Aotearoa39261 Posts
1) Is it just me or are marauders exceptionally powerful ;; Not only do they rape armored units but they also have slow ... what the hell?
2) Is it just me or do Reapers generally suck except for peon harassment =/
3) Is it just me or are Carriers exceptionally strong, but also very fragile T_T
4) Why is it that the protoss air fleet sucks so hard?
5) Is it just me or do infestors suck exceptionally hard (I miss infested terran mass =[)!
6) Is it just me or is the mothership actually a necessity against late game terran ;; Actually it seems pretty imba atm lol
7) Why does the immortal build from the robo facil? It just feels soooo out of place there... i mean once you build the robo you kinda want to just make colossi sooo... I wish it was at the gateway and needed the twilight council to build.
8) Is it just me or is the Dark Shrine exceptionally pointless =/ I wish it had another use other than unlocking DT
9) The fact that it takes 3 zealots to wall a ramp really really pisses me off
i agree with every single one besides 4) i feel like void rays are pretty good and the graviton beam is always fun to use lol
1) Terran seems to lack AA in SC2, so Mutas/Shees/etc ruin them in the late game. Otherwise, yes marauders are very good especially as anti-harassment in TvP and TvT.
2) That one is just you ;-). Reapers are very very good against any light armored unit (Zealots, lings, hydras even, etc) and their speed/maneuverability give you so much map control if you get enough early on. I've been using them for the peon harass in the beginning, transitioning to other stuff for the mid, and then getting half a control group or so for my push to mix in with everything else.
Vatican City State1872 Posts
why is the immortal at the robo bay christ i haven't even made one yet because of the inconvenience, collosus ftw
Canada8028 Posts
Just from watching streams:
1) Maurauders are pretty ridiculous right now. When both sides have small numbers, maurauders absolutely rape zealots and stalkers. On one hand, stalkers just evaporate. On the other hand, zealots are useless because of the slowing effect. Charge helps somewhat, but it's would probably be a better counter if the old upgrade for zealot legs existed. Sentries seem like the best option against them right now since they have pretty useful spells.
One thing people don't really talk about when discussing the slowing effect is how devastating it is against retreating forces. Many times, a protoss will engage the terran force, realize they're losing, and retreat to reduce losses. However, with the maurader in there, the rearmost units will be slowed, and thus, are easy to pick off, adding to the terran's advantage just that much more.
2) Reapers are kinda overpowered vs protoss in the early game. Cannons do nothing since a handful of them can apparently just take them out in one hit, and both zealots and stalkers seem too slow to do anything. For instance, today I saw a reaper force harass a protoss player for a good 5-7 minutes simply by attacking the mineral line, jumping down the cliff when defending units arrived, then going over to the ramp to attack buildings. In all, the terran took down about 2-3 cannons, a gateway, a pylon, the nexus, a lot of probes. The only thing keeping the reaper somewhat balanced is the fact that any time it gets into a serious engagement, it will get slaughtered horribly, no exceptions.
Oh Plexa, raping me (ColdWave) with Carriers. Terran Ground to Air needs work to be effective.
3+6) Carriers are strong. I couldn't find a counter as a Terran, except to not let the Protoss get Carriers. Mothership is a Super-Strong Arbiter.
I could not find a Terran counter to Protoss Air yet. I guess I will have to play more games to find out.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Ohh so you were cold wave :3!
I found that carriers are really really really powerful. Interceptors at 5 x2 are so strong... Thors seem to annoy the hell out of them though. I don't really know if they are effective though.
United States33093 Posts
I don't micro, so I haven't noticed that marauders are overpowered
reapers are just early game harass, and they are damned good vs protoss. 30-40 damage per hit to structure and high dps to light units. Pretty fucking rape, its like having to deal with mutas TvZ BW.
they are exceptional scouters.
late game back door reaper drops can raze a base.
2) As others have mentioned, Reapers' mobility is beastly for threat and map control. Their anti-building damage is also far too high, it's nuts. They're probably the most money-efficient building-killer in the game, save perhaps banelings, which aren't as mobile or persistent.
