Update september 2011: I no longer maintain an email list. This thread is the grassroots movement of Chicago SC2, but we moved to StarcraftChicago.com. Please create an account there to be kept up to date with Chicago-based events - they send a weekly newsletter.
We are still active on the FACEBOOK GROUP!
Stream for KOTH and other events - http://twitch.tv/chicagosc2
We meet at Ignite Network every GSL and GSTL finals, so feel free to show up there - 25% off if you're in a group of 8 or more - make sure you tell them that when you buy your hours!
************************ PAST EVENTS ************************** I stopped updating this a while ago + Show Spoiler +9/9 - Lan party & GSL viewing at Ignite Network July 29 - gsl finals viewing at Ignitenetwork http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=192491237473490If you want to organize something or want to publicize it in this thread, email me - gg_of_the_jungle at the yahoo. Friday, April 8 at 7:00pm - April 9 at 3:00am - Ignite (Chicago) 5$ buy-in tourney http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=209750RESULTS: www.challonge.com/igniteloser1Saturday, April 9, Lemont, IL 12:30pm - dawn http://www.gamestormgaming.com/pages/events/view_event.php?id=16Gamestorm Gaming Center(1056 State Street Lemont IL) Sunday, April 10, 1 PM - Game Pazzo tourney (Downers Grove, IL) http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=206859RESULTS: www.challonge.com/pazzoapril10March 24, LAN party(5 PM) at Ignite Networks March 18, LAN party(8PM) and GSL viewing(1 AM) at Ignite Networks http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=201457March 19, 1v1 tournament at Game Pazzo.(12:01 PM) Link to tournament rules: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=201034 ************************ END EVENTS ****************************
OLD INFO - MAY NOT BE VALID ANYMORE (no more emailing list, we moved to starcraftchicago.com) This thread is: The centralized location where the Chicagoland SC2 community organizes: 1) 1v1 tournaments (with/without prizes) 2) Casual games, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 - referred generally as "team games/LAN Parties" 3) GSL/GSTL/other tourneys viewings 4) Everything else - bars, outings, other games etc :D
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outdated - map of Chicagoland gamers
CLICK ME - SC2RANKS Chicagoland division (message me your bnet OR sc2ranks DIRECT LINK to add you, not your char code) Reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/gewws/chicago_land_starcraft_2_community/
SC2 Chat channel:chicago ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Myself: Nick&Id: jungleboy.966. Skill: Mid diamond. Fair APM. Terran main, noob toss and haven't touched zerg since sc1 Bnet/sc2ranksLink: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/354171/1/Jungleboy/ Loc&Host: Palatine. I may be able to host some weekends. Drive&PC: I can drive & carry my PC with me & carpool others. Email: (gg_of_the_jungle <[aa.aat]> yah oo doot coooom) Looking for: 1v1 and team games![/b]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [OUTDATED]Team games info & FAQ: + Show Spoiler +What skills do I need to have? Any skill is welcome (although higher than bronze would be nice). We will mix and match by skill so that the teams are balanced. I don't have a laptop nor a car; I only play on a PC at home, thus I can't carry it?. Post your location/transportation info; ask someone to carpool with you. I've carpooled people before; others will do it too. For 4v4s you need a good computer; otherwise come when we meet at Ignite. LOCATIONS: (Ignite Networks OR Game Pazzo OR your place). As long as there is enough parking, space for up to 8 people and their PC/laptops - incl chairs & tables, power outlets and internet outlets, any of these work: your garage/basement/dorm/apartment (I'm willing to do it in my basement once I know where I move), your school/ex-school (make it part of your videogames/computer club!), your office/church/backyard, any convention center, mall, shop, cafe, park, theater, hotel, club, brothel etc. <any ideas are welcome> YOUR APARTMENT IS NOT TOO SMALL! Give it a try - ONCE! - organize a meetup. You'd be surprised how well your small apartment could work out. Put a limit of 8 people that can show up. UIC has their own thing going on, but they're around for games & stuff. http://www.cstarleague.com/league/teams/126
