![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/news/1deL/niccadmins3.png)
I know lots of the iCCup admins provoke negative thoughts (with or without reason) and so I thought it would be neat to have each week or a couple times a week a chance to learn more about one of our admins n_n
Just as a side project I was going to be posting some short interviews/profiles of some of the iCCup admins with the usual generic interview stuff and hopefully also some interesting answers so you guys and others can learn more about them and learn something interesting or maybe have a laugh in the process.
Some interviews will be pretty long so I don't expect you to read it all, but if you like it be sure to mention it here and submit a question!
The next Admin will be TBA, submit questions or request an admin below!
Your ID (if you want to be credited for the Qu)
Admin's ID
Justification (why? - optional to post this)
Stupid questions will be ignored:
+ Show Spoiler +
On September 09 2009 16:42 konadora wrote:
to any admin:
why didn't you give me stats after 1) i've asked you guys in the admin channel 2) i uploaded replays, added details 3) followed all your instructions
are you guys really just messing around?
to any admin:
why didn't you give me stats after 1) i've asked you guys in the admin channel 2) i uploaded replays, added details 3) followed all your instructions
are you guys really just messing around?
The first admin was
![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/news/1deL/Tesla.png)
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tsld/images/flags/us.png)
![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/news/1deL/Tesla.png)
+ Show Spoiler [iCCup Questions] +
+ Show Spoiler [Favourites] +
+ Show Spoiler [Most...] +
+ Show Spoiler [Admin Questions] +
+ Show Spoiler [Player Questions] +
Let's hear a bit more about your role as part of the iCCup team.
Why did you join the iCCup team? To help the community!
What does your position demand? My position is to help train new Ladder Admins so that they know how to do their job. Direct them on their mistakes and help them do better so complaints are solved as fast as possible with few to no mistakes at all. As a Super Admin I have to also be a leader for the rest of the Ladder section. I also help respond, answer and solve issues in «Complain About an Admin». Besides that, I am here to make sure things get done and are just done well...as well as pick up and help anywhere as needed to help the ladder section excel. ^_^
What current projects are you undertaking inside of iCCup? Projects? lol..I have a whole list of stuff I do as for on here, hmm...I help people with making sure the English is correct. Sometimes help reword things so that the over all flow is good. Besides that my current projects are pretty much related to being a super admin. Unless aiming to get a C- this season, counts.
What are your goals for this iCCup season? C- and to face Tossgirl in a 1v1.
What were any previous admin positions here or elsewhere? Goodness, to many. I will simply list my positions for current stuff. ICCup.com — Super Ladder Admin; Bladeradio.com — Upper Management — Head Trainer — Coder — Marketing Department. Guildwars.com — I deal with the developers, designers and community managers almost every week, for the station and such. This is not including being a Full vent admin for at least 3 different vents, being a full Teamspeak admin for 1 place and helping with various other sites and such.
What is your gaming history? Gaming history? Geez, thats hard! I've been beta testing games since I was 6. I hope you guys don't want me to give you a full list on that.
What will StarCraft 2 mean for progaming/iccup/esports? What are your opinions of the game so far? To be honest I am not to sure what to expect out of SC2, except the 3D Graphics and such. I am sure there will be a progaming side simply because it will be new and it will be SC2, however I think ICCup and the original SC will still be out and about like normal. I think E-Sports will also move into covering SC2 but will still cover the original SC till it complete has lost progamers and such.
Do you find being an iCCup admin rewarding? If so/not why? I find it rewarding to help the community. This is why I have been a Dj for 2+ years now. As for if I find it being rewarding to be an admin on iccup, to be honest, yes. I love it! I love being able to know that I can sit there and fix some one's points cause some jerk decided to force a disconnection. I love knowing I can help catch the hackers and stop them from being able to hack again. I think that answers this question. ^_^
Who are your role model/s? Goodness, this is so hard. I'd have to say my parents for sure. They have both been an inspiration to me for my whole life. Thanks to them I was raised around multiple languages and raised with an Asian background/culture knowledge. Thus I have been using chop sticks almost as long as I have used a fork. XD. Besides my parents, I'd have to say my friends. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today, I wouldn't know as much as I know. Life just isn't fun without friends. Hmmm...Other inspirations, I would have to say hard workers. Those people who I see are hard working and very dedicated to what they do. People like Mai-k, Cheloman, Unk, YelloAnt, 2easy, ToH1o, Storm...they are all very hard workers. They were here before I got here, 5-6 months ago...and while others come and go, they are still here pushing on and making sure things are done. Their level of dedication is unbelievable in my opinion. Now I didn't list everyone who I think is very dedicated, I simply listed the most dedicated in my personal opinion. You won't meet many people who put in the level of dedication they have. This job isn't paying, so I keep wondering...even with bm the admins get....How the heck have they done it this long and I cant help but be amazed. I think you guys should hit them up one day, just say hi...Tell them thanks. You may not see the work they do, but they do more than anyone. Trust me on that.
