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Fantasy Proleague 09-10 R1 Weekly Summary
Fantasy Proleague 09-10 R1 Blog
[2009-11-30 W7D3] MBC 3-2 SAM | HWA 3-2 CJE
[2009-11-29 W7D2] ACE 3-2 WJN | EST 3-2 WEM
[2009-11-28 W7D1] KTR 3-0 Hite | SKT 3-2 STX
[2009-11-25 W6D5] MBC 3-0 STX | HIT 3-1 SAM
[2009-11-24 W6D4] SKT 3-2 ACE | KTR 3-2 WEM
[2009-11-23 W6D3] EST 3-2 HWA | CJE 3-2 WJN
[2009-11-22 W6D2] MBC 3-1 HIT | SAM 3-2 STX
[2009-11-21 W6D1] KTR 3-0 ACE | SKT 3-1 WEM
[2009-11-11 W5D5] WEM 3-0 ACE | WJN 3-2 EST + Show Spoiler [Post] +
WeMade gets their "bye week" against Ace, while Zero continues to carry Woongjin on his back. At only a meager 3 points cost, Zero is now worth a ridiculous 9.54 in trade value, scoring the most points thus far this round. Four Former Top 10 owners are in the current Top 10, including #1 and #2, and seven Former Top 10 are in the current Top 50. Almost all have a ridiculously high trade gain. Maybe FPL is a skill after all? Next week there's no Proleague, so you'll have extra time to think about your trades!
It just keeps getting worse for Jaedong owners, as Hwaseung drops 0-3 to MBC, and the "ZvZ master" loses to lowly Saint. In the other match, Effort loses his scheduled game to Great but comes back and wins the ace against Jangbi. Low-cost Movie gets another win and Samsung continues to slide. Look on the bright side, at least they earned a point this time!
Here is where all the owners who traded away KT and STX for a few cheap points during a bye week feel the hurt. KT is showing they can hang with the best, while Calm and Bisu owners frustratingly watch their expensive players fall to underdogs. Justin?? JUSTIN?? Our #1 point leader has nightmares about his anti-team.
[2009-11-07 W5D1] CJE 3-1 MBC | HWA 3-2 SAM
[2009-11-04 W4D4] WJN 3-0 SAM | MBC 3-2 EST + Show Spoiler [Post] +
Oh Samsung, how low you have fallen. KHAN is now below ACE in the standings, failing to get just one win needed to let Stork play in Set 4. Woongjin owners are especially happy, and it seems like any team playing Samsung is destined for huge points. In the other match, Estro fought hard, but lost in the Ace match. Estro sent GosI[Flying] instead of Sangho again, and MBC is sending Peace and Han more than Saint/Hyun and Pusan now. Will this trend of newer players getting time last?
CJ predictably rolls Ace, but Ruby wins his match against a hot-TvT Skyhigh, and Effort BMs former CJ big brother DarkElf with a proxy hatch and drones at the end of the game. WeMade continues to roll, and Hwaseung has reverted to its old "Jaedong wins, everyone else loses" form. Those teams that traded KT for CJ get some relief, and Effort owners happily welcome him back from IEF.
Woongjin comes back strong, while Samsung is completely in free fall. Zero earns the maximum number of points. Wins by Estro's two newer guys Action and Gosi -- does this mean hyvaa and Sangho will be getting less playing time? Anti-teams, commence buying! Samsung continues to fall, and at this rate, their players are going to cost 1 and 2 next round.
The Hwaseung coach continues to pick Killer for ace matches instead of Jaedong, and Oz paid the price today. CJ was unable to even bring it to an ace match as their best player Effort was playing in IEF today. WeMade rolls on -- can you believe they only cost 2 points at the start of the round??Also, Ruby and Darkelf are looking like huge fantasy sleepers now.
The moment of truth for most of the Top 100 was yesterday -- trade KT for another team? Several KT owners did, opting for CJ or Hwaseung this week, and much to their disappointment, both teams lost. With no prospects of getting KT back, can they hold on to their rankings near the top of the pile through this week? No Flash, no Luxury, and no good trades -- we may see those former KT owners drop a ton in the standings.
The moment of truth for most of the Top 100 was yesterday -- trade KT for another team? Several KT owners did, opting for CJ or Hwaseung this week, and much to their disappointment, both teams lost. With no prospects of getting KT back, can they hold on to their rankings near the top of the pile through this week? No Flash, no Luxury, and no good trades -- we may see those former KT owners drop a ton in the standings.
