Banner thanks to prototype.
Lineup by Lightwhip
also thanks to GTR or swanized and disciple and anyone else I copypasta'ed from <3 <3 <3
if you should be mentioned just PM and I mention you <3 <3 <3
Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 13:00, Channel MBC
MBCGame HERO vs WeMade FOX
Spoiler Free
+ Show Spoiler +
Set 1: + Show Spoiler +
Set 2: + Show Spoiler +
Set 3: + Show Spoiler +
Set 4: + Show Spoiler +
Set 5: + Show Spoiler +
Set 6: + Show Spoiler +
Set 7: + Show Spoiler +
< La Mancha >
+ Show Spoiler +
Set 1: Tyson < New Bloody Ridge > Pure
Set 2: Jaehoon < Circuit Breaker > Midas
Set 3: Sea < New Empire of the Sun > Mind
Set 4: ZerG[kaL] [< Icarus > herO[jOin]
Set 5: HyuN < Neo Aztec > Wooki
Set 6: Dream.t)check < Alternative > RorO
Set 7: < La Mancha >
Spoiler free
+ Show Spoiler +
Set 1: + Show Spoiler +
Set 2: + Show Spoiler +
Set 3: + Show Spoiler +
Set 4: + Show Spoiler +
Set 5: + Show Spoiler +
Set 6: + Show Spoiler +
Set 7: + Show Spoiler +
< La Mancha >
+ Show Spoiler +
Set 1: Tyson < New Bloody Ridge > Pure
Set 2: Jaehoon < Circuit Breaker > Midas
Set 3: Sea < New Empire of the Sun > Mind
Set 4: ZerG[kaL] [< Icarus > herO[jOin]
Set 5: HyuN < Neo Aztec > Wooki
Set 6: Dream.t)check < Alternative > RorO
Set 7: < La Mancha >
MBCGame HERO 2 - 4 WeMade FOX
Spoiler Free
+ Show Spoiler +
Set 1: Tyson < New Bloody Ridge > Wooki
Set 2: Sea < Circuit Breaker > Midas
Set 3: Tiny < New Empire of the Sun > BaBy
Set 4: HyuN < Icarus > RorO
Set 5: Jaehoon < Neo Aztec > Shine
Set 6: Saint < Alternative > Mind
Set 7: < La Mancha >