Why did you join the iCCup team? To help the community!
What does your position demand? My position is to help train new Ladder Admins so that they know how to do their job. Direct them on their mistakes and help them do better so complaints are solved as fast as possible with few to no mistakes at all. As a Super Admin I have to also be a leader for the rest of the Ladder section. I also help respond, answer and solve issues in «Complain About an Admin». Besides that, I am here to make sure things get done and are just done well...as well as pick up and help anywhere as needed to help the ladder section excel. ^_^
What current projects are you undertaking inside of iCCup? Projects? lol..I have a whole list of stuff I do as for on here, hmm...I help people with making sure the English is correct. Sometimes help reword things so that the over all flow is good. Besides that my current projects are pretty much related to being a super admin. Unless aiming to get a C- this season, counts.

What are your goals for this iCCup season? C- and to face Tossgirl in a 1v1.
What were any previous admin positions here or elsewhere? Goodness, to many. I will simply list my positions for current stuff. ICCup.com — Super Ladder Admin; Bladeradio.com — Upper Management — Head Trainer — Coder — Marketing Department. Guildwars.com — I deal with the developers, designers and community managers almost every week, for the station and such. This is not including being a Full vent admin for at least 3 different vents, being a full Teamspeak admin for 1 place and helping with various other sites and such.
What is your gaming history? Gaming history? Geez, thats hard! I've been beta testing games since I was 6. I hope you guys don't want me to give you a full list on that.
What will StarCraft 2 mean for progaming/iccup/esports? What are your opinions of the game so far? To be honest I am not to sure what to expect out of SC2, except the 3D Graphics and such. I am sure there will be a progaming side simply because it will be new and it will be SC2, however I think ICCup and the original SC will still be out and about like normal. I think E-Sports will also move into covering SC2 but will still cover the original SC till it complete has lost progamers and such.
Do you find being an iCCup admin rewarding? If so/not why? I find it rewarding to help the community. This is why I have been a Dj for 2+ years now. As for if I find it being rewarding to be an admin on iccup, to be honest, yes. I love it! I love being able to know that I can sit there and fix some one's points cause some jerk decided to force a disconnection. I love knowing I can help catch the hackers and stop them from being able to hack again. I think that answers this question. ^_^
Who are your role model/s? Goodness, this is so hard. I'd have to say my parents for sure. They have both been an inspiration to me for my whole life. Thanks to them I was raised around multiple languages and raised with an Asian background/culture knowledge. Thus I have been using chop sticks almost as long as I have used a fork. XD. Besides my parents, I'd have to say my friends. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today, I wouldn't know as much as I know. Life just isn't fun without friends. Hmmm...Other inspirations, I would have to say hard workers. Those people who I see are hard working and very dedicated to what they do. People like Mai-k, Cheloman, Unk, YelloAnt, 2easy, ToH1o, Storm...they are all very hard workers. They were here before I got here, 5-6 months ago...and while others come and go, they are still here pushing on and making sure things are done. Their level of dedication is unbelievable in my opinion. Now I didn't list everyone who I think is very dedicated, I simply listed the most dedicated in my personal opinion. You won't meet many people who put in the level of dedication they have. This job isn't paying, so I keep wondering...even with bm the admins get....How the heck have they done it this long and I cant help but be amazed. I think you guys should hit them up one day, just say hi...Tell them thanks. You may not see the work they do, but they do more than anyone. Trust me on that.
+ Show Spoiler [Favourites] +
Food — Japanese and Italian Food
Drink — Mountain Dew
Band — Hard to say. Evanescence & SNSD
Song — Also a hard one to say...For right now its: Kaskade - Its You Its Me or Black Eye Peas — I Gotta a Feeling
Movie — The Never Ending Story & Independence Day
Actor — Goodness...To hard.
TV Show — Law & Order
Book — Dark Over Series and Harry Potter
Game — Starcraft & Guild wars
Unit — Hydras, Lurkers or Mutas!!! <333333 Mutas cause they look like dragons. Hydras cause they do so much damage in masses and lurkers cause they just own stuff. XD
SC Player — JaeDong
StarCraft Pro Game you’ve ever watched — Goodness, not sure...Sorry, if I recall I will make sure its put here.
Website/s other than iCCup — www.bladeradio.com ^_^
Person on iccup — Not sure
Drink — Mountain Dew
Band — Hard to say. Evanescence & SNSD
Song — Also a hard one to say...For right now its: Kaskade - Its You Its Me or Black Eye Peas — I Gotta a Feeling
Movie — The Never Ending Story & Independence Day
Actor — Goodness...To hard.
