Description: Xeph's Progamer Streaming! This stream "officially" mirrors Korean Starcraft II progamers. Korean progamers don't stream in Korea, because it is too risky; other progamers can easily see his first-person-view and easily analyze the streamer. So please do not record this stream, progamers who stream with my channel is doing his special favor to Teamliquid. Please be nice to them.
Chat Room Commands: !who, !player, !help, !description, !faq
Chat Room Rules: 1. Read this post before you do something. 2. No racism, complaining about progamers, stupid questions, trolling.
Schedule: Stream usually starts at 22:00 KST or right after GSL events.
Notify: Follow me on or Twitter @xephstream to get notified.
Contact: Email: Skype: iamxeph IRC: Quakenet #xeph
Q: Who are you?
A: I'm Xeph. This is it.
Q: Are you Korean?
A: Yes
Q: Is this restream of stream?
A: Yes. It is. Precisely, this is mirroring.
Q: Where is the original stream? I want to see original stream.
A: It is on DaumPotPlayer, but you cannot watch that. It is unwatchable outside of Korea.
Q: Is this live?
A: Yes. It is live stream from progamers.
Q: Who else progamers are going to be streamed with your stream?
A: I don't know.
Q: Who is the player now?
A: Type !who or !player on the chat room.
Q: I want to do those !help, !description, !player, !who, !faq commands on my chat room. How can I?
A: It is simple mIRC scripts. Google will help you.
Q: What is that overlay you use?
A: Google will help you
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I just want to make some kinds of connections between Korea progamers and TeamLiquid.
Q: Do you upload replays?
A: Replays are not going to be presented to you.
Q: Where are VODs?
A: VODs are not going to be presented to you. It is too risky for progamers.
Q: Why VODs are risky to progamers?
A: Read the description above.
Q: Can I record your stream?
A: No. Read the description above.
Q: If this is risky to progamer, why do they stream?
A: They are doing this for TeamLiquid. A big favor.
Q: Why am I banned from the chat room?
A: I'm sure you didn't read this before you do something in the chat room.