So I've seen a lot of threads about there being too many of x race and what not and it made me wonder just what the overall race statistics for the entire platinum league was. I felt in my 200+ 1v1 games that there was a pretty even amount of players from each race (Excluding random of course).
What I am trying to do here is get some accurate statistics of people's race choices on the US server. So far I have gotten twelve of the 24 (I think) divisions completed. I will be adding more as I get time, if anyone else wants to contribute feel free to post in this thread and I will update the OP. Just use the same format I used.
Platinum Division 1
Zerg 31 33.3% Terran 29 31.1% Protoss 28 30.1% Random 5 5.3%
Total 93
Platinum Division 2
Zerg 19 25.3% Terran 17 22.6% Protoss 30 40.0% Random 9 12.0%
Total 75
Platinum Division 3
Zerg 27 35.5% Terran 24 31.5% Protoss 18 23.6% Random 7 9.2%
Total 76
Platinum Division 4
Zerg 15 23.0% Terran 24 36.9% Protoss 15 23.0% Random 11 16.9
Total 65
Platinum Division 5
Zerg 23 25.5% Terran 28 31.1% Protoss 31 34.4% Random 8 8.8%
Total 90
Platinum Division 6
Zerg 24 30.3% Terran 19 24.1% Protoss 29 36.7% Random 7 8.8%
Total 79
Platinum Division 7
Zerg 17 28.3% Terran 13 21.6% Protoss 20 33.3% Random 10 16.6%
Total 60
Platinum Division 8
Zerg 17 30.3% Terran 13 23.2% Protoss 21 37.5% Random 5 8.9%
Total 56
Platinum Division 18
Zerg 31 33.6% Terran 33 35.8% Protoss 19 20.6% Random 9 9.7%
Total 92
Platinum Division 21
Zerg 29 34.9% Terran 23 27.7% Protoss 20 24.1% Random 11 13.2%
Total 83
Platinum Division 22
Zerg 24 36.9% Terran 20 30.7% Protoss 11 17% Random 10 15.3%
Total 65
Platinum Division 24
Zerg 17 20.4% Terran 33 39.7% Protoss 26 31.3% Random 7 8.4%
Overall 83
Zerg 274 29.8% Terran 276 30.1% Protoss 268 29.2% Random 99 10.7%
Total 917
It's amazing how SC2 gets close to balance this fast. At this rate, it can be a very iconic RTS game.
The supposed balance is more likely because platinum players are winning because they have generally good RTS skills, not because they've refined SC2 down to an exact science yet. There are probably still some imbalanced strategies/units out there and may be for quite a while yet.
This is not related to game balance in any truly meaningful way.
All this really tells us, is that whatever program blizzard uses to place different people in different division, does it at about 30% per race and 8-10% for random... If you were trying to get accurate race choices on the US server, you would include all leagues... not just platinum.
On March 24 2010 23:41 JTPROG wrote: This is not related to game balance in any truly meaningful way. Oh... I just realized that they are the percentages of users of each race. I thought they were winrates, which is very ignorant of me seeing that each is around 30%
What would explain balance is if you had statistics on what race was winning each matchup. I feel like zerg wins a lot more zvp than zvt, and terran might win more tvz than tvp.
Katowice25012 Posts
On March 24 2010 23:47 TheComeback wrote: All this really tells us, is that whatever program blizzard uses to place different people in different division, does it at about 30% per race and 8-10% for random... If you were trying to get accurate race choices on the US server, you would include all leagues... not just platinum.
Why would you care how many of each race are at D level? You don't, its not indicative of the actual balance of the game. You want to know what it looks among the players who are doing their best to win because those are the ones who will switch due to balance issues. I did a similar analysis here with older data and some wider statistics and came to a similar conclusion.
On March 25 2010 00:08 Newguy wrote: What would explain balance is if you had statistics on what race was winning each matchup. I feel like zerg wins a lot more zvp than zvt, and terran might win more tvz than tvp.
This would be nice. I assume Blizz has these numbers but it would be cool if we had access to them as a community.
To clarify, I am not looking at balance, just what races the players in the top league are choosing to play. This may not be the most useful information, but it's the most I can do with the tools blizzard has given me.
Part of the reason I got the idea is that whenever I looked at CharlieMurphy's US Platinum Ranks threads I would always want to know what the race layout for all of platinum league and not just the top 8's.
And here I was afraid everyone would choose zerg (ZvZ, still my worst match up XD)
On March 25 2010 02:18 7 wrote: And here I was afraid everyone would choose zerg (ZvZ, still my worst match up XD)
Yea, for the moment it looks as if toss is slightly ahead of other races in terms of numbers, I'll add some more people from different divisions to my friends list today sometime and get more stats so it's more accurate.
If this stats are anywhere near accurate to the statistics of SC2 as a whole, it's another point that shows how balanced SC2 really is. But it's also a reminder that if Zerg and Terran are goind better in Tournaments then Protoss, it could be because of those races being played more often. ^^'
But I'm kinda surprised that P is the least played race, at least in EU, because the first weeks, I thought that P was played soooo often...
On March 25 2010 00:12 heyoka wrote: You want to know what it looks among the players who are doing their best to win because those are the ones who will switch due to balance issues.
or they'll just take the easy way out and try to claim their race is bad and they lose because they're noble martyrs
Calgary25955 Posts
Great thread. Thanks for this data.
I'm really surprised to see a fairly equal split. That's pretty amazing for out of the gate.
If anyone knows people from any of the other divisions I would appriciate their names so I can add them and see the ladder.
Protoss sure took a dive =(
My division's already up there (21) but I wanted to comment that 7 of the top 8 was zerg at one point, haha. Now it's 6 because one of the zergs switched to p.