Do you hear that? That's the sound of all the Jaedong owners crying. That's also the sound of his value free falling, after going 0-2 (with 0 team wins) against Hyuk and 815. KT Rolster bounces back, and all the KT owners jam into the Top 100 once again. In the other match, CJ was handled easily by SK Telecom, helping to justify their high price this round. Good luck trading everyone!
Hite continues their winning streak after their bad start, and Woongjin finally comes through with a 3-0 win over Calm-less STX. Leta owners (especially those that traded for him) are raking in the points, while Calm and Kal owners watch their guys fail to appear. The Former Champs and TeamLiquid Staff are doing great, as is Semioldguy at #10. Who is this I see at #6? Why its me, Hot_Bid, a bastion of Hite Sparkyz strength amid a sea of KT Rolster owners.
Tonight the dream died for WeMade, whose 3-0 season came to an end with a loss to MBC. Who would have thought Hyun of all players would ace and win? Roro keeps sliding while Mind continues to roll. In the other match, ACE looked like it was going to 3-0 but Samsung rallied behind their big three of FBH, Stork, and Great. Tonight was a night where nobody in the Top 20 moved very much. Check out Fantasy PL creator Semioldguy sitting pretty at #5 and yours truly (Hot_Bid) at #21.
Well, we knew it was coming. KT Rolster falls 1-3, with losses by everyone but Flash, single handedly eradicating the stranglehold KT owners had on the Top 25. The gap is closing. To the dozen or so owners who traded KTR for SKT and Luxury for Leta (like our current #1 Lazz), congratulations, you jumped off the KT train at exactly the right time. Finally, Movie returns some results to his legion of owners. In the other match, Hyuk sent Jaedong's value plummeting even more, and we are entering the danger zone of "80% of all fantasy teams in R2 will have Jaedong."
Do you want to see a fantasy success story? The manliest of men? Check out Etopen's team. That's right, he started with a 28 point anti-team and is currently ranked #313. My hat is off to you, ridiculously ballsy fantasy owner.
Do you want to see a fantasy success story? The manliest of men? Check out Etopen's team. That's right, he started with a 28 point anti-team and is currently ranked #313. My hat is off to you, ridiculously ballsy fantasy owner.
Leta's back!
Poor Leta owners. This time the loss was to Midas, who hasn't really done anything noteworthy in years. WeMade continues to roll, and is shaping up to be the most efficient team cost-wise (other than KT of course). Calm owners must be pissed, as their guy has now missed two obvious Zerg map Ace picks. It's not that bad, as Calm continues to steamroll everyone in his path. Now that Week 2 is over and trading is open, KT owners have some big decisions to make. Stick with Rolster or bail? KT players a much tougher schedule from here on out, and there are some very, very attractive trade options, like KTR for SKT or Luxury for Fantasy.
Fantasy Proleague is easy this season: just all-in KT Rolster and you're guaranteed a Top 50 slot. Every single owner in the top ranks has some combination of KT, Flash, and Luxury. Everyone who didn't pick KTR is kicking themselves right now -- especially SK Telecom owners, who saw their Bisu-less team get 3-1'd by lowly MBC. HERO and FOX are great bargain teams, but they cannot hold a candle to the pure power of 4-0 KT right now. The rest of the owners better hope that KT starts losing, or this round's FPL could basically be over by Week 4.
Jaedong, Zero, Hyvaa are normal ace selections. Savior, not so much. Effort owners should be pissed, as he was almost a lock to play on the Zerg favored Tornado. The 23983472 people who have Iris+Movie lost out on great value when Savior lost them the team win point. In the other match, Zero fought hard, but does Stars really expect him to go 2-0 against Jaedong? Splitting ZvZ with Jaedong seems like the best they can hope for, so Kwanro really has to step it up (he's without a win thus far). Jaedong continues to do "struggle" while Lomo finally scored a win, much to the dismay of his 202 Anti-Team owners.
All hail Roro, #1 FPL point earner. He only cost 5, and after 1.5 weeks, he's already scored a beastly 14 points in only two matchs. Nobody believed in him! He's on a grand total of 13 main teams and 180+ anti teams. Also, how many of you actually had the 2-point cheapo WeMade as your team? After beating last round's 11-1 STX, they are now earning 4.5 points per match, second only to KTR's 5.0 ppm. In the other match, Hite and Leta owners finally got something to cheer about, as their boy scored his first victory of the year.
Nothing here to see folks, the rich get richer (SKT & KTF) while the poor get poorer. Lux and Flash get their 3-game streak points, and Bisu doesn't even have to play.