TV Show — Law & Order
Book — Dark Over Series and Harry Potter
Game — Starcraft & Guild wars
Unit — Hydras, Lurkers or Mutas!!! <333333 Mutas cause they look like dragons. Hydras cause they do so much damage in masses and lurkers cause they just own stuff. XD
SC Player — JaeDong
StarCraft Pro Game you’ve ever watched — Goodness, not sure...Sorry, if I recall I will make sure its put here.
Website/s other than iCCup — www.bladeradio.com ^_^
Person on iccup — Not sure
+ Show Spoiler [Most...] +
Hard Working Admin — Mai-k, Cheloman, Unk, YelloAnt, 2easy, ToH1o, Storm
Lazy Admin — The invisible one xD — He never does any work! I tell you, if I ever see him, he'll be in trouble ^_~
Friendly Admin — Plue, Pariah or Pixels..I think...wait, maybe stratos- or noise. UMSC is pretty friendly to. Then again so is AureS and ii and Itsumo. Oh! I can't forget Eclipse either, he's also very nice! Dang...to hard to choose! Sorry guys!
BM Admin — The invisible one! He never shows up anymore XD.
Funny Admin — iCCup.Murphy
Annoying person on iccup — I don't find a lot of people very annoying. If they are annoying, in my opinion, its probably cause they are doing one of the following: whinnying, not listening to what they were told, acting stupid, being a pest or being straight out bad mannered.
Lazy Admin — The invisible one xD — He never does any work! I tell you, if I ever see him, he'll be in trouble ^_~
Friendly Admin — Plue, Pariah or Pixels..I think...wait, maybe stratos- or noise. UMSC is pretty friendly to. Then again so is AureS and ii and Itsumo. Oh! I can't forget Eclipse either, he's also very nice! Dang...to hard to choose! Sorry guys!
BM Admin — The invisible one! He never shows up anymore XD.
Funny Admin — iCCup.Murphy
Annoying person on iccup — I don't find a lot of people very annoying. If they are annoying, in my opinion, its probably cause they are doing one of the following: whinnying, not listening to what they were told, acting stupid, being a pest or being straight out bad mannered.
+ Show Spoiler [Admin Questions] +
Of course we have to ask you a lot about StarCraft.
— These are mostly posted by other admins -
iCCup.Plue asks:
Why did you start to play starcraft? Cause of a guy I liked.
What race do you play? I played toss for maybe 1 1/2 weeks, then moved to Zerg.
What's the highest rank you achieved? At the moment, D+ for 2v2 ladder. A friend told me if I actually practiced that I could get C- for 1v1, but I don't ladder to much.
For how long have you played starcraft? I get a lot of people giving me hate for this answer but since Feb 26th this year.
What's the most annoying unit? and why? The most annoying unit? Is when my favorite units are used against me XD
What's your favorite map? Destination I think
Which map do you dislike the most? Hmm....I don't like heart break ridge too much, for some reason.
iCCup.Puremiss asks:
Favorite Cheese Build? If its not being used against me, Colosseum and sunken rush XD.
What would be your Starcraft Dream Team? Either WeMade FOX, STX SouL or maybe eSTRO.
iCCup.Abe asks:
During your time as part of the ICCup team, has there been a moment that shines above all others? Yes! The time where the ladder section had no complaints because they did that well! I can't tell you how nice it is to know we did that well. ^_^
Have you ever tried, and succeeded, in counting to 100 while playing Starcraft? LOL....To be honest, no. However I have played starcraft while talking on vent and on the phone >.<. I even won a few matches like that.
iCCup.GhOst asks:
Tesla....are u coming to Peru? I might, some day. ^_^
iCCup.tofucake asks:
Was is Colonel Mustard with the lead pipe in The Conservatory? OMG! How did you know?! It was sooo him!
iCCup.WinTer asks:
Does your position ever get in the way of your life? It means that I have to dedicate more of my time online. I'll admit that sometimes its hard for me to find a way to get everything done that I need to but I do my best.
How did you come up with the name Telsa? Any significance? If so, what? The name Tesla is actually chosen from the name I dj with. When I started out as a Dj 2+ years ago, I had trouble figuring out what name I wanted to use. Thus a friend suggested the name Tesla. After doing some research behind the name and finding out that it had been used by a Scientist and a band, I decided to go on air that very first night and try it. Much to my surprise, I liked the way it sounded, thus I have kept name and have continued to add to the history it already holds.
Do you enjoy fried or fast food? I guess it depends on the type of food. However if I answer with which one I eat more of, then the answer is fast food.
