1. Kate Upton
thought Kate Upton was just your average blonde SI Swimsuit model. then I saw this video
2. Julianna Barwick - Florine EP

Download it
Buy all her music
Julianna Barwick is a solo artist who makes immensely complex music using just her voice and a loop station. her songs are vast soundscapes that build as she adds layers of singing — layers upon layers upon layers that are each pleasant but together overwhelmingly beautiful. (the genre is "ambient" but her stuff is almost too powerful to label so.) close your eyes and concentrate on tracking each melody, or just get lost in the depth of her sound.
this EP Florine is Barwick's first release. she's followed it up with a LP The Magic Place, out last month and just as fantastic. a must-buy if you like the EP.
"Anjos", "Bode", and "Cloudbank" are my favorite tracks here.
in the vein of: Grouper, Sigur Rós, Enya (? nobody's making music quite like Barwick's, really)
See also:
http://www.juliannabarwick.com/ (check tour dates!)
The Magic Place streaming free, in its entirety, at NPR
Julianna performs live — watch her build a song
here she discusses her musicmaking a bit
3. a bit on shirting
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/S4y2l.png)
I am scrambling to put together a basic work-suitable ("business formal") wardrobe before my job this summer.
(what I think I will need. list mostly for my own reference)
+ Show Spoiler +
- grey suit. lightweight wool/wool-silk blend, so I can wear it year-round
- navy suit. same
- dark brown belt and shoes
- black belt and shoes (got AE weybridge cheap)
- presentable wristwatch. top choice, cheap alternative
- raincoat/trenchcoat and black umbrella
- galoshes. swims on my first paycheck
- briefcase/bag. a bit stumped here. will a Filson be too casual?
- around five nice simple ties. wtb 1 chocolate knit
- summer weight trousers, for the hottest days
- around five nice simple pocket squares
- dress socks. mostly navy some charcoal and black
- dress shirts. at least 2 white and 2 blue
ofc, that means several dress shirts. I've bought a few made-to-measure through Modern Tailor and am pretty satisfied (pic, shirt needs a pressing though). Modern Tailor has lots of options, excellent service (for example: they emailed me a photo of my first shirt before sending it out), and is very affordable ($19 on blue oxford if it's your first shirt, other good fabrics on sale at $40, and an extra 20% off (max $20 discount) your order available here).
here are some ultra basic pointers to keep in mind when shopping for and wearing dress shirts, whether custom made or off the rack.
- how casual the shirt is depends mostly on the collar and cuff. button-down collars are most casual, and can be worn with or without a tie. point, spread, and cutaway collars are more formal. imo these collars should always be worn with a tie and jacket (jacket at minimum. e.g.), because otherwise they tend to spread too wide or unevenly, and look terrible (like Owen Wilson's collar here — Adrien Brody's looks alright though). french cuffs are far more formal (cum pretentious; I'm steering clear as a low-level employee) than button cuffs, and I think rounded corners are a bit more casual than cut.
- note that the dude in the picture above (mostexerent.tumblr.com, a guy who really knows how to wear a shirt) is wearing a button-down shirt but has left the buttons unbuttoned. this is unorthodox but kind of cool I think — assuming your collar has the structure to support itself sans stays and you are wearing a jacket and tie.
- when trying on shirts you must gauge fit by wearing them with a jacket. so if you go shirt-shopping, bring along your best-fitting blazer. the two crucial areas are where your shirt is visible while you are wearing a jacket: the sleeves/cuff and the neck/collar/upper chest.
most important is how your shirt interacts with your jacket right below your face, when your jacket is buttoned. a few things to look for: (1) the points of your collar should be just long enough and just far apart enough that their outer edges fit comfortably under your lapels. I prefer cutaway and spread collars for this purpose. the only exception to this rule is if you are trying to make a statement with a point collar like this guy (but if you're dressing at that level you do not need to read these super basic tips here anyway). (2) the shirt should lay flat along your upper chest. if it's unpressed or too big around your chest you'll get wrinkles between your lapels that will make the area look too busy. (3) the collar should be high enough that it's a quarter to half inch above your jacket at the back of your neck. this is mostly about the fit of your jacket; just eyeball it. The above photo is all of these things done just right. here is my attempt with a "Cut Away Medium" collar shirt from Modern Tailor.
