United States2095 Posts
<3 all you guys thinking about me! (Talking about this Thread)
I'm now in FXOpen, and happy to be here. All of this talk about teams "buying" talent, its true in a sence, but even with ROOT our goal was simply to get good enough to pay our talented players. I'm sad to leave ROOT, as CatZ, Drewbie, KiwiKaki, QXC (MY FRIEND), Suggy, Slush (Why so grumpy?) and Fayth are great people and an amazing team to work with.
I'm happy now to be in this new team with new people for me to get to meet and of course I'm a selfish bastard for leaving ROOT, but I felt this was a good move for me. I plan on now being able to go to LAN's as I'm moving out in 20 days, FXOpen has helped with that.
So rather then be sad to see me leave ROOT I simply look forward to playing with them, talking with them on teamspeak, and listening to CatZ sing some random songs on his stream. And if I happen to have a new pair of friends with FXOpen it will by no means change my friendship with ROOT.
I'm still going to be posting on ROOT's awesome forums, and I'll be posting replays there as well as on FXOpen's new site whenever it comes up. I'll also be starting a stream (courtesy of me moving out to faster internet) so there are good things to look forward to. I put this up on SC2 General so that I could explain this to everyone instead of having everyone ask me "HEY YOU WHATS UP WITH ROOT!?"
Also I was helping ROOT out some with managing CW's and what not, but Ed and QXC and CatZ and Drewbie yes even Drewbie have done much more then me. I will even visit CatZ + Drewbie sometime soon, so expect some weird CatZ Sheth Drewbie stream for a little bit, in the future. Good things are coming for SC2 and I want to be there. Please don't think to negatively of me for leaving my home. Thanks again to ROOT for being up there with [LighT] as my favorite online home.
Now let's see how FXOpen does! Darn this got longer then I thought lol, anyway peace!
Congrats and good on ya for letting everyone know reasons for this.
Excited to see more of your play in the future. Your awesome!
never heard of fxopen...
i hope ROOT is not on the road heading downhill, their lineup is just sooo gooood. if you're talking about top teams in eu/na you would be definitly a noob not mentioning ROOT. anyway congrats Sheth, i guess?. but i have to say:
Good luck with the Ascension tournament tonight.
Good luck Sheth!! Lots of <3 and rmbr your other non-root friends too =P
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/2N5TK.png)
Not the same one I hope.
On December 12 2010 05:15 roofs wrote:![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/2N5TK.png) Not the same one I hope.
Those "scams" were actually the attempts of someone else in order to defame FXOpen. It was not actually FXOpen who was doing the scamming, upon further research.
United States2095 Posts
Yea after reading through it a bit, someone was apparently using illegal software to gain money from FXOpen and when they caught it and removed his profit he started spamming complaints! Crazy hackers, not only in starcraft > <!
Makes sense, an illegitimate business wouldn't have been able to survive for all these years.
anyways, Grats sheth! You're an amazing zerg, keep it up.
I love how small companies such as TLAF and FXOpen are investing in Gaming with the creating of these teams. I feel that it is that first of many steps towards a gaming scene such as all know and love in south-korea. Where multinational companies such as Samsung and other national companies such as SK Telecom, KT, and all the others are investing in the creation and the management of these teams.
Sheth, I wish you the best of luck with your new team and I hope no one in ROOT will hold a grudge against you for leaving.
I salute you.
gl sheth. lucky of fxo to have a nice guy / team player.
no hard feeling coming from this guy i understand
gl with the new team Sheth! I love your play, I just wish I could see more of you. n_n
I hope you do very well on your new team! Also looking forward to seeing you actually attend MLG .
I understand, although don't really approve of the move. Good Luck!
Glad to hear everything cleared up and best of luck Sheth!
so it goes. best of luck to you Sheth.
Thanks alot for clearing this up sheth, it was getting to be the topic of the day. Well posted.
Just so everyone knows, although FXOpen is a team, one of our main focuses is on events also. So we are happy to host events that people, such as root gaming, can attend and win money.
We are by no means a small company, we have over 230 000 clients and do an average monthly trading volume of 65 billion USD. We have thousands of staff globally and the means and contacts to make something 'big' out of it.
In re: to any GSL questioning. The new GSL process is tedious. We will be trying our best to get people to that event, but there are very limited spots for foreigners even if they do well. We will be sending hopefully all our team to MLG (including the aussies) and will get them (the aussies) to at least 2 of those events. I am sure optik and sheth will be at all of them.
We are also working on something similar to GSL, hopefully with prize money larger than GSL. And not limiting the spots to foreigners (infact, we will do legit qualifiers in order to let the best man win). We are currently working on a ranking system also for our tournaments.
I know how much sheth loves root, and how much I love root. Infact, I watch catz's stream almost everyday ^_^, if not for the sc, the background music really makes my day. And I am sure many root gamers will win many FXOpen tournaments.
Have fun all
We are also working on something similar to GSL, hopefully with prize money larger than GSL. And not limiting the spots to foreigners (infact, we will do legit qualifiers in order to let the best man win). We are currently working on a ranking system also for our tournaments. Woah, that'd be pretty big. Excited to see where FXOpen and its team goes from here!