This is for gold-diamond ranked NA server This was on the strat forum but got taken down do to misplacement we already have about 30 guys and 15 in the channel regularly anyways on to the good stuff -==-=-=-=
As you may have seen another post on here about a practice group I really like this idea but am starting to think it is getting overwhelmed with too many people signing up I was very interested in this but haven't gotten any replies from the author (not saying it wont happen)
But if you guys are interested in making a group and have a mic (sense of humor) and a good attitude then p.m. me on here and we will start making it first thing is to make an in game chat channel which i will give out to people who are interested.
This is mainly to get better and to feed off each other but to also have fun play some 2's or 3's just to enjoy the game but mostly for practice just fyi.
So like I said if you are interested have a working mic then join our in game channel ventrilo info- gold.typefrag.com port= 38813
The In-Game Channel where we all meet up and swap info's is called "Practice Lounge" Get used to joining this channel when you log in.
Also get ventrilo
looking forward to any responses..
15-20 gold to diamond players at practice last night in the chat channel "Practice Lounge" and in the vent. join up for some help
What time do you guys usually join up with one another or does it just kind of happen sporadically?
There are normally people in the channel at all hours except maybe the really late hours of weeknights. I had to buy more slots for my ventrilo server if that says anything about the activity. So far I have met more practice partners within the first hour than I have ever on the practice partner thread.
This sounds awesome I'll check it out tonight.
Hey you guys might wanna team up with the channel "Game Time" which is also very popular for Dia/Masters players, just a tip! :D GL, I'll try to check it out osme time!
That sounds sweet. I will for sure look into it.
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I'll be on tonight for sure. Are most of you running on PST, EST, or CST?
its pretty spread out atm tbh
Alright guys we have new vent and gourp channel please message me for details
I'd like to participate... what's the information?
On September 10 2011 06:05 Catchafire2000 wrote: I'd like to participate... what's the information?
in the first post herp derp
Info updated still 10 spots left
Is there a spot left? If there is I would like to join. I'm a Gold Zerg, OrcA.802
I'm interested. Mid-High Diamond. Vaporeon.196
Diamond, I want to join, but my english is poor, is that a problem? hotsuma.784