second most important is having an appropriate amount of shirt cuff extending from under the cuff of your jacket. getting this just right depends on the fit of the entire shirt and is difficult to do, but will make you look super sharp. (jacket sleeves longer than shirt sleeves is a doofy look that makes your suit jacket seem an overcoat.) when trying on a shirt, be sure that there is enough give in the sleeves that you can bend your elbow without the cuff riding up — if the cuff rides up it'll annoy the hell out of you by always getting caught too far up the sleeve of your jacket. here are some examples of proper shirt/jacket cuff length: 1 2 3. and my attempt - check to be sure that the sleeve of your shirt is beginning right at the edge of your shoulder. since American clothes are sized for fat weenies, if you're a young dude with fairly broad shoulders you need to be careful to avoid shirts with shoulder seams that will rest on top of your shoulder (too close to your neck). if shirts that accommodate your shoulders are too baggy around the waist, take them to a tailor and have them darted. it's a cheap, quick, and not risky alteration.
- your first dress shirts should be white and blue. goes with everything.
- if you are buying a m2m shirt, consider customizations you might not have the luxury of off the rack. for example: I got my left cuff .5 inches wider, to accommodate my watch.
- it is never acceptable to wear a dress shirt (cf. a casual button-up shirt, like a chambray work shirt or oxford) untucked.
- one thing I neglected when putting in my measurements at Modern Tailor: slimmer shirt sleeves require higher armholes. just be careful that you aren't pulling your shirt away from your body when you raise your arm.
See also:
http://propercloth.com/ another custom shirting site I've heard good things about
http://www.jhilburn.com/ same
Put This On: Work, nifty video on what to wear to work in general
Style and the Man, really simple and useful book that explains all the very basics of conventional American menswear
4. Muhammad Ali tribute
his boxing rivaled only by his trash talking (this video highlights both)
Last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick. I'm so mean I make medicine sick.
so sharp.
5. http://kathack.com/
6. http://chitwoodandhobbs.com/
Chitwood & Hobbs is a pretty cool little sports blog. it's fun to follow because it is as much about American pop culture and lore as players and games. for example: SDSU's crazy fans, the politics behind Moscow 1980's logo, Deion Sanders's prime time personality
another reason to read is to find out about before-your-time sports highlights, like this sick buzzer beater (ok and watch this again too, even though it's recent) (another worthwhile highlight — quick put your hat back on, balding Andy Roddick)
7. Burial - Street Halo 12''

Download it
Buy it
Burial released dubstep "album of the decade" Untrue in 2007 and then sort of disappeared. he's just now surprised fans with this three-song EP, which is right in the style of Untrue: chopped up pitch-shifted voice samples and atmospheric synths driven by lilting dark bass grind
fun fact: Burial went to the same London school as Four Tet (who he has done some great collabs with, see below) and Hot Chip
in the vein of: Four Tet, In Rainbows Radiohead, James Blake, Nosaj Thing
See also:
"Moth", the better (phenomenally good) half of Burial's 2009 12'' with Four Tet
"Mirror", a taste of his more recent collaboration with Four Tet and Thom Yorke
8. mini social experiment: "rape" at TL
the SC community suffers from this terrible male culture. I am talking about both
- pervasive overt hostility towards women: they're "attention whores" and anyone who disagrees is a foolish "white knight", they shouldn't have their own events, they're fat, they are actually masquerading men; and
- (much more subtle) a "bro" atmosphere that makes it really difficult for most women to feel comfortable: questions about their underwear on a community podcast, regular sex jokes even on official streams of the most "professional" SC2 events ("69 lolololol"), "tits or GTFO", inappropriate advances from dumb and unsocialized male fans.
(this PM doesn't come from me in my capacity as a mod or anything.)
I just wanted to point out that you might want to reconsider using the word "rape" in this context. the word's just harsh and extremely loaded, and it can be easily substituted out for something that doesn't conjure images of a heinous crime. plus if you never use "rape" like this again, I guarantee you will come off as more intelligent and conscientious.
just a thought! happy posting!
I just wanted to point out that you might want to reconsider using the word "rape" in this context. the word's just harsh and extremely loaded, and it can be easily substituted out for something that doesn't conjure images of a heinous crime. plus if you never use "rape" like this again, I guarantee you will come off as more intelligent and conscientious.
just a thought! happy posting!
the tone is probably too condescending (tbh I find it difficult to respect someone who casually uses "rape" to describe a video game battle) but it gets the point across. Now about how TLers responded.
