Hi everyone,
Im a high diamond Zerg on NA server on the brink of getting to masters. Ive really enjoyed watching other people's streams the last 6 months so I wanted to contribute any little thing I can to the SC2 community. I will be talking about strategies during the game and any analysis after for viewers and chat room participants. I love helping out lower level players so feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to answer live on stream, in the chatrooms, or in this thread.
I stream my coaching sessions with EGMachine and vVvTitan Mon/Wed nights so be sure to catch them since they are really great and always have something new to teach me.
Here are some links: Stream - http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/ChanmanV Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/chanmanv
whoo hoo! Finally got my Justin TV stream linked to TL! Gonna stream some SC2 ladder and maybe some starjeweled tonight.
No session with EGMachine this week. He's at Dreamhack so can't do it. But Wednesday with vVvTitan is still on.
The session today with vVvTitan is postponed until tomorrow night 11pmEST. So come check it out tomorrow for some good tips.
Let me know if there's anything you would like to see me add to the stream. Im open to suggestions.
I could .. but might get stalked for my adonis-like build.
Check out the vods on my justin.tv site to catch the sessions with vVvTitan this week. It was a good session .. learned alot as always!
Coaching session with EGMachine tonight at Midnight EST. Always great advice and tips from EGMachine so come check it it out!
very good stream =D enjoyable commentary
Holy cow watch this guy, super mannered and friendly commentary and his coaching sessions with machine and titan are both well organized and informative. Yeah he's not high masters like bitter is but for anyone still starting out as zerg there is learning to be had. Help this guy help the community by tuning in and turning this into another successful stream for sc2 learning!
+ Show Spoiler +may include fail baneling busts
Man, ChanmanV is the bees knees! lol Good friendly games. Lovely explanations for his builds and if your lucky and your good maybe a few practice games with the man ChanmanV! Hope to catch you in his chat ;P
Coaching session with EGMachine midnight EST tonight. It's gonna be very ZvP centric with some analysis of some of my ladder replays and then hopefully a game or 2 at the end so we can really hash out the builds. At the end viewers will have a quick Q&A with EGMachine so come check it out and enjoy!
Haha Orca .. u just had to add that banes comment didn't you! It's true though .. Im a sucker for bane busting ZvT. ;(
Ugh .. got placed in diamond after a build order loss ZvZ in placement. ;(