************************ LAN CENTERS ************************** Ignite Network, 3171 Clybourn Ave, Chicago: + Show Spoiler + BEST DEAL: 25% OFF IF WE GO IN A GROUP OF 8 OR MORE!!! No BYOC - they have 32 PCs 3hrs = $12 ($4/hr) 6hrs = $23 ($3.83/hr) 9hrs = $30 ($3.33/hr) 13.5hrs = $42 ($3.11/hr) Bigger packages available too - under $3/hr!!! Address: 3171 clybourn ave (BELMONT&WESTERN) 773-404-7033 www.ignitenetwork.comwww.facebook.com/ignitenetwork GAME PAZZO, 2011 63rd Street, Downers Grove: + Show Spoiler +BEST DEAL: $12 all day Sun-Thu, $15 all day Fri-Sat They have 10 PCs, but you can BYOC (pricing to be established) 2011 63rd Street, Downers Grove, IL 60516 (METRA STATION 1.8 mi away) Downers Grove, IL www.gamepazzo.comSunday - 11am-7pm M-Th -12pm-10pm Friday - 12pm-1am Saturday - 11am-1am http://abclocal.go.com/wls/video?id=7999547 Gamestorm Gaming Center 1056 State Street Lemont Lemont, IL
i think a 1v1 tourney is necessary
Nick/Race: Beast/ Protoss Skill: Diamond Bnet ID/Link: Beast.756 Loc/Host: Itasca, IL my apartment is too small lol. Drive/PC: I can drive and bring my PC IM: MSN lonny456@hotmail.com
I'd like to see a 1v1 bracket also but this sounds pretty good! I failed on the other meetup cause of irl stuff but this would be pretty bad ass
Nick/Race: Thegilaboy/TGB, Protoss Skill: Diamond 1v1 Bnet ID/Link: Thegilaboy.572 Loc/Host: Chicago, Old Town area. Not able to host people in my condo Drive/PC: Have a PC to bring to location AIM: Thegilaboy Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=618355483
Would like to see some 1v1 action as well as team. If anything gets arranged I'll see if I can find some of my friends in the area to come with
Nick/Race: Volwrath/Zerg/Toss Skill: Plat Bnet ID/Link:Don't have sc on me right now don't know id =/ Loc/Host: I live in uptown Chicago (Aragon Area) Drive/PC: I can drive can't take the pc probably could carpool others though and have a friend who'd be intrested. IM: Aim Drcrazy783 also pm me on TL.
Also great thread.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure how much I can travel around the Chicago area (would probably need a lift, and that's assuming i'm able to go). I'm staying at my parents house for the break, but I'm not sure how Lan-friendly this environment is - and also I'm finishing up my final semester this spring at U of I (U-C), so obviously I won't be able to lan then :/. However, I would be up to practicing with you guys online or whatever I can do .
Nick/Race: Comeh - Main - Zerg / Offrace - Protoss Skill: mid diamond Bnet ID: Comeh.198 Loc/host: South West Suburbs - (Orland Park) Drive/PC: No car / but I guess I could carry my PC around IM: MSN - comeh@live.com , Aim (don't really use it anymore) completlydrainu
I could hopefully make one but I'm not sure. I'll post my info anyway though.
Nick/Race: Solid - Terran Skill: Silver lolz BNet ID: Solid 414 Loc/host: Evanston but can't host Drive/PC: Would get a ride from the fam and I have a laptop/ IM: AIM is SOLIDMarth. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/matthodak
Nick/Race: Zalfor - Random Skill: Diamond... (havent played since the game came out tho) BNet ID: Zalfor (dont know what number) Loc/host: The Loop Drive/PC: Anywhere CTA goes pretty much IM: AIM is Knightoflight2k
Nick/Race: Desu.436 / Random Skill: ~2400 diamond if I used my bonus pool so mid-diamond I guess? Bnet ID/Link: Desu.436 Loc/Host: Western Springs (SW suburbs), could host if/when I get faster internet Drive/PC: Anywhere in the Chicagoland area IM: AIM - ElHibernatingCow
To whomever lives in Evanston I could probably pick you up if you throw down for gas.
