Poll: Map to kick out of pooldelta (180) 59% scrap station (60) 20% slag pits (35) 11% backwater (10) 3% typhon peaks (10) 3% taldarim (4) 1% xel naga (2) 1% metal (2) 1% shakuras (2) 1% the shattered temple (1) 0% 306 total votes Your vote: Map to kick out of pool (Vote): scrap station (Vote): xel naga (Vote): backwater (Vote): delta (Vote): metal (Vote): shakuras (Vote): slag pits (Vote): taldarim (Vote): the shattered temple (Vote): typhon peaks
Now with new Shakuras and Taldarim, which maps are u looking forward to getting out of the map pool? Personally i feel there is too many maps on the ladder right now and could use a bit of changing. If you feel that a lot of maps are good please tell me why it is so. personally i think slag pits, delta should definitely go. maybe even scrap station
EDIT also if u were to remove one of the newer maps (cept slag pits which we can agree that is bad) which would you remove? I dont really like the new shakuras to be honest...
Poll: which new map to removebackwater (61) 78% typhon peaks (12) 15% shakuras (3) 4% taldarim (2) 3% 78 total votes Your vote: which new map to remove (Vote): shakuras (Vote): taldarim (Vote): backwater (Vote): typhon peaks
I'd rather they put in more of the GSL maps.
Delta quadrant. I only see play on this map if its still accidently in a tournament map pool and a Terran wants to abuse cliffs.
Delta, hands down. Slag I haven't really played much of to get a good judgement on. Scrap station I actually think is alright. It's the only really unique map (besides Taldarim being awesome) so I think it's alright being kept. I haven't played much recently, so I might be unaware of stuff that can/is hard to be done on scrap.
Delta almost seems like a relic of a map now, pretty out of date. I kind of hope Xel Naga never really leaves - just so we can always have a "classic" map lol.
xel naga is a great map in general. lol so many people hating on delta. why so much hate on scrap though??
Scrap station isn't terrible, but its going the way that steppes of war went in beta. Steppes used to be a good map until it got figured out, scrap station is that way.
Delta is terrible, I don't really need to justify it.
Slag Pits has such a short close distance rush that I think the map is fundamentally broken. Plus if this map was constrained to cross map only, the golds are the only non main/natural base. This map is not interesting cross map.
I vote Scrap, Delta, and Slag Pits. Only redeeming value to Backwater Gulch is that they changed the ramp to the natural to be easier to defend from both sides.
In order:
1)Slag Pits/Backwater tied
2)Crap Station
3)Typhon/Delta is tied
Too much crap. Can't vote on 1.
Also I didn't know BitByBitPrime made an account on TL, and I can't think of anyone who would downvote Tal`Darim over literally any other map in the pool.
delta,scrap and slag pits for me
i feel that backwater and typhon have a lot of potential. good rush distance yet easy to get expos make it balanced for both early game rush and macro games plus it isnt retarded like the no close positions on shakuras. takes a lot out of the game if no close positions and it is easier to cheese
lol, i've had DQ vetoed for so long i forgot it was still part of the map pool. Obviously it should be apparent what i would pick
Backwater for me is a much better map post 1.3 map changes. But Delta...who actually likes to play on that map that isn't Terran?
Delta is such a fucking terrible map I don't know why its still in the Map Pool while other similar maps were taken out.
Delta/Scrap/backwater are the 3 i most want out. All dumb maps. Would also like Slag pits with them. I would be a happy camper that way
I guess everyone agrees that shattered temple is a great map! delta is also good for blink stalkers... not just terran =.=
Why do some people dislike Typhon so much? It seems like one of the best Blizz maps.
Delta isn't in many tournament map pools. I think it's about time it gets taken out.
On March 24 2011 13:25 Spacekyod wrote: lol, i've had DQ vetoed for so long i forgot it was still part of the map pool. Obviously it should be apparent what i would pick
Same here. Haha.
I used to hate Backwater too but with the ramp change in 1.3 its not so bad now. Much easier to defend nat.
Still hate Slag Pit and Delta though.
I hate playing on Slag, DQ, and Backwater. Scrap isn't much fun either. I'd like to see them retire all 4 of those and put in Terminus/Crevasse/Crossfire.
delta, scrap, and maybe slag because close spawns are ridiculous. but if it were up to me id have only large maps lawl. taldarim to me is a blast to play on.