![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Pholon/odds.png)
Quite an eventful four days it seems.
Iris and Peace apply for Airforce Ace
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Iris and Peace have applied to the August Airforce Ace Recruitment. If I'm reading this article correctly, it looks like they are the only two to apply. Once they pass the initial acceptance, and if they pass the physical, interview, and the practice test, they'll be able to join the Airforce on October 25th. Whether or not they'll be accepted will be announced on September 16th.
Sheis finishes his military service: returns to STX as the Terran coach.
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After being released from his military duty on the 5th, Sheis has re-joined his old team, STX, on the 22nd. It looks like he will be serving as the coach of STX's Terran line.
MSL Finals Location Change
After announcing that the MSL Finals will take place in Yeouido Park, MBC Game has recently announced that they have changed the location of the finals to Incheon Samsun World Gym. The reason for the change is that they felt that this would be a safer option to protect against any odd weather phenomena.
MBC Game's Iron to go to Starcraft 2
Iron has posted a message in MBC Game Hero's gallery page, saying that he will transition to Starcraft 2. He states it's due to "Many reasons, including his bad record this year and his salary contract".
The Draft
The draft happened, and not surprisingly, only 18 people were drafted into progame teams this season. Why is this not surprising is because many teams have been cutting off a large number of B team members the past few months.
Now, let's get some pics of the new players.. and some odds and ends.
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Hite gets two new Zergs and a Protoss. The coach mentioned how they have very little Zergs and would like to train them like practice partners and after they get better, play them in real matches.
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Estro's new Protoss
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Oz's new Terrans. The Terran on the left, Kim Ji Hoon, was ranked #1 in the evaluations. He says that he likes to use "tricky/cheesy" plays and likes to play freely.
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Woongjin picked up two Protoss and a Terran. The Protoss players were ranked 4th and 8th in the evaluations. Zero was also present at the draft.
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CJ's new Protoss and Terran. Both of them played in broadcast matches before in 2009.
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MBC's new Protoss.
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SKT picked up a new Protoss and a Terran.
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January asked a Terran player before drafting if he was any good at soccer. The player answered "I'm the offensive midfielder in my class", and he was immediately drafted. Samsung got a new Protoss and Terran.
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STX's new Terran
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KT's new Terran
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Best has apparently received a signed copy of Miss A's CD after his Miss A Ceremony. Miss A also sent a thank you letter saying "We watched your Ceremony well. When there's an opportunity, we will teach you how to dance".
This may be useful for Best, since he will be performing Miss A's dance with the rest of SKT for a fan camp coming up on the 28th and the 29th. SKT has currently split into three groups to perform girl group dances. Apparently, they're practicing quite heavily, even giving up their vacation time.
Odds and ends
- MBC Game Hero players eating half a pig. MBC fans pooled some money together and got their favorite players a huge BBQ party. Pics are on the link, to see how ridiculous it all is.
- Jaedong has apparently said that he thinks that Flash was his best friend in his past life. He said that they probably enjoyed going around finding out checking out grease-joints all over the nation. They were so close together that, now they have to face each other in a rivalry in this life. Because Flash is the talkative one whenever they meet, Jaedong also mentioned that he believes he was the talkative one in his past life. "Because we were best friends in our past life, it's not awkward meeting and playing each other in many matches and forming a rivalry. In fact, I think we're getting closer through this relationship"
- GSL factoids: 100 foreigners from 15 countries. 2000 total applications. Rainbow, IU, DJ Doc, and Yoon Do Hyun Band Performing in the opener this coming September.
- ZerO has been training with WeMade Fox, and now will be training with CJ so he can beat Free.
That's it for the last four days, I think. You can follow these news as I find them by following the twitter: http://twitter.com/SC_OddsAndEnds