Someone comes up to you on the street today, July 1, 2010, and points a gun to your head.
"I challenge you to a bo5 competition of Starcraft. If you lose, you die. You can choose a champion to play for you in your stead."
You do not know who your opponent is. You do not know their race. All you know is that the maps being used are current progamer maps.
Poll: Who do you choose?Jaedong (389) 44% Flash (317) 36% Bisu (56) 6% Other (Specify in your post) (28) 3% Stork (21) 2% Effort (19) 2% Fantasy (13) 1% Leta (13) 1% Baby (10) 1% Sea (9) 1% Free (4) 0% 879 total votes Your vote: Who do you choose? (Vote): Flash (Vote): Jaedong (Vote): Effort (Vote): Fantasy (Vote): Bisu (Vote): Sea (Vote): Baby (Vote): Free (Vote): Stork (Vote): Leta (Vote): Other (Specify in your post)
I voted Flash. If only Power Outage were a person.....
haha good one i choose flash
jaedong all the way baby. I hope the guy holding the gun is not therock though
Voted Bisu just because I love him, so if I die when said opponent picks flash or jaedong, I deserve it )
Bisu of course. His Basic Skills are maximum.
I choosed effort because I thought about a lame joke with his name.
United States10328 Posts
what do you mean by "champion" that' list is only like, half champions!
savior ofc Mr Ma could pay to win the game
jaedong. all of MU's seem solid and his bo5 rec is unreal
As long as the guy/person/opponent isn't one of the above. I like my chances. Hell, I would pick anyone one of them! Hell I would even pick Boxer or oov to play for me because the other guy would need a lot of luck to beat them in a bo5. Hell, I would have Gorilla Terran Donkey Kong smash his wrists so he wouldn't even be able to play.
Perhaps you should rephrase the question to him countering you by picking another pro after. O;
On July 02 2010 01:55 ]343[ wrote:what do you mean by "champion" that' list is only like, half champions!
A champion in the medieval sense. Somebody who fights your battle for you. Somebody who who slaps silly anyone who offends your honor.
Killer because it would be hilarious.
Since the list is who would defend your life if the games were played right now, I didn't think Boxer would qualify. Would you want someone who can't even make it into Starleague defending your life?
On July 02 2010 02:01 OblivionMage wrote: Killer because it would be hilarious.
I pity you. Tomorrow you will be six feet under the ground when Killer gets 3-0'd by the mystery man who is holding a gun to your head.
Flash and Jaedong are the only defensible choices here.
Flash obviously. His winrate is pretty much at 70% in all MU's and he's been in 4 consecutive SL finals. He's by far the most solid player to pick.