I am a protoss master league player. I was a well known protoss player with acc DkH.Wishmaster. Decided to make a casting related homepage, so if you are german speaking and interested in some quality casts of high level games check out:
Streaming live also at:
Stream is provided in 1280x720p quality with mid game graphic settings.
I regulary stream, but will keep you updated through twitter, whenever I stream:
Hope you like my play, intrested in any feedback - will check chat even while gaming, and discuss.
Blip TV Video archive as well as youtube channel: [url=http://www.wishmastor.blip.tv]http://www.wishmastor.blip.tv[/url] or my youtube channel: [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/WishmastorTV]http://www.youtube.com/user/WishmastorTV[/url]
If Mod reads this, please update Thread titel to: "German Casts: Wishmastor.com"
Remember me from like 2001 or so?

Nice to see you are back!
Hey yes i do =) Nice to see all the same guys around again!
Hopefully i get back to my old form in a while ^^
Hrm.. Protoss, Wishmaster, germany ? probably from Remscheid ? :D
Will watch if I see you are on :D
Edit : played as Tentacle at ScT, if you remember the times ScT is still around btw, still with Admi as boss and orga.
Haha nice to hear 
Please add me!
btw streaming again, but i guess some 2v2 platin league 
At 17:30 german time (1h:15min from now) I will start streaming a BO5 vs DkH.tank from old broodwar... known now as "Jester"
Matches will be PvZ all games, looser picks map... Viewers have fun
sorry had to delay it a bit ;P 17:30 we will start
Bit offtopic, but did you ever play DAoC on Log/Alb?
Dont even know what this should be, so answear is no
Thread updated, Idra vs Squirtle Vods linked.
Actually I decided to build a homepage for regulary updated quality strategy casts in german. There are 18 videos online already.
German speaking and interested in some quality casts?
Check out: http://www.wishmastor.com
Ho Maik :p An overlay with playernames + colors would make watching the stream a bit more comfortable... + it seems like you forget the names of the current players during the action, so it might help you too^^
Lars =)
PS: You should add your stream to the bw.de cast calender if you wanna reach more German listernes^^
Hey Wishmaster,
you seem to be a very friendly and chilled guy who just has a good time bringing starcraft games to other people. Very pleasent to me.  You relaxed casting style also is a nice diversion from other casters.
Keep up the good work
german protoss masterleague gamer plus caster :-) take and homerj are just terrans xD