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Lee Young Ho (Flash), “Two down, one more to go.”
I believe Baby has an incredibly vast potential for growth.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272018918_1.jpg)
I believe Baby has an incredibly vast potential for growth.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272018918_1.jpg)
Q: You scored one win in the Ro8.
A: I’m happy I won the first set, and I’ll win the next set in the coming week as well so that I can quickly advance to the Ro4.
Q: Your game with Baby wasn’t too easy.
A: I practiced with Baby just a few weeks ago, and thinking of the Baby back then, I underestimated him some. I realized playing today that he had grown quite a bit. While playing him today I thought, ‘this is a player with an infinite potential for growth’, and also that ‘he’s an opponent that I should never let my guard down towards.’
Q: Were there any aspects of your play were you disappointed with?
A: I think I played too aggressively. Some of that is because I got flustered from Baby keeping on trying to harass me, and then there was the mine daebak as well. I was thinking ‘am I actually going to lose this?’ before calming down and playing to my full capacity.
Q: In both MSL and OSL, you played TvT’s.
A: Since it was the same matchup, it was easier to practice for, but there is the aspect of my opponents being able to see my play on air…
Q: Next game is in Ulsan.
A: I have a sort of weakness to regional tours. The three times I’ve played outside of Seoul, I’ve lost all three times. This time, though, I think I can advance through good play, and I don’t think my opponent will be affected by it either. I don’t think the fact that Baby’s never had a regional tour before will affect the outcome.
Q: You’re juggling an incredibly tight schedule.
A: It is true that it’s pretty difficult, and I'm not quite at top form right now [T/N: he said he has a cold and was tired in a previous interview], but I’m going to have to be careful that such things don’t affect me and my game. I won’t try to end games early because it’s difficult for me, and in long games, I’ll try harder to focus.
Q: Last words?
A: Thanks to my teammates that helped me practice. I’ve been trying hard to catch all three birds [MSL, OSL, PL], and so far I’ve got two, and tomorrow’s Proleague game is the last one. I’m already so happy I’ve won my two games, but I think I’d be ecstatic if I won tomorrow as well. I’d like our fans to come and cheer for us.
Movie vs Pure
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Park Se Jung (Pure), “I want to change my image of inconsistency.”
I’m very happy I won my first game in the Ro8.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272021231_1.jpg)
I’m very happy I won my first game in the Ro8.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272021231_1.jpg)
Q: Your feelings on having won set 1?
A: Winning set 1 is huge in a Bo3, so I’m quite relieved. Next week, even if I lose the first game, I still have a second chance, so I think today’s win is very significant.
Q: Movie is last season’s second place finisher; was there any pressure due to that fact?
A: I understood that movie got to the finals last season because he has the skills to back it up, so I practiced hard. But I was still confident I could win, and I tried my best even with the small details.
Q: Your first shuttle did nothing.
A: It would have been strange for him to have not been prepared for the first shuttle timing anyway. Luckily I brought it back alive, and then came back with two shuttles. I had originally planned to use two shuttles if one didn’t do.
Q: You did terrible, terrible damage with two shuttles.
A: I needed to at least destroy the Nexus or get a lot of probes, and luckily I was able to do both. I think my opponent responded worse than he normally does. In practice he probably would have defended better.
Q: Were you confident you could stop your opponent’s counter-push?
A: I was expecting a counter-push, so I purposely merged my high templars into archons and focused on my ground army. That was my original game plan.
Q: You have a reputation of an inconsistent player.
A: I can’t deny it, because I really brought it upon myself. In 2008, I remember having a huge comeback win, but now my image is the opposite. At least from now on, I want to do my best and show good games.
Q: You fell in the Ro8 last season.
A: I’m preparing much harder this time. I didn’t realize what a truly precious opportunity it was last time because it was my first time in the Ro8. This OSL I want to receive the attentions of all the fans by showing great games.
Q: You probably have no experience in outside stadium games.
