I got beaten by this several times after the guineapig games. Any ideas? I'm thinking infestor the problem was that I never expected it -my bad- never scouted. Usually i see 2 phoenix and some voids and I think oh ok hes gonna mix it in or go for something cheesy, but this game that wasn't the case.
Like in the guineapig games he mass them. He 15 nexus or something similar, which btw I dont know how to respond to in metalo xpositions. I tired a roach push but he had enough units I believe and good sim city. I avoided going for quick third cause its really open for timing pushes. Whats the proper response to that?
And vs the build? I'm thinking infestor hydra, still seems hard to pull off and extremely gas heavy, prolly get lings to go with that.
Heres the replay: http://replayfu.com/r/Kb1cX
I'm a low-mid diamond.
You can tell halfway through that im running out of ideas and my unit composition is just a mess -_- . Hydra infestor I think is the key, the scary thing is chargelots and storm =x
Thanks for the read
Your unit composition was fine imo. You suicided your broodlords for no reason and that took a huge chunk of your gas. You also pulled away gas drones at your nat after the first large fight. All in all, in this game at least you weren't losing on quality of units but on quantity.
Infestor wouldn't have helped. The issue wasn't hit and run. I think the idea unit composition is roach corruptors. Those have better chances than hydras, mutas, and infestors against templars also.
Yeah by the time I suicided my broodlords I was thinking I really needed to kill that nexus or it was game. I was right.
I also suicided them because with that many voidrays around I doubt theyd do anything but charge them =(.
I like the roach corruptor idea especially cause it transitions well into broods if needed... hmmm Just skip hydra and go into corruptor... i like that :D
I find queen+ broodlord is a pretty good composition in any matchup (+corruptors vs terran, not as necessary vs protoss), and would be a good end-game vs a protoss air build. Obviously it takes a while to get BLs though, so roaches and possibly some infestors should be built earlier.
Queens are less viable on some maps/scenarios than others though, due to the distance of spreading creep to expansions and/or spreading creep/nydus to the opponent.
I would not recommend getting many corruptors vs VRs. I don't know for sure how well they do, but I'm thinking it's worse than mutalisk, which is not good. They could be used to kill phoenix, corrupt targets occasionly, and chase down fleeing VRs/air, but as metioned are not good for fighting VR.
It never hurts to have extra something in the army but I'd recommend you make zerglings for building hit and runs. Think about how much cheaper it is to just make 4 banelings to kill all the probes. Either way, the goal of harass is to do more damage than you cost, and there is no way that a nexus can justify those broordlords in cost.
And if you do go roach corruptors make sure to attack whenever your army's maxed because roaches are good for their cost but bad for their supply.
Corrupter rapes that shizzle
Corrupter Hydra works well against it the key is to not let the speedrays snipe your corrupters because a pack of speedrays can kill corrupters very quickly
Hi ThatsNoMoon, I'm HardCorey and ive just started trying to do a video series of answering questions on various threads that provide replays. I took a look at your replay and I just uploaded the video. I kind of had a little trouble figuring how to exactly answer your question but I gave it a shot.
My Main Thread
Hope this helps, -HardCorey
I think Zealot/VR sounds like a great build honestly. I'm surprised I don't see it more often.
Infestor is surely a hard counter for it, but then Infestor is a hard counter for so much if used properly... and the truth is that even the highest level players don't incorporate Infestors effectively much of the time.
I'm curious to see more on that build to be honest. (ahem, protoss player making a z/VR thread)
In that scenario, I would probably mass hydralisks and get a few banelings. However, the only problem with that is the hydralisk's mobility.
i suggest if you see an opening, busting in and trying to do as much eco dmg as possible.
Voidrays are quite costly, and take a pretty long time to kill unit, i.e. Roaches in early.
1 Voidray(250/150) means nearly 1 Zealot+Sentry+Stalker (275/150) missing in the ground army