Do you have any current ideas on how to improve iCCup? Multiple ideas to be honest. As I come up with the ideas, I post them to our tech crew for them to review and decide if possible or not. ^_^
iCCup.Reyis asks:
When we first meet, you told me you have always wanted to play with «ToSsGirl» and beat her in a series of matches. Also according to your words, you have been training lots just for this possible rivalry and its outcome. So; the hunger from you to beat «ToSsGirl» adds an enormous amount of pressure to grab a victory over from such a stalwart Terran player of her class. How does the pressure of such a big and important match influence you and how do you rate your chances if we had this match to see anytime soon? First off, I must say what a great question this is. Its very well thought out and worded. Now moving on to answering your question… As for what I have stated, Yes...I do want to face and try to beat ToSsGirl. Yes, I have been training on and off just for the possibility to face her. I understand that ToSsGirl is the undefeated female starcraft player, however, I feel that it is time for someone else to prove...that no one is undefeatable. While I know this is a challenge and will take quite sometime, I still plan on facing her one of these days. Whether I win or lose, does not matter to me anymore. Why you ask? I have learned so much more from this game losing, then from winning. However I have been practicing and I am not sure what my chances are of beating her at this moment. If given the chance, I'd love to practice against her or any other pro to try to see where I need to improve. I honestly, still have alot of way to go before I feel I am ready to face her. However I hope by mid-November that I might be ready then. This is not a set time though as I am very busy and between trying to train, Super admin work/iccup work and being a dj...This makes my schedule pretty busy. As for how the pressure effects me well thats kind of hard to answer. I know that there are quite a few people who actually want to see me face ToSsGirl and even beat her. Thus I know I want to work and train very hard, cause I don't let them down. So I guess the pressure is there but I do my best to not focus on it. I want to focus on what I feel is important for me to train on so that I can get better...So that later I can focus on actually beating her. I hope that makes sense.
— These are mostly posted by other admins -
iCCup.Plue asks:
Why did you start to play starcraft? Cause of a guy I liked.
What race do you play? I played toss for maybe 1 1/2 weeks, then moved to Zerg.
What's the highest rank you achieved? At the moment, D+ for 2v2 ladder. A friend told me if I actually practiced that I could get C- for 1v1, but I don't ladder to much.
For how long have you played starcraft? I get a lot of people giving me hate for this answer but since Feb 26th this year.
What's the most annoying unit? and why? The most annoying unit? Is when my favorite units are used against me XD
What's your favorite map? Destination I think
Which map do you dislike the most? Hmm....I don't like heart break ridge too much, for some reason.
iCCup.Puremiss asks:
Favorite Cheese Build? If its not being used against me, Colosseum and sunken rush XD.
What would be your Starcraft Dream Team? Either WeMade FOX, STX SouL or maybe eSTRO.
iCCup.Abe asks:
During your time as part of the ICCup team, has there been a moment that shines above all others? Yes! The time where the ladder section had no complaints because they did that well! I can't tell you how nice it is to know we did that well. ^_^
Have you ever tried, and succeeded, in counting to 100 while playing Starcraft? LOL....To be honest, no. However I have played starcraft while talking on vent and on the phone >.<. I even won a few matches like that.
iCCup.GhOst asks:
Tesla....are u coming to Peru? I might, some day. ^_^
iCCup.tofucake asks:
Was is Colonel Mustard with the lead pipe in The Conservatory? OMG! How did you know?! It was sooo him!
iCCup.WinTer asks:
Does your position ever get in the way of your life? It means that I have to dedicate more of my time online. I'll admit that sometimes its hard for me to find a way to get everything done that I need to but I do my best.
How did you come up with the name Telsa? Any significance? If so, what? The name Tesla is actually chosen from the name I dj with. When I started out as a Dj 2+ years ago, I had trouble figuring out what name I wanted to use. Thus a friend suggested the name Tesla. After doing some research behind the name and finding out that it had been used by a Scientist and a band, I decided to go on air that very first night and try it. Much to my surprise, I liked the way it sounded, thus I have kept name and have continued to add to the history it already holds.
Do you enjoy fried or fast food? I guess it depends on the type of food. However if I answer with which one I eat more of, then the answer is fast food.
