Thanks guys for all the Feedback!!! It has really helped me out and I appreciate it! Thank you so much! =D
On September 27 2010 13:32 Gamerboy5440 wrote:
i like the map overall, but the cliff over the natural can easily be abused by terran. only other problem i see isthe island might be able to seige the gold expo. otherwise its fantastic
thank you! It will not be pathable. Haha And the Island could hit the gold, but I changed it up a little bit. And thanks! I wanted to make a good lava map. We needed one!
On September 27 2010 11:25 Antares777 wrote:
Middle needs to made more open, the island expansions need to be placed further away from the mains for reasons regarding the Terran race, and the cliffs looming over the naturals need to NOT be pathable or removed. IMHO, if you make them smaller while simultaneously make the middle larger, you may kill too birds with one stone. Of course, the clifff would still have to be unpathable. It can be a cool Overlord chill spot. I <3 Overlord chill spots. Sometimes they just need to chill.
Yes, it is an Overlord Chill Spot! Not going to be pathable. haha And I don't know if it needs to be bigger... But what do you mean by making what smaller? The main bases or the island? Or just moving the island completely?
On September 27 2010 09:57 FlopTurnReaver wrote:
Looks good, but the middle could still be a bit more open. Also it looks as if you could siege the HY expansions from the islands. Not sure though.
I don't know if the middle needs to be bigger or not. You can move through the middle with the watch tower. It just looks smaller because of those LoS blockers.
Yeah you could hit the gas, but I changed that now. There is a bit less room now on the Island. Thanks for pointing that out!
On September 27 2010 08:03 konicki wrote:
yea the cliff will need to go as players will imediately recognize it as quite the balance flaw. Other than that its great to see a lava map this quality.
I really like the gold and 3rd positions.
Yeah, it will not be pathable. =D Thank you! Its hard to texture.
On September 27 2010 07:57 Amadi wrote:
I dislike the cliff near natural, for obvious reasons.
If the reasons are not obvious enough, I am not a terran player.
It will not be pathable. Mainly just an overlord chill spot because I think those are important to balance.
On September 27 2010 07:38 TibblesEvilCat wrote:
center tower poses to much of a focus of the map and the large ammounts of chokes means zerg will suffer.
I don't think that chokes and small areas are a big deal on this map. Many of them are big and I think Zerg will do just fine on this map.