You own Calm and Jaedong. They both win their regular games, and the match goes to Ace. Time to rake in the points! But wait, its not Calm. Modesty!? What the hell? Oh well, at least this means Jaedong will get an easy win. Wait, its Killer?!?! WTF?!? SERIOUSLY!?!? Killer being sent for Ace likely cost Jaedong owners 6+ points, and made Jaedong's value drop from 10 to 9.26. In the other match, CJ handled business easily, with Savior even chipping in a ZvZ win. Poor Hite, 0-6 thus far. Trading is now open, GOOD LUCK!
Wow. Did eSTRO really just beat SK Telecom? A ridiculous TvP bio build combined with bad decision making by Thezerg leads to an upset of last years PL champions. At least Bisu owners can see the silver lining -- at least their guy got some points. KT rolled Woongjin for an easy 2-0 (3-1, 3-1) this week. Their team looks sharp thus far, with Lux and Flash rolling at 4-0 combined.
49 owners have Ruby, 34 have FrOzean, and 29 have Shine. These three cost one point, and they went a combined 3-1 with an ace match appearance. 896 owners have Iris, 817 have Jangbi, and 493 have Movie. These players cost 1, 2, 1 and went 0-3 with no team wins thus far. They were the consensus picks by everyone to be worth their while, yet they haven't delivered. Also, a cautionary tale from the Anti Team nightmare -- picking a player not in lineup (Sea) and watching him come in and win an Ace Match. Samsung continues its slide while MBC barely edges Ace. MBC ($3 price) and WeMade ($2 price) are low cost, high return sleeper picks right now, while Hite ($5) and CJ ($6) are losing value fast.
STX continues their hot streak from last round, dispatching CJ easily even though by.hero took one for the team in losing to Effort. In the other match, who would've thought Hwaseung would 3-0 Hite without Jaedong even lifting a finger? Leta lost to Hiya, and Jaedong didn't play. Bad night for 9 and 10 pointers.
For all the drama and expectations, the first night was extremely predictable. Flash and Bisu were solid as usual. SK Telecom rolled easily as Stars' new pokemon failed. Estro flirted briefly with a 2-0 lead, but a great comeback game on Outsider by Luxury allowed KT to take it in the fourth. Since it's only the first day, the top two teams are composed of all SK Telecom players. The biggest disappointment? Zero owners who didn't see their boy play, or owners who put SangHo on their anti-team.
Singups are closed! Good luck everyone!
Rules, Tips, and Lists
+ Show Spoiler [Show] +
First, congratulations pripple for winning last season with a final score of 218, barely edging out #2 heygk. Check out the Round 5 Final Rankings for more information about last season.
Play Fantasy Proleague! It's fun, easy, and makes watching Proleague much more exciting. You don't need to spend any time on managing your team during the season if you don't want to. If you don't fully understand the rules, don't worry. The basic thing to remember is, pick players for your "Main Team" that you think will do well, and pick players for your "Anti Team" who you think will do poorly.
How to Play
Player Scoring:
Non-Ace Lineup Appearance: 1 Point
Game Win (Ace included): 2 Points
Game Loss (Ace included): -1 Points
Ace Match Appearance: 2 Points
3-Game Win Streak: 1 Point
6-Game Win Streak: 2 Points
9-Game Win Streak: 3 Points
Break Another's Streak: 1 Point
Your Player's Team Wins: 1 Point
Team Scoring:
3-0 Victory: 7 Points
3-1 Victory: 5 Points
3-2 Victory: 4 Points
2-3 Defeat: 1 Point
1-3 Defeat: -1 Points
0-3 Defeat: -2 Points
Team Selection
Main Team
Anti Team
Basic Team Selection Strategy
Trading Rules
Basic Trading Strategy
You will be able to create and join groups so you can compare your results with a smaller subset of the players, for example there might be a Staff Group, a First Time FPL Group, a USA Players Group, or a group created by you with just your friends.
