- How do you feel about your win? ▲ Because we’re teammates, we didn’t practice too much. Good thing I started practicing first though, which is probably why I won.
- How did you feel performing the ceremony after you won? ▲ The drum was really heavy, so I was worried about performing the ceremony. But I was really happy that I got to do it. When Jaedong hit the drum he seemed to be quite happy too, so the atmosphere at the match was really good.
-You played very well today. ▲ I’m filled with confidence even when I’m not playing. I don’t think I played particularly well; rather it was mainly that I had good luck. That one drop allowed me to penetrate his main, which propelled me to victory.
- Jaedong tried to use his mutalisks to contain you and then went for a timing rush. ▲ I had a large mnm force headed to his base so I thought that his mutalisks wouldn’t be able to harass my base, but I guess Jaedong didn’t see it and went to my main anyway. Because of this, I was able to find an opening.
- There was a lot of hype surrounding this match. ▲ I’m really happy people paid so much attention to this match. Because we’re teammates, no matter who wins, Hwaseung still wins, so I was very relaxed. I didn’t have too much pressure because this was supposed to be a fun match.
- If you make it to the round of 4, Free will fulfill any request that you have. ▲ I’m still 5 wins away from that, but I’ve come closer with this win. When I make it to the round of 4, I will make my request to Free through my winner’s interview. I’m sure he will keep the promise he made at the OSL group ceremony.
-Now all that’s left is for you to perform well in Proleague. ▲ I’m working very hard. Recently I’ve fixed my mindset, so it won’t be long before I return to my form from last year.
- Your next opponent is Hogil. ▲ Since my group is composed of 3 zergs, I only need to practice TvZ so there’s not too much pressure, but I need to make sure that I don’t lose focus. I’ll prepare well and advance to the round of 8.
- Any last words? ▲ I know that in official games, Jaedong has a losing record against his teammates, but I believe that he’ll win all of his remaining games and advance to the next round. I want to tell him, today we played a great match and I feel very happy.
Before the match, both players made a bet. If Jaedong lost, Hiya would perform a drum ceremony, because whenever Jaedong loses a match, people say “Jaedong네북,” which is a play on words, meaning a drum that everyone can beat. If Hiya lost, Jaedong would eat fish bread as a ceremony.
For those of you that missed the ceremony, you can watch here (courtesy of XsebT):
I know this was a couple of days ago but I saw it hadn't been translated yet so I thought I would since I think it's pretty funny. I didn't see the interviews for the other winners though.
On December 15 2010 08:52 mahrgell wrote: Is it possible to also translate the shine interview? It seemed to be quite amusing from the short part of it, that was posted here.
I don't think it was translated into Chinese and I can't really read Korean, but I found the interview on Fomos, ran it through google translator and tried to interpret it (I couldn't interpret some parts though, as indicated by the [?] and I probably made some mistakes.) There isn't really anything interesting that wasn't already translated in the other thread though.
- You won the first game in the round of 16. ▲ I'm very glad I was able to win the first game.
- You pulled off a risky all-in strategy. ▲ I was really nervous before the game, so I drank a lot of water, which made me need to use the bathroom as the game started. I decided to do the all-in rush on the spot. I all-in rushed the toilet too. (laugh) I'm worried about being nicknamed "Toilet Zerg" though. (laugh)
[?]- Shake-up all-despite the feeling of well-oiled. ▲ bathroom geuphaetjiman yeomboseong players that aim against the timing of the build will be a rush. Marine Barracks rush forward to it all-rush, pass through the membrane as a likely cause.[?]
- Recently you've had great momentum ▲ I've been on a winning streak lately, but I'm worried about our team record in PL. I'm disappointed that my record hasn't helped the team. Hopefully it can help the team rise in the rankings?
- Are you greedy for the chance to break some records with your winning streak? ▲ Not really, if I think about it, it'll affect my gameplay.
- You're on an eight game winning streak against Terran. ▲ I've been practicing the matchup diligently. It helps that our team has many good Terrans.
- You now have to play against your teammate Mind. ▲ I'm currently having good momentum, so I'm confident in both PL and OSL. [?] But now a panel to skip the microorganisms to be harder I would be worried that the situation becomes. But the grim game dont think there is jyeojul.[?]
- Last words? ▲ I want to thank the Terrans that helped me practice, especially Major-hyung.
10일, 용산 e스포츠 상설경기장에서 열린 박카스 스타리그 2010 16강 2회차에서 ‘태풍 저그’ 이영한(폭스)이 강력한 공격력을 앞세워 염보성(MBC게임)의 GG를 받아냈다.
다음은 이영한과의 일문일답
- 16강 첫 경기를 승리한 소감 ▲ 스타리그 16강 첫 출발이 좋아서 너무 기쁘다.
- 올인 러시가 대단했다. ▲ 아까 경기하기 전에 너무 긴장한 나머지 물을 많이 마셨는데 그래서 그런지 경기 시작 직전에 화장실이 너무 가고 싶어졌다. 준비한 것은 운영이었는데 화장실이 너무 급해서 올인 러시를 하게 됐다(웃음). 별명이 화장실 저그가 되는 게 아닌지 걱정 된다(웃음).
- 급조한 올인임에도 불구하고 잘 짜여져 있는 느낌이다. ▲ 사실 화장실도 급했지만 염보성 선수의 빌드 상대로 노릴 수 있는 타이밍 러시를 한 것이다. 전진 배럭 마린 러시를 잘 막은 것이 올인 러시를 통하게 한 원인이 된 것 같다.
- 최근 기세가 대단하다. ▲ 최근 연승을 해서 좋기는 한데 걱정되는 것은 팀의 프로리그 성적이다. 팀이 연승을 하지 못하고 있어서 아쉬운데 내 기세를 이용해 팀을 상위권으로 끌어올려야 할 것 같다.
- 최다 연승 기록 갱신이 욕심나지 않나 ▲ 딱히 그 부분은 생각하고 있지 않다. 연승 기록을 의식하게 되면 긴장하게 돼서 경기에 영향을 미칠 것 같다.
- 테란전이 벌써 8연승이다. ▲ 테란전은 특별히 더 노력하고 있다. 게다가 우리 팀의 테란들이 강해서 연습을 하다 보니 실력이 늘어난 것 같다.
- 이제 같은 팀 박성균과 경기를 해야 한다. ▲ 지금 기세 때문인지 스타리그 경기뿐만 아니라 앞으로 있을 경기에 모두 자신감이 넘친다. 다만 성균이가 지금 1패 중이라서 내가 이기면 힘들어지는 상황이 될 것 같아서 걱정이 된다. 그래도 승부는 냉혹한 거니까 져줄 생각은 없다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은 ▲ 연습을 도와준 테란, 특히 정우 형이 포인트를 많이 지적해줬다. 정말 고맙다는 말을 전하고 싶다.
Don't understand Hiya, he knockout SoulKey from OSL, then lost to MisO(who?), now he won vs Jae, and than lost to Calm, who lost every single ZvT in last half year.
- You pulled off a risky all-in strategy. ▲ I was really nervous before the game, so I drank a lot of water, which made me need to use the bathroom as the game started. I decided to do the all-in rush on the spot. I all-in rushed the toilet too. (laugh) I'm worried about being nicknamed "Toilet Zerg" though. (laugh)
This is so hilarious! A risky all-in???? ON THE TOILET!