Ready to watch JD get an all-kill!
Hopefully we have a streamer tonight /pray
Agavond gonna stream!!! Wohoo thanks so much
Wtb stream, anyone? :o
Hoping for some good Jaedong vs terrans!
It's kinda sad to see these BW matches get so little attention nowadays, especially considering that these streams and threads are being made last-minute and stuff.
Oh well. It is a late hour to be up and awake in the US...
Then again, a Jaedong AK after losing to Hydra in MSL would be quite refreshing. Probably as refreshing as watching Stork get his revenge against Fantasy in the post-OSL Proleague match. Hopefully, the Dong will not disappoint.
[edit] nvm about the streams question. Thanks Sins!
Too much TvT yesterday. Time for some TvZ... with Jaedong kicking ass :D
rank 2 to 5 in PL overall standings are tied at 15-11. lol.
as much as i'd like it to happen, i just can't see oz winning
Hahah i love this player condition thing. Never seen that before.
It's time for JD to have an allkill in this WL
Key players: Perfectman.
Not looking good
Sweet, i've been so bored with no SWL recently! What a great game for it to start up again with! :D
Edit: Upon looking at the calendar it seems I am a few days behind >.> Still what a great game for me to come back to! Go MBC go!
Killer vs Jaehoon it looks like.
Rofl, does that look like a key combo to anyone else?
Up, left right, down forward...
Thank you Sins!
I know what you're saying Gruv, the drought there was painful!