Do you have any current ideas on how to improve iCCup? Multiple ideas to be honest. As I come up with the ideas, I post them to our tech crew for them to review and decide if possible or not. ^_^
iCCup.Reyis asks:
When we first meet, you told me you have always wanted to play with «ToSsGirl» and beat her in a series of matches. Also according to your words, you have been training lots just for this possible rivalry and its outcome. So; the hunger from you to beat «ToSsGirl» adds an enormous amount of pressure to grab a victory over from such a stalwart Terran player of her class. How does the pressure of such a big and important match influence you and how do you rate your chances if we had this match to see anytime soon? First off, I must say what a great question this is. Its very well thought out and worded. Now moving on to answering your question… As for what I have stated, Yes...I do want to face and try to beat ToSsGirl. Yes, I have been training on and off just for the possibility to face her. I understand that ToSsGirl is the undefeated female starcraft player, however, I feel that it is time for someone else to prove...that no one is undefeatable. While I know this is a challenge and will take quite sometime, I still plan on facing her one of these days. Whether I win or lose, does not matter to me anymore. Why you ask? I have learned so much more from this game losing, then from winning. However I have been practicing and I am not sure what my chances are of beating her at this moment. If given the chance, I'd love to practice against her or any other pro to try to see where I need to improve. I honestly, still have alot of way to go before I feel I am ready to face her. However I hope by mid-November that I might be ready then. This is not a set time though as I am very busy and between trying to train, Super admin work/iccup work and being a dj...This makes my schedule pretty busy. As for how the pressure effects me well thats kind of hard to answer. I know that there are quite a few people who actually want to see me face ToSsGirl and even beat her. Thus I know I want to work and train very hard, cause I don't let them down. So I guess the pressure is there but I do my best to not focus on it. I want to focus on what I feel is important for me to train on so that I can get better...So that later I can focus on actually beating her. I hope that makes sense.
+ Show Spoiler [Player Questions] +
There was much more included in the interview, read all the fan-posted questions below!
Tell us your favorite joke. iCCup Netizen
Don't really have one atm, sorry. However the best story ever is my friend calling goons, cyber spiders. XD
You always seem to be online until the wee hours of the morning. Do you ever sleep? sf_torquatus
I am online alot, yes. My favorite answer to this question happens to be «what is sleep?», however in all truth I am no machine and I am unable to go without sleep...just like anyone else. So yes, I do sleep. I just sleep at very weird hours, for short periods of time and look like I am always online because I only reboot my pc about once a month/or as needed.
Which is better — Starcraft or Guild Wars? sf_torquatus
I happen to like both games very much. However I find that Starcraft happens to be more of a challenge to me. I find it interesting how the RTS games work. Such like starcraft. Thus I guess to answer the question properly, I would have to say that I enjoy playing starcraft more than Guild Wars at the moment.
Not good enough, yet.
do u have a webcam? Pummeln
No and even if I did, Pummeln, you would never see me. Also to answer your next question, no thanks. I am not that kind of girl. Thanks though. ^_^
Exactly how awesome is Tetris? Tetris[Shock]
LOL. Your a cool guy. ^_^
What is the lowest ranked player you've ever lost a game to? PhoenixM1
D, but it was one of my friends and he was learning from higher ranked friends. ^_^
Any particular reason why JaeDong is your favorite? PhoenixM1
He is my favorite cause he is the best zerg player and I am a zerg player. If I ever get really good at the game, one day, I think I'd like to play him...Just for fun. ^_^
When you were younger did you always want to be involved in starcraft? PhoenixM1
To be honest, not really. When I was younger I saw my parents playing this game and didnt care back then. However this year, I found friends playing it and talking about it. So I decided to get into it.
What qualities do you think are important to have for your work at ICCup?
Good question! I think you have to be well mannered, self motivated, good with people skills and reliable. Having knowledge of more than one language also helps. ^_^ (ED: I want Tesla as a referee in my résumé :o — deL)
How did you end up working for ICCup? PhoenixM1
I was in a match with my friends when I saw an announcement for ladder section recruiting. So I decided to give it a shot. Thus I have been serving the iccup community since April this year.
Do you enjoy answering questions thought up by random people you've never met? PhoenixM1
LOL. Honestly, I am use to it. I get it a lot since I am also a dj.
Are you being forced to do this? PhoenixM1
Nah. Del is my fellow admin and my friend. He asked me if I would mind doing an interview, I told him nah. ^_^
What do you like in this job the most? beetlelisk
Lol....honestly? Banning hackers. So bad, but sooo true.
What are you doing in real life? beetlelisk
Hmm. I happen to be a big sister, so I have to be a role model for my little brother and baby sister. Besides that I dj and work for a lawyer part time.
Can you remember the hardest/most annoying complaints? beetlelisk
This is an easy question...Most annoying complaints for me are 2v2 matches where not all the team shows up on one side. Soooo annoying XD...Cause then you have to figure out who is on whos side. Oooo...or even the complains where its 2v2 but the system shows 5 people listed. XD
Favorite porn? Pummeln
LOL. I don't watch porn. Sorry but I find it a waste of time. This might be due to the difference between men and women. I blame it on the fact that I am a chick and just have more important things to do. ^_^ (ED: Pummeln earned himself a nice holiday for his questions
— deL)
How do you maintain such a hardworking schedule between iCCup and life?