Price List
Player prices:
+ Show Spoiler +
Flash 10
Jaedong 10
Bisu 9
Leta 9
Calm 8
EffOrt 7
Kal 7
Light 7
fantasy 7
BackHo 6
GuemChi 6
Stork 6
Violet 6
815 5
BeSt 5
Horang2 5
Hwasin 5
Lomo 5
Luxury 5
Really 5
RorO 5
SangHo 5
by.hero 5
free 5
great 5
Justin 4
Kwanro 4
Mind 4
Much 4
Sea 4
UpMaGiC 4
firebathero 4
sKyHigh 4
Anytime 3
Bogus 3
Canata 3
GanZi 3
HoGiL 3
Hyuk 3
Jaehoon 3
Killer 3
Last 3
Modesty 3
Shuttle 3
SoO 3
Thezerg 3
YellOw[ArnC] 3
ZerO 3
fOrGG 3
hyvaa 3
BaBy 2
BoxeR 2
Britney 2
Chavi 2
Clay 2
Doctor.K 2
FireFist 2
GoRush 2
GosI[Flying] 2
HakSoo 2
HiyA 2
HoeJJa 2
HyuN 2
IrOn 2
JangBi 2
July 2
Miracle 2
Mong 2
Notice 2
OversKy 2
PerfectMan 2
PianO 2
Pure 2
SaiR 2
Saint 2
Stats 2
Tazza 2
Tempest 2
Trap 2
XellOs 2
YellOw 2
ggaemo 2
go.go 2
herb 2
iloveoov 2
keke 2
n.Die_soO 2
s2 2
sAviOr 2
type-b 2
Action 1
Casy 1
Classic 1
Crazy-Hydra 1
DarkElf 1
Devil 1
Dongrae 1
Favian 1
fOru 1
FrOzean 1
han 1
Haran 1
herO[jOin] 1
Hydra 1
Iris 1
Juni 1
kkong 1
Midas 1
mingu 1
Movie 1
NaDa 1
Nbs 1
NeeL[fOu] 1
oDin 1
Orion 1
Peace 1
PuMa 1
Pusan 1
Reach 1
Rock 1
RuBy 1
Sacsri 1
Sea.Bee 1
Shark 1
Shine[kaL] 1
Snow 1
Spear 1
Special 1
Suny 1
Tester 1
tiny 1
yoOn 1
Young 1
ClouD 0
DaezanG 0
Team Prices
+ Show Spoiler +
Good Luck!
Play Fantasy Proleague! It's fun, easy, and makes watching Proleague much more exciting. You don't need to spend any time on managing your team during the season if you don't want to. If you don't fully understand the rules, don't worry. The basic thing to remember is, pick players for your "Main Team" that you think will do well, and pick players for your "Anti Team" who you think will do poorly.
How to Play
- You choose 6 players and 1 Pro Team that score points when they play well.
- You pick 3 players that lose you points when they play well.
- Players and teams can be traded between weeks for those valued less than them.
Player Scoring:
Non-Ace Lineup Appearance: 1 Point
Game Win (Ace included): 2 Points
Game Loss (Ace included): -1 Points
Ace Match Appearance: 2 Points
3-Game Win Streak: 1 Point
6-Game Win Streak: 2 Points
9-Game Win Streak: 3 Points
Break Another's Streak: 1 Point
Your Player's Team Wins: 1 Point
Team Scoring:
3-0 Victory: 7 Points
3-1 Victory: 5 Points
3-2 Victory: 4 Points
2-3 Defeat: 1 Point
1-3 Defeat: -1 Points
0-3 Defeat: -2 Points
Team Selection
Main Team
- Pick 6 players for your Main Team, including a captain who will be a tiebreaker
- Pick 1 Proleague team (i.e. STX, CJ, SKT)
- You cannot trade your captain (more on trading later)
- Your 6 players and 1 Proleague team cannot exceed 30 points in cost
- Your Main Team must contain at least one of each race at all times
Anti Team
- Pick 3 players for your Anti Team
- These players will score points just like Main Team players, but their score counts against you
- Your Anti Team must have a value of at least 13 points (minimum)
Basic Team Selection Strategy
- Pick players for your Main Team who you believe will exceed their point value from last round (underrated or rising players)
- Pick players for your Anti Team who you believe will do worse than they did last round (overrated or slumping players)
- Designate as Captain a player who you believe will be a lock to be good throughout the season, because you can't trade him
Trading Rules
- Each week you can trade players (swap a player for someone you don't have)
- Every player has a trade value, and you can only trade for players of lower value
- You will be limited to a maximum 2 Main Team and 1 Anti Team trades per week
- Trades do not carry over if unused
- Each time you trade, your team will be assessed a -1 point trade tax
Basic Trading Strategy
- Check lineups each week! Players in the lineup, especially twice, are usually worth trading for
- Don't make trades just for sake of making trades, as they cost you trade tax points and you may get stuck with a player you don't want
- The trade price formula takes into account number of matches remaining -- so players with more matches remaining will have higher prices
- You must trade for players with less value, but try to minimize the value loss. For example, if you trade someone worth 30 for someone worth 20, next week you can only trade the 20 for someone less. It's much better to trade the 30 for someone worth 29.
You will be able to create and join groups so you can compare your results with a smaller subset of the players, for example there might be a Staff Group, a First Time FPL Group, a USA Players Group, or a group created by you with just your friends.
Price List
Player prices:
+ Show Spoiler +


Team Prices
+ Show Spoiler +