Really nice to see the efficiency of the MODs. I read the thread recommending this replay and as I scrolled down it was already added to the database. Two thumbs up. 
Now, lets see how good is the content ^_^ Have fun everyone.
*EDIT* Really nice game. I was expecting more action in the beginning but the late game made up for it. :D
Winner: For those who like to know who wins beforehand. + Show Spoiler [winner] +
Beautiful play. Loser has absolutely no idea.
+ Show Spoiler +Protoss just intercepted Zerg's victory.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
Yea leath its nice of the mods to step in. I'm at my cousins and no BW here so thats why I haven't been uploading but I'll be back in a week or so!
hm if you skip the early/mid game then yeah it's a pretty good game t.t
+ Show Spoiler +seriously, zerg plays super abusive and toss does not make enough reaver. zZzZzZz
This rep makes me sad to be a zerg user . Great rep though, very entertaining.