To be honest, by giving up sleep. I sleep maybe 5 hours a night. So I really have to focus on what I need/want to get done or it just wont get done. XD
Are you passionate about your job as an admin? CaTaStRopHiC
I think so. I take alot of notes. I note almost every action I do as an admin. Including screen shots and all. I also try to put alot of time into iccup.
What will you do when Starcraft 2 comes out? CaTaStRopHiC
I will end up learning to play Starcraft 2 and keep working on starcraft 1. It should prove to be a lot of fun!
Thank youfor being such a great admin Tesla. CaTaStRopHiC
Thank you all for giving me the chance to prove myself. ^_^
Tell us your favorite joke. iCCup Netizen
Don't really have one atm, sorry. However the best story ever is my friend calling goons, cyber spiders. XD
You always seem to be online until the wee hours of the morning. Do you ever sleep? sf_torquatus
I am online alot, yes. My favorite answer to this question happens to be «what is sleep?», however in all truth I am no machine and I am unable to go without sleep...just like anyone else. So yes, I do sleep. I just sleep at very weird hours, for short periods of time and look like I am always online because I only reboot my pc about once a month/or as needed.
Which is better — Starcraft or Guild Wars? sf_torquatus
I happen to like both games very much. However I find that Starcraft happens to be more of a challenge to me. I find it interesting how the RTS games work. Such like starcraft. Thus I guess to answer the question properly, I would have to say that I enjoy playing starcraft more than Guild Wars at the moment.
Not good enough, yet.

do u have a webcam? Pummeln
No and even if I did, Pummeln, you would never see me. Also to answer your next question, no thanks. I am not that kind of girl. Thanks though. ^_^
Exactly how awesome is Tetris? Tetris[Shock]
LOL. Your a cool guy. ^_^
What is the lowest ranked player you've ever lost a game to? PhoenixM1
D, but it was one of my friends and he was learning from higher ranked friends. ^_^
Any particular reason why JaeDong is your favorite? PhoenixM1
He is my favorite cause he is the best zerg player and I am a zerg player. If I ever get really good at the game, one day, I think I'd like to play him...Just for fun. ^_^
When you were younger did you always want to be involved in starcraft? PhoenixM1
To be honest, not really. When I was younger I saw my parents playing this game and didnt care back then. However this year, I found friends playing it and talking about it. So I decided to get into it.
What qualities do you think are important to have for your work at ICCup?
Good question! I think you have to be well mannered, self motivated, good with people skills and reliable. Having knowledge of more than one language also helps. ^_^ (ED: I want Tesla as a referee in my résumé :o — deL)
How did you end up working for ICCup? PhoenixM1
I was in a match with my friends when I saw an announcement for ladder section recruiting. So I decided to give it a shot. Thus I have been serving the iccup community since April this year.

Do you enjoy answering questions thought up by random people you've never met? PhoenixM1
LOL. Honestly, I am use to it. I get it a lot since I am also a dj.
Are you being forced to do this? PhoenixM1
Nah. Del is my fellow admin and my friend. He asked me if I would mind doing an interview, I told him nah. ^_^
What do you like in this job the most? beetlelisk
Lol....honestly? Banning hackers. So bad, but sooo true.
What are you doing in real life? beetlelisk
Hmm. I happen to be a big sister, so I have to be a role model for my little brother and baby sister. Besides that I dj and work for a lawyer part time.
Can you remember the hardest/most annoying complaints? beetlelisk
This is an easy question...Most annoying complaints for me are 2v2 matches where not all the team shows up on one side. Soooo annoying XD...Cause then you have to figure out who is on whos side. Oooo...or even the complains where its 2v2 but the system shows 5 people listed. XD
Favorite porn? Pummeln
LOL. I don't watch porn. Sorry but I find it a waste of time. This might be due to the difference between men and women. I blame it on the fact that I am a chick and just have more important things to do. ^_^ (ED: Pummeln earned himself a nice holiday for his questions

How do you maintain such a hardworking schedule between iCCup and life?
To be honest, by giving up sleep. I sleep maybe 5 hours a night. So I really have to focus on what I need/want to get done or it just wont get done. XD
Are you passionate about your job as an admin? CaTaStRopHiC
I think so. I take alot of notes. I note almost every action I do as an admin. Including screen shots and all. I also try to put alot of time into iccup.
What will you do when Starcraft 2 comes out? CaTaStRopHiC
I will end up learning to play Starcraft 2 and keep working on starcraft 1. It should prove to be a lot of fun!