A: I think I’ll be nervous. But if I play worse because I’m nervous, that just means I’m bad, so I’ll try my best.
Q: Last words?
A: I want to change my image of an inconsistent player by playing well not only in this OSL, but also in Proleague. Lastly, I am so thankful to all my teammates that helped me practice. I’ll treat them to good food.
Effort vs Zero
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Kim Jung Woo (Effort), “It’s not yet time to rejoice.”
The tiebreakers helped me.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272023145_1.jpg)
The tiebreakers helped me.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272023145_1.jpg)
Q: You are now in the advantage for advancement into the Ro4.
A: I’m glad I got the first Ro8 win, but the games aren’t over yet, so I’ll be happy when I confirm my Ro4 advancement in Ulsan.
Q: Did the tiebreakers help you?
A: I’ve been having difficulties getting wins even with rare appearances on air, so I’ve been having trouble regaining my pace. In that regard, I think the tiebreakers really helped me.
Q: How was your game?
A: When I first got my zerglings in was probably the key to my win.
Q: Is your confidence in ZvZ returning?
A: I need to shape up in ZvZ and gain more wins. Today’s win helped some. In the case of ZvZ, since the games are short and speedy, I think the impact of losing is also greater.
Q: Despite your slow pace, you must have big goals for the OSL.
A: When I kept getting good win rates, I had lots of ambitions. This is also true right now, but these days a lot of times my ambitions outreach my skills, and I’ve lost games because of that. Right now it’s hard to say, I think I can say more on it later. Before, I used to focus more on Proleague, but now I think I’ll distribute my practice more evenly. If I do, things will probably work out well.
Q: Your goals?
A: Since I won my first game in the Ro8, my goal is to advance to the Ro4, and when I get to the Ro4, I can be a little more ambitious and aim for the finals.
Q: Last words?
A: Thanks to my teammates who helped with practice, and I saw that a lot of fans were present; I hope a lot of them return for the games at Ulsan.
Kal vs ForGG
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Kim Goo Hyun (Kal), “Be it Flash or whomever else, I want to face my next opponent.”
Flash did slow me down a bit, but if I work hard, I can win.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272025275_1.jpg)
Flash did slow me down a bit, but if I work hard, I can win.
![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1272025275_1.jpg)
Q: Your feelings on having won the first set?
A: In a best of series, winning the first set is very important, and so I’m happy I won my first set. I think I should be able to prepare the rest of the series easily.
Q: Your harass was fantastic despite good turret placement.
A: There are two kinds of ways a Terran builds his turrets: either around his command center, or surrounding his base; I prepared for both kinds of turret placements, so I wasn’t too worried.
Q: Was this strategy initially planned?
A: I was planning to use it against a good Terran, but since I got cross positions against Flash in our last encounter, I couldn’t use it against him, so I used it today.
Q: It’s a double-edged sword using both reavers and dark templars.
A: You just need to execute well. I played the game expecting it to work, and I didn’t really think it would fail.
Q: You must be disappointed about your loss to Flash.
A: My loss to Flash did slow me down a bit, and my games didn’t work out too well for a while either. I want to regain my confidence by rebuilding my win rate.
Q: You’ll be finishing the Ro8 outdoors in Ulsan.
A: When the brackets were released I thought hard about how I needed to approach my opponents. I feel good, and I think I’ll do well for the remainder of the tournament.
Q: Do you consider Flash your only obstacle to taking Gold?
A: I’ve been losing a lot to him, but I am actually confident. Even if I were to face him again, I’m not too worried. If I practice a lot, I think I could probably win. Whoever it is I’m playing against, I want to get to the Ro4, then the finals.
Q: People say you’re the best Protoss at the moment.
A: I was happy when I heard it, but I’ve got nothing special to say about that at the moment (laughs). I need to practice hard and do better.
Q: Any last words?
A: It’s been a while since we’ve done a regional tour. I’ll practice hard, so I’d like our fans to come cheer for us, and I want thank my teammates for helping.