I expected most posters to tell me to fuck off, but it turns out that something like 95% of people throwing around "rape" at TL are just lazy inconsiderates who aren't at all attached to the word. most responses were really cool and went something like these:
Thanks for the well-mannered and thoughtful PM. I'll think twice next time. On average the TL community is extremely high quality compared to your average forum filled with trolls and jerkoffs, and I appreciate your effort.
its gotten to be a habit but I'll try to avoid using that anymore didnt mean to offend people
(ok so this guy might be missing the point a little bit — the word isn't overtly offensive)
Glancing at the post, you're definitely right. I'll substitute the word for something else in the future.
Ya... sorry about that. I had like a 10 lose streak against Terrans and in my sort of rage post I got a bit carried away >_>
The few posters who objected to my PM complained that misusing "rape" doesn't actually give off an inconsiderate moron vibe, or that they don't care if it does:
The ability to speak or write in text so as to not offend or provoke others do not make anyone more intelligent.
meeh, you put effort in your pm so out of respect for your time invested to tell me to sensor my use of the word rape I have edited the linked post to be more pg13.
meeh, you put effort in your pm so out of respect for your time invested to tell me to sensor my use of the word rape I have edited the linked post to be more pg13.
I couldn't really care less about sounding smart or not.
If my language offended you i'm sorry.
If my language offended you i'm sorry.
I only got into any sort of discussion with one respondent. I was sort of pigeonholed by that one condescending sentence in my initial PM, and didn't argue effectively at all. actually I presented my position terribly. but it'd be unfair to pick the argument back up in public so I'll just paste our conversation here. I think it got a little interesting because he kept working in his age:
+ Show Spoiler [PM convo] +
Original Message From -----:
I'll keep it in mind. I'm sure you know it's a pretty common word to describe games where one player comes off as very outplayed, and I hope you know that's the only context I would ever feel comfortable using the word.
Really appreciate all the work you mods do.
I'm sure you can look at my profile and see my age though, so there's really no need to give me a guarantee as to what behavior will make me come off in what way... It comes off as a little condescending to be honest, we're all adults here.
Original Message From JWD:
oh I'm completely aware my PM is condescending. that's a product of the point I'm trying to make here: by using the word "rape" inappropriately, you're giving me (and whoever else might read your posts) a basis to treat you condescendingly — a high ground. why give that high ground?
and further I think it is necessary (well, necessary is such a strong word — but certainly important to the point I'm trying to make here) to guarantee that not continuing to use "rape" this way will make you seem smarter. that's a major reason I don't use the word...and I thought it was a good idea to present some reason why a purely amoral and self-interested person would avoid it. on online forums you are (unfortunately?) the words you use.
and above all, like I said in my first PM, this is just a thought. if you truly believe that "rape" is the all-things-considered best word to describe one player outplaying another, then by all means continue to use it!
Original Message From -----:
It's probably safer to just look at the age of someone, and then think to yourself: "Hm... Is this guy old enough to realize the consequences of his actions?" before you start teaching them about how the internet works.
I'm more than willing to get in line, and I love teamliquid, but your attitude bothers me for obvious reasons. You should be more friendly.
Original Message From JWD:
I'm trying to be as friendly as possible, so I'm sort of sad to read that
I'm really sorry that I have come off as hostile.
I am definitely not trying to teach you how the internet works; rather, from the tone of your PMs I would guess that you're more an expert than I am. and I don't think this is about "getting in line" at all, both because I'm taking a minority position at TL and because I'm not arguing that you should do anything simply to conform.
it's precisely because you can understand the consequences of your actions that I think it's worthwhile having this conversation!
Hey man, I appreciate the apology. Let me finally reply with just a thought of my own: If you wanna come off less hostile and annoying, in the future don't send deliberately condescending messages!
I'll keep it in mind. I'm sure you know it's a pretty common word to describe games where one player comes off as very outplayed, and I hope you know that's the only context I would ever feel comfortable using the word.
Really appreciate all the work you mods do.
I'm sure you can look at my profile and see my age though, so there's really no need to give me a guarantee as to what behavior will make me come off in what way... It comes off as a little condescending to be honest, we're all adults here.
