![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zu5iw.jpg)
Time: Thursday, Apr 07 12:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
NrGDde will be battling coLRyze in a epic Bo7 TvZ for $50! Why do I say epic? Because we will be using both MLG Maps and some of the larger GSL Maps to ensure great games all around!
Ok so the maps are great but who the heck are the players?
+ Show Spoiler +
Dde is a Canadian Terran player on team Sixjax_Gaming which is apart of SixjaxGaming. Dde was previously known as Tidy; a B+/A- Protoss player back in the Brood war days. Very solid player with very impressive multitasking skills. Back when I was chain casting tournaments every day of the week; I recall Dde taking atleast 5 within a 7 day span.
+ Show Spoiler +
Ryze is a NA Zerg Player on Complexity Gaming, the very same clan who picked up Cruncher; the Gracken slayer. Why is this relevant? Because the Gracken Slayer himself credited Ryze for being such a great practice partner. I personally haven't seen to many of his games but the ones I did see were spectacular.
Format and Rules:
Best of 7 series, map pool as seen below. Prior to the tournament each player will get the ability to veto a map. The starting map will be on MLG Metalopolis and if that gets veto'd it will move to Shattered Temple. If a disconnect occours admins will make a decision if it is a regame or replay. If multiple disconnects occour or obvious ISP/B.Net issues arise both admins and players will be consulted to decide on how it will be handled. The winner will recieve $50 via paypal immediately after the event. The Map Pool is below and subject to change if there are any valid complaints; from either players or viewers.
+ Show Spoiler [Map Pool] +
MLG Metalopolis
MLG Scrap Station
MLG Shakuras Plateau
MLG Shattered Temple
MLG Xel'Naga Caverns
MLG ICup Testbug
MLG GSL Crossfire SE
Tal'Darim Alter
Terminus Re
Casted by Ipp
Live Stream: http://justin.tv/RageQuitTV
VODs: http://YouTube.com/RageQuitTV
Time: Thursday, Apr 07 12:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
All replay files will be uploaded to http://Star2.org within 24 hours.
Sponsored by Justin.TV
EDIT: Unfortunately, there is a bug which prevents users from switching quality levels when a delay is implemented. JTV is aware of this bug and fixing it; this cast will have no delay, hopefully we can get it working in the near future