I would like MBC to play Jaehoon/Tyson/Sea so that we actually have a chance to win this match and proceed to the next round. If not, this might be the last MBC match fans will ever watch.
On August 08 2011 17:26 Ideas wrote: can CJ use effort in this league>? that'd be pretty interesting if they could...
Nope. The earliest you'll see him is probably next Proleague and OSL season.
And lol I got freaked out by the polls too
I think that today will be a rookie fest, so I hope to see MBC's rookies finally living up to their hype~
are you sure?
because I don't really see whats holding him back other than the roster list which I'm pretty sure hasn't been released for this month.
I'm not 100% sure, but iirc, I think that KeSPA will allow him to regain his progamer license around the end of August, and the 27th is the STX Cup finals, so I don't really see him be able to participate this month. I guess there's a sliiiiight chance if he gets his license back early or something, but I wouldn't really count on it.