Team: Rocket Hawk
Studio: Black Box
Feedback would be appreciated

Making A Video Game: Part 3
Making a video game has been my life's dream but it takes many steps to get there. The most important part was having chemistry. Being able to artists and programmers in a room and communicate with each other is like establishing contact with aliens. But if both are willing to listen then progress can be made.
Straight out of core we started seeing immediate results. Building our engine from the ground up was the grueling task that was initially set ahead of us. Our physics guys did a great job of tackling car physics and allowing us to drive through the level. But what did our level look like 2 months ago?
![[image loading]](
This was our game 3 days before core turn in.
See: Making A Video Game Part 1
Still, we moved on. The artists had all this amazing work done and we had to struggle to get it into the game. On top of that, our studio now requested we start getting animations working. We had one man in charge of exporting data and making sure it rendered in our game. And that same man had to export animations too! He was a beast, an unrelenting work machine. And through his rage was able to accomplish everything. Slowly, everything started to come together and the game was looking more and more exciting.
![[image loading]](
This was our level for alpha turn in.
See: Making A Video Game Part 2
So now we are in Beta! What is left? Well, we decided to implement shields, ice missiles, and a swinging wrecking ball. Along with those we needed to fully integrate Visual Effects. Then we decided to get in a group meeting to vote on a game play change. We decided to add gravity to our game. This means that jumping off the top floor to the bottom would now be possible. This addition allows the level to be bigger without resizing it and also allowed the cars more freedom to make decisions. Did I just say the cars make decisions? Yes! Our AI has become so developed at this point that it can even predict where you are moving and shoot at you with deadly accuracy.
So our level is finalized by the artists and all the effects are done. So one by one we start tagging them to object in our level, and before we know it the game looks and plays amazingly. On top of this, we have implemented 2 more game modes. We have become more excited then ever!
I'm proud to present to you: Fender Bender - Beta!
(skip to 1:30 to get the good times rollin)
OP's work on the game:
I was responsible for the HUD, Menus, SFX, Keep Away Mode, and AI. Note: Not all sounds are final.
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