Thank youfor being such a great admin Tesla. CaTaStRopHiC
Thank you all for giving me the chance to prove myself. ^_^
The second admin was
![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/news/1deL/esc4ton.png)
![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/flags/yu.gif)
![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/news/1deL/esc4ton.png)
+ Show Spoiler [iCCup Questions] +
+ Show Spoiler [Favourites] +
+ Show Spoiler [Most...] +
+ Show Spoiler [Admin Questions] +
+ Show Spoiler [Player Questions] +
I first wanted to know more about what Esc4ton (pronounced as escaton) does within iCCup and why he joined us. Also we learn more about his personality and what he enjoys doing! Some answers were short because unlike Tesla, Esc4ton is not a native English speaker.
Why did you join the iCCup team? Like working in a communities and like to work in a team… Like helping ppl etc...
What does your position demand? To be pretty
What current projects are you undertaking inside of iCCup? Too many of them ^_^ don’t wanna bother you about it ^_^ and I’m to lazy to write about them atm :D
What are your goals for this iCCup season? To make Replay section good as possible… To present ROTW to the ppl every week with better and better replays aaaaaaaaaaand dunno, to chill, and have fun J
What were any previous admin positions here or elsewhere? Gosugamers, replay admin… And on some Serbian community sites… Dunno what I was, something like admin O_O
What is your gaming history? SC no, I played CS in a few clans in my country...
What will StarCraft 2 mean for progaming/iccup/esports? What are your opinions of the game so far? I dunno, don't really care too much ^_^
Are you currently working/studying? If so, in what area? Studying, operations management
Who are your role model/s? Hahaha tnx for explanation on the question deL J ^_^ Well, actually I don’t have one… I just wanna be myself and unique person, it’s hard but I’m doing my best -.-
Tell us your favourite gaming-related joke or story. Not in sc only in cs, it was 16vs16 and I was alone Terrorist with c4 vs 10 Counter Terrorists and I won that round ^_^
Why did you pick up starcraft? Why not, in life, you should try everything -.-
What's the highest iCCup rank you achieved? Hmmm Z-?
When did you begin playing starcraft? Since 1999
What's your favourite unit? and why? Mutalisk, aaaah they are pretty
And sexy, and dunno I was always thinking what would’ve happened if Carrier and Mutalisk had sex O_O how would their baby look alike O_O
What's the most annoying unit? and why? Doesn't have one...
What's your favourite map? Nostalgia...
What map do you dislike the most? Destination...
You are well known amongst the other admins for your presence in a band. Tell us about your band member personalities and influences. Huh, they are all retards, kidding ^_^ dunno the greatest I get on with singer, and we are like bosses in the band and we make all big decisions and so on, they are all really really great people and I’m glad that I found them and that we are playing together, it’s like one small familly ^_^ influences ;\ huh, dunno we’re tryin to make some our style not to look after influences but if I have to say then it’ll be like, Startovarius, Kamelot, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Skid Row, WhiteSnake… And lot of other bands ^_^
What's your favourite replay on iCCup? Huh, there are bunch of them ^_^
Have you ever travelled overseas? Where? Not too much, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro O_O (Note, when an Aussie says overseas they mean outside your own country
What other games do you play? Solitaire? :D
What type of guitar do you use? Wtf, I should kill you cause of this question
IBANEZ FTW \m/ but I’m looking forward to buy one Jackson asap IMG <3
Tell us more about your samurai sword in your pictures in the iCCup galleries. Hahahah ^_^ It’s not mine even, I was @ friends house and just made some pics cause I was bored
What's your favourite possession — one that you could not live without? Hmm dunno there are a lot of things, like guitars, and all equipment ^_^ computer, phone ^_^ my bed O_O
Which pro team or clan league team do you follow? Huh none specially ^_^ let’s say all of them O_O
Do you like to watch/play any sports? Yeah ^_^ football, volleyball, sex J.
Why did you join the iCCup team? Like working in a communities and like to work in a team… Like helping ppl etc...
What does your position demand? To be pretty

What current projects are you undertaking inside of iCCup? Too many of them ^_^ don’t wanna bother you about it ^_^ and I’m to lazy to write about them atm :D
What are your goals for this iCCup season? To make Replay section good as possible… To present ROTW to the ppl every week with better and better replays aaaaaaaaaaand dunno, to chill, and have fun J
What were any previous admin positions here or elsewhere? Gosugamers, replay admin… And on some Serbian community sites… Dunno what I was, something like admin O_O
What is your gaming history? SC no, I played CS in a few clans in my country...
What will StarCraft 2 mean for progaming/iccup/esports? What are your opinions of the game so far? I dunno, don't really care too much ^_^
Are you currently working/studying? If so, in what area? Studying, operations management
Who are your role model/s? Hahaha tnx for explanation on the question deL J ^_^ Well, actually I don’t have one… I just wanna be myself and unique person, it’s hard but I’m doing my best -.-
Tell us your favourite gaming-related joke or story. Not in sc only in cs, it was 16vs16 and I was alone Terrorist with c4 vs 10 Counter Terrorists and I won that round ^_^
Why did you pick up starcraft? Why not, in life, you should try everything -.-
What's the highest iCCup rank you achieved? Hmmm Z-?

