Hi, dunno if this is the right forum for this. But I always thought it would be cool if you could access liquipedia through http://liquipedia.net instead of just the wiki.teamliquid.net link, so today, after enjoying the TSL ladder I thought, why not just see if the page is available. It was, I bought it, you can now access liquipedia via liquipedia.net
Holy crap, that's' awesome. Much thanks man.
Woah!! That's such an awesome contribution dude. Thanks!
heh, and people wonder why tl.net is so awsum
Cool contribution and thought.
Hungary11242 Posts
Marry me!
This is seriously great, thanks so much.
You're so awesome man, thanks for doing this!
Katowice25012 Posts
whoaa you serious? thanks
Netherlands6142 Posts
Awesome. Thanks
you're pretty awesome. lookin out for your fellow nerds