibly strong. You have firebat in mech form and thors on a diet that can be backed up by tanks. Besides the issue of healing I see low drawback. If thors were gay before, now you have thor with mobility.
I hope you guys are aware the stats are most likely to change as stated by Blizzard. Discussion of unit's stats seem meaningless right now. You should more look at the utility and function of each units, not the numbers which will no doubt change.