he expands behind it, i can't really do any harrass because he goes thor heavy+turrets. i squash his first push, but seige+thor+bunker would probably hold any counter. i coulda harrassed the third, but i feel so scared against his two base mech macro so i kinda just sit back and expo. he makes a push for my third, but he puts me in a tough spot. i engaged stupidly out of frustration. then the game goes downhill.
just feels like i cant make any units vs mech heavy bio, especially with blueflame. he just doom pushes me, keeps me contained, and expos behind his attacks. EVEN if i crush his army, counter attacks don't matter. just frustrating. i have a two replays of similar builds.
please help!
general help on my gameplay/builds would be great too! im a high diamond zerg that can't hit masters.