Are there even internet cafes around the Chicago area? I live in the suburbs, and I've seen places like ENC over near Old Orchard, the whole Screenz franchise it seems, Krakkaboom (which really didn't last long) just die...
Have I just been overlooking all of em?
On December 21 2010 17:40 Flanagan wrote: Are there even internet cafes around the Chicago area? I live in the suburbs, and I've seen places like ENC over near Old Orchard, the whole Screenz franchise it seems, Krakkaboom (which really didn't last long) just die...
Have I just been overlooking all of em? Ignites a major one
Nick/Race: Wiggles - Terran Skill: 2100 Diamond Bnet ID/Link: Wiggles.487 Loc/Host: UIC/Pilsen Area Drive/PC: I can drive/carry my PC IM: MSN- sc_fan_88@hotmail.com
I am looking to see if UIC can host this event. I will work with UIC this January to set something up for possibly February.
I am currently in the Collegiate Starleague for UIC, and we have a facebook group, you are all welcome to join and we do King of the Hill's and team games, etc.
On December 22 2010 02:01 Wiggles88 wrote:Nick/Race: Wiggles - Terran Skill: 2100 Diamond Bnet ID/Link: Wiggles.487 Loc/Host: UIC/Pilsen Area Drive/PC: I can drive/carry my PC IM: MSN- sc_fan_88@hotmail.com I am looking to see if UIC can host this event. I will work with UIC this January to set something up for possibly February. I am currently in the Collegiate Starleague for UIC, and we have a facebook group, you are all welcome to join and we do King of the Hill's and team games, etc. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/home.php?sk=group_109008809166288
Man I'm a grad student at UIC, but I didn't have enough time to play CSL competitively so I became a division admin instead! Would love to be able to just have the event at UIC, could go straight from my office to the LAN
Nick/Race: Uber - Random Skill: Scrubby Silver Bnet ID/Link: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1355641/1/Uber/ Uber.197 Loc/Host: Lincolnwood, but can't host Drive/PC: Northern chicago area works - I have a secondary gaming laptop I can take anywhere I need. IM: dragon1191 (AIM)
Nick/Race: Mickey/Protoss & Terran Skill: High Plat Bnet ID/Link: Mickey Loc/Host: West Lawn, Chicago. Can't host, live with rents and house is too small. Drive/PC: Anywhere in the Chicagoland area IM: Mickey PWNS You(AIM). Facebook
So im looking at the map of users. UIC seems to be centrally located to a majority of players which seems like it would be best.
Nick/Race: Saint/SilentRoar - Mainly Zerg Skill: High Gold/Low Plat Bnet ID/Link: SilentRoar.190 Loc/Host: Lake Zurich (way Northwest); can't host until April/May. Drive/PC: I'll drive anywhere and help shuttle people around. No laptop, but I can bring my rig. IM: Just Google, ben.g.schaefer XYZ gmail XYZ com
Nick/Race: nameless / played terran Skill: low diamond, not played since august/september. Getting a new laptop and extras soon as xmas for myself to occupy my free time with.. aka SC2  Bnet ID/Link: nameless.182 Loc/Host: Evanston/no. Economy apartment, poor grad student. Drive/PC: Can drive, also I have 2 laptops that can run SC2, 1 mac and 1 PC... should help for those with big rigs who can't/don't want to drive IM: SKYPE: nnelsonbsn. I only use that and FB chat.
On December 22 2010 16:23 NickNelson wrote:Nick/Race: nameless / played terran Skill: low diamond, not played since august/september. Getting a new laptop and extras soon as xmas for myself to occupy my free time with.. aka SC2  Bnet ID/Link: nameless.182 Loc/Host: Evanston/no. Economy apartment, poor grad student. Drive/PC: Can drive, also I have 2 laptops that can run SC2, 1 mac and 1 PC... should help for those with big rigs who can't/don't want to drive IM: SKYPE: nnelsonbsn. I only use that and FB chat. Ya i can't bring my rig