Original Message From JWD:
oh I'm completely aware my PM is condescending. that's a product of the point I'm trying to make here: by using the word "rape" inappropriately, you're giving me (and whoever else might read your posts) a basis to treat you condescendingly — a high ground. why give that high ground?
and further I think it is necessary (well, necessary is such a strong word — but certainly important to the point I'm trying to make here) to guarantee that not continuing to use "rape" this way will make you seem smarter. that's a major reason I don't use the word...and I thought it was a good idea to present some reason why a purely amoral and self-interested person would avoid it. on online forums you are (unfortunately?) the words you use.
and above all, like I said in my first PM, this is just a thought. if you truly believe that "rape" is the all-things-considered best word to describe one player outplaying another, then by all means continue to use it!
Original Message From -----:
It's probably safer to just look at the age of someone, and then think to yourself: "Hm... Is this guy old enough to realize the consequences of his actions?" before you start teaching them about how the internet works.
I'm more than willing to get in line, and I love teamliquid, but your attitude bothers me for obvious reasons. You should be more friendly.
Original Message From JWD:
I'm trying to be as friendly as possible, so I'm sort of sad to read that

I am definitely not trying to teach you how the internet works; rather, from the tone of your PMs I would guess that you're more an expert than I am. and I don't think this is about "getting in line" at all, both because I'm taking a minority position at TL and because I'm not arguing that you should do anything simply to conform.
it's precisely because you can understand the consequences of your actions that I think it's worthwhile having this conversation!
Hey man, I appreciate the apology. Let me finally reply with just a thought of my own: If you wanna come off less hostile and annoying, in the future don't send deliberately condescending messages!
what I learned through this PM party is that "you will sound smarter and more considerate if you do not misuse 'rape'" is a hard sell and I probably should've instead just tried to convince that avoiding the word will make TL feel like a nicer more welcoming place.
so: if you're in that majority of posters who simply doesn't think about his word choice, please think harder! consider whether your female friends/mother/sisters would be drawn in by a bunch of dudes that talk like you post.
+ Show Spoiler [just a few alternatives] +
wipe out
10. potpourri
+ Show Spoiler [you will never be younger] +
yeah I am dumping a ton of shit in here this time out, since it's been a while
![[image loading]](http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj6qdamPnA1qbxo6jo1_500.jpg)
related: http://www.reelizer.com/
![[image loading]](http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljck4yWUyd1qzowwuo1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj7pxnaJCn1qznrwro1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lig28vJGmn1qz7lxdo1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/pool.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.dantaguestudio.com/files/gimgs/8_40--the-end-is-near.jpg)
Grimes is a next-level qt. who knew? and this song (a new one of hers) is super super good
see, you don't have to dress like an idiot if you skate
![[image loading]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_limp076avO1qdu4dpo1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhyzq4BA9Z1qf65f3o1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhxoilonVF1qd8ysoo1_500.jpg)
"clothing in a basket": a beautiful gem of a Loveline call
![[image loading]](http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lisemccm2X1qz7lxdo1_500.gif)
this is soooooo well done
more cool Mario shit
![[image loading]](http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lig2k4SgtV1qz7lxdo1_500.jpg)
if you like love stories, or breakup stories
![[image loading]](http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj6qdamPnA1qbxo6jo1_500.jpg)
related: http://www.reelizer.com/
![[image loading]](http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljck4yWUyd1qzowwuo1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj7pxnaJCn1qznrwro1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lig28vJGmn1qz7lxdo1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/pool.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.dantaguestudio.com/files/gimgs/8_40--the-end-is-near.jpg)
Grimes is a next-level qt. who knew? and this song (a new one of hers) is super super good
see, you don't have to dress like an idiot if you skate
![[image loading]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_limp076avO1qdu4dpo1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhyzq4BA9Z1qf65f3o1_500.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhxoilonVF1qd8ysoo1_500.jpg)
"clothing in a basket": a beautiful gem of a Loveline call
![[image loading]](http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lisemccm2X1qz7lxdo1_500.gif)
this is soooooo well done
more cool Mario shit
![[image loading]](http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lig2k4SgtV1qz7lxdo1_500.jpg)
if you like love stories, or breakup stories
BONUS! 11. http://thereisnogrey.com/
this is just my personal blog, where I post music I am digging and terrible photos I take with my phone. I mention it because in coming months I will not have the time to write many of these posts at TL, and so you might refer to it if you're looking for something to listen to.
ok so not the best BONUS!, but including it makes me feel less guilty about not keeping this blog series regular
BONUS! 12. phantom of the floppera
See also:
the stupid orchestra
big ideas: don't get any (takes off at 1:30)