Currently available only on SEA server. Looking for uploaders for NA/EU.
Mutalisk Nightmare v0.6 BETA
Sorry about the audio, I only realised after I recorded it, and then I was like, fudge it, its like 1am [hence my sloppy micro ] and I have work tomorrow (at least mechanical keyboards sound awesome).
Search for Mutalisk Nightmare on BNET
Aim: Micro your mutalisks against various foes. The game currently has 8 levels.
Mutalisks only move shot if they are facing the enemy, otherwise they will just move towards the enemy, until they stop to shoot.
Right click: Target fire specific unit
Patrol/Attack: Target fire closest unit
Hold: "Shotgun" closest units
Note: Currently only available on SEA Server
Note: I wouldn't try it with latencies of over 200ms.
To Do: Stacking
Stacking is currently awkward, it currently seems that there is no way to create BroodWar style stacking so I've just made the separation radius = 0. BroodWar stacking requires that the stacked units move apart at a very slow constant rate, rather than spring off each other. This way you can move around in circles to cause them to stack. There are also other factors, clicking close to a unit doesn't make them move slower in BroodWar (with deceleration), unlike SC2 which also makes stacking difficult.
Note on the Video: I'm very sloppy in the beginning and at the end, I finish it, but in a very sloppy manner. I'm sure you guys can do better. The levels are also quite easy right now.
Also if you watched the video, and you notice how I accidentally click on the "unit produced" icon on the gui and it moves the camera to the hatchery really slowly and screws me up totally (its really annoying). I'd like to know if there is a way to fix that so the icons don't appear?
Good luck and have fun