Vent Normalization makes every bodies voice the exact same volume. In essence, you won't blow your ear's out or have difficulty hearing people. ____________________
Here's how:
- Go to Setup
- Enable Direct Sound
- Select the SFX Button
- Select Compressor and click Add.
- Under Compressor Properties use the following settings
- Gain = Adjust for how loud you want people to be. (I use 15)
- Attack = 0.01
- Release = Around 500
- Threshold = Around -30
- Ratio = 100
- Pre delay = 4.0
Q u o t e: Edit:
What the settings do - Copied and pasted from page 8
Gain How much volume you feed into the compressor. Not really relevant unless everyone is too quiet, then you can turn this up a little; turning it up too much will sound EXTREMELY *%*%ty.
Attack How fast volume change will happen. example: setting this to 500 means that any- thing coming in will only be dropped in volume after a half a second. for vent this should be set as low as possible.
Release how fast the compressor stops changing things. not really that relevant with vent, setting it around 500 is good for voice material.
Threshold This sets the point where we actually start changing what�s coming in. Whereas 0 is the absolute loudest you can have for an input, -60 is super quiet. Average users will probably come in somewhere around -25 to -15, with the occaisional few being really quiet, which is why I have this set so low.
Ratio How much any sound below the set threshold gets compressed and/or modified in the volume department. If you still want to hear SOME volume variation then set this lower (2-4)... the higher you set it the closer in volume everyone will be.
Pre delay Mostly just deals with processing; with computer and digital processors they can look ahead a few milliseconds to see what needs to be dropped in volume or changed before it actually comes through the speakers. Highest is ideal.
I just started using vent and this could help a ton so I will try it out. Thanks!
Oh wow I have been looking for something like this. It's so annoying having everything on different levels T_T
Random thread..but very useful! I just started using vent a little while ago so this will hep quite a bit!
I just tested it out and it's working very nicely. I turned my gain down to 9 but I'm sure that depends on other factors and varies by computer.
On January 21 2010 10:40 Megalisk wrote: Random thread..but very useful! I just started using vent a little while ago so this will hep quite a bit!
Not random. I needed a thread to show my friends that was on public forums, and tl is very public and easy to use
In any case, thanks a lot for posting. I'm showing this thread to my clan members from SCC now.
Very nice, I didn't know about this...Thanks!
I remember seeing this originally from the WoW forums many years ago. Very helpful indeed, since there are so many kids that like to yell...
This bump seems appropriate, I have been on TL vent a lot and the users seemed to have jumped up quite a bit. I think this is great for anyone to set up it makes it so you don't have to special effect people as often, and everyone sounds roughly similar in sound.
Great OP.
informative information even for those of us who have used vent before but never realised what certain things do
On January 21 2010 10:35 necros wrote: Vent Normalization makes every bodies voice the exact same volume. In essence, you won't blow your ear's out or have difficulty hearing people.
Thank you so much kind sir! You have saved my ears from my very very loud friends.
met some people tonight that could definitely use a good look at this thread.