![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/fantasy/proleague/Images/Banner.jpg)
If you are confused, do not post in this thread.
- If you post in this thread with anything but your team, you will be disqualified. Srs business.
Quoting each others' teams, analysis of your own team or players, poor formatting, or commentary of any kind is strongly discouraged. Anything that makes it harder for me to sign you and your team up will result in disqualification. [Note: Do not try to be cute and post in this thread if you have no intention of signing up for FPL. (e.g. "how can you disqualify me if I have no team?!!!?1") I will report you to the cyber police and the consequences will never be the same. (NSFW language)]
- All signups must be in before the start of round 2. Any signups after that will be ignored.
- You may edit your team as often as you like until the start of round 2.
- If you edit for any reason past the start of the first match, your team will be disqualified! No exceptions.
- All teams must be legal according to the team selection requirements. It is your responsibility to sign up with a legal team. If I notice in time and I care I will PM you about your team and what needs changing. If you don't sign up with a legal team in time for R2 your team will not be included.
Team Selection
Main Team
- Pick 6 players for your Main Team, including a captain who will be a tiebreaker. Captains are not tradeable!
- Pick 1 Proleague team (e.g. STX, Hite, SKT)
- Your 6 players and 1 Proleague team cannot exceed 30 points in cost
- Your Main Team must contain at least one of each race. I'm PMing a lot of people about this, please make sure you doublecheck.
- Pick 3 players for your Anti-Team
- These players will score points just like Main Team players, but their score counts against you
- Your Anti-Team must have a value of at least 13 points (minimum)
Player Costs:
+ Show Spoiler +

NOTE: This list only includes those players who played in round 1. ANY PLAYER ON AN OFFICIAL ROSTER IS LEGAL AND WILL COST 1 POINT. Choose those players at your own risk.
Any roster changes between R1 and R2 will be reflected in this list as that information is released.
Update: Apparently

Team Costs:
+ Show Spoiler +
ALL COSTS ARE FINAL. I calculated the costs using ADVANCED ESPORTS SCIENCE. I based player costs on win rate, ELO, peak ELO, lineup appearances, TL hype, and my own personal biases. If you don't like it, you clearly hate ESPORTS and shouldn't sign up.
To sign up, post your team below! GOOD LUCK!
(note: this is just an example)
Fanboys Anonymous (Team Name)
Main Team:

STX SouL - 3