7) They probably want to balance the alternatives between Twilight Council and Robotics Facility. Since Twilight Council allows for key upgrades and leads to Templar tech, Robotics Facility needs some nice perks to keep it from being forever secondary.
9) I know, right? And then there are maps with super-wide ramps, so Zealots have no hope of walling off quickly. Oh well, at least Protoss gets Force Field to supplement this area.
1) yes i was raped by them when i had fully upgraded roaches in high numbers vs a farily low number just +2 maruders with some rines using stim t-t
2) yes esp against zerg speed lings come to quick i think toss they can handle it and terran should have scouted it way before Also the maps aren't really cliff jump harassment central
3)well they always are
4)because of all the comments about "building carriers is a useful skill"
5) they blow ionno what their 2nd ability does but they suck at aa the slow is nice but come on what you gonna need to chase down that faster then a mutalisk
6)ionno never got late game tvp or pvt
8) they don't like sair dt?
9) that pisses me off too most ramps are tiny also the part where each zealot can eat like 3+ lings each.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
that is all...
Roaches just have a really hard counter, what ever happened to soft counters it seems majority of things have hard counters to them only.
It's a shame because i find the burrow and harass to be quite entertaining. Like the infesters everything is a hard counter to them :D
I don't have beta, but I've been watching the streams a ton. I don't like reapers because I don't like the idea of being able to bypass ramps before tier 2.
3 zealots to block a ramp is crap. It should take 2 zealots to block a normal ramp. No more, no less (even if you do get it perfectly in the middle).
The fact that roaches are a hard counter to both the other zerg tier 1 units kind of sucks. I think it will eventually mean mirror builds in every high level ZvZ until tier 2.
As i understand it you should be using vikings as AA as terran, they are terrans main anti-air anti-armour. And thors should be used against mutas/phoenix becuase thors do extra dmg to light air and those are the only 2 main light air units. This is purely in terms of armour types I've read up about, i'm not in the beta atm so i may be talking out of my ass.
Soooo what, you need more robos, not just 1? How expensive are robo facility and bay? Write something about Void Rays in mid/late game please.
I have been doing some ai games to try and get a handle on infestor. But I just can't make it do anything. It seems like the fungal infestation should be good, perhaps if you paired a couple infestors with zergling/ultra, that would work out extremely well. It is like a very weak plague and it takes at least 2 casts to kill an scv, but it doesn't stack so you have to wait out the first cast. I've thought about trying to nydus in units into a mineral line, casting some infestation to lock the scvs into the mineral line until they can be dispatched, but it is difficult.
As for neural parasite, it says it only affects biological, so it shouldn't work on collosus or carriers or anything else worth using it on, right? The AI is so braindead it can't get to tier 3, and I certainly am not going to try to use them in a ranked game.
i've found that infestors are really good for defense, or busting defense but not so much engaging a fight
think defensive defilers or if you're already pushing into someones choke
anything with a choke point really, they're pretty limited in that respect
On February 19 2010 23:31 onmach wrote: As for neural parasite, it says it only affects biological, so it shouldn't work on collosus or carriers or anything else worth using it on, right? The AI is so braindead it can't get to tier 3, and I certainly am not going to try to use them in a ranked game.
In the battle reports it used to work on everything. Any chance you can try an AI game and Neural parasite everything you can get your hands on to see what works and what doesn't? If it doesn't work on Colossus, it seriously diminishes in value...
On February 19 2010 22:50 UdderChaos wrote: As i understand it you should be using vikings as AA as terran, they are terrans main anti-air anti-armour. And thors should be used against mutas/phoenix becuase thors do extra dmg to light air and those are the only 2 main light air units. This is purely in terms of armour types I've read up about, i'm not in the beta atm so i may be talking out of my ass.
The problem with Terran Vikings that I found were that it's way too expensive to the any sort of counter to any Void Ray/Carrier tech. 100 gas for 1 Viking is not cost efficient, especially since you have to mass them in order to be effective. Vikings in air mode are basically wraiths with no cloak, and not a lot of hit points and armor (125 and 1), which can be brought down by stalkers or even the Carriers themselves, now dealing 5x2 damage.
Relating to the Situation in SC1: Going Mass Wraiths without Cloak vs Carriers. Not a good sight.