When did you begin playing starcraft? Since 1999
What's your favourite unit? and why? Mutalisk, aaaah they are pretty

What's the most annoying unit? and why? Doesn't have one...
What's your favourite map? Nostalgia...
What map do you dislike the most? Destination...
You are well known amongst the other admins for your presence in a band. Tell us about your band member personalities and influences. Huh, they are all retards, kidding ^_^ dunno the greatest I get on with singer, and we are like bosses in the band and we make all big decisions and so on, they are all really really great people and I’m glad that I found them and that we are playing together, it’s like one small familly ^_^ influences ;\ huh, dunno we’re tryin to make some our style not to look after influences but if I have to say then it’ll be like, Startovarius, Kamelot, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Skid Row, WhiteSnake… And lot of other bands ^_^
What's your favourite replay on iCCup? Huh, there are bunch of them ^_^
Have you ever travelled overseas? Where? Not too much, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro O_O (Note, when an Aussie says overseas they mean outside your own country

What other games do you play? Solitaire? :D
What type of guitar do you use? Wtf, I should kill you cause of this question

Tell us more about your samurai sword in your pictures in the iCCup galleries. Hahahah ^_^ It’s not mine even, I was @ friends house and just made some pics cause I was bored

What's your favourite possession — one that you could not live without? Hmm dunno there are a lot of things, like guitars, and all equipment ^_^ computer, phone ^_^ my bed O_O
Which pro team or clan league team do you follow? Huh none specially ^_^ let’s say all of them O_O
Do you like to watch/play any sports? Yeah ^_^ football, volleyball, sex J.
+ Show Spoiler [Favourites] +
Food — Hamburger
Drink — Coca Cola
Band — Atlantida <3
Song — Huh -.-
Movie — Hmmm ;\ too much...
Actor — Jenna Jameson :D
TV Show — Entourage \m/
Book — Guitar Tabs :D
Game — CS
Hardware — My integrated sound card \m/
SC Player — NaDa
CS Player — Potti/HeatoN
StarCraft Pro Game — hmmm NaDa vs aMeba
Website/s other than iCCup — gg.net, myspace and facebook
Drink — Coca Cola
Band — Atlantida <3
Song — Huh -.-
Movie — Hmmm ;\ too much...
Actor — Jenna Jameson :D
TV Show — Entourage \m/
Book — Guitar Tabs :D
Game — CS
Hardware — My integrated sound card \m/
SC Player — NaDa
CS Player — Potti/HeatoN
StarCraft Pro Game — hmmm NaDa vs aMeba
Website/s other than iCCup — gg.net, myspace and facebook
+ Show Spoiler [Most...] +
Hard Working Admin — Tym 
Lazy Admin — eRRoR
Friendly Admin — Tym
BM Admin — Tesla
Funny Admin — TYM FFS!!!
Annoying person on iccup — Del O_O (ROTW!!!) :D

Lazy Admin — eRRoR

Friendly Admin — Tym
BM Admin — Tesla
Funny Admin — TYM FFS!!!
Annoying person on iccup — Del O_O (ROTW!!!) :D
+ Show Spoiler [Admin Questions] +
In the admin forums, members were invited to ask their own questions for Esc4ton.
iCCup.Tym asks:
have you ever killed people with your ninja sword? :D Probably around 7………………………………. thousand :D
do you play any starcraft at all or just counter strike? ;D SC a little bit ^_^ CS always <3
what do you do for living- do you get money for your music ? I do I do :D hahaha I’m not pissing my mom and that’s what I do ^_^ j/k I do some websites and soon my university is starting ^_^ from music, not really much ^_^
what do you want to be in the future? Don Corleone O_O
iCCup.v1 asks:
how would you spend a 1 000 000 euros? Mmmmmmmmmmmm ^_^ I would buy like lots of guitars and I would open one awesome music studio with some awesome equipment and BMW X5 :D
iCCup.WinTer asks:
do you have any pets? If so, what are they? Yeah mouse O_O j/k I had, but dunno where it is now L
What do you normally do in an average day? Nm, playin guitar, chilin with friends, with gf, and doin my job @ iCCup ^_^
iCCup.Spec asks:
What does esc4Ton mean? Escaton is a wizard from Might and Magic VIII I think, I really liked him as a character :D
iCCup.Abe asks:
Do you play any instruments? Who are some of your favorite musicians and bands? Yeah I play guitar ^_^ and hmm about musicians, Malmsteen, Romeo and all fat guitarists :D, Petrucci, Satriani, Vai, Gilbert……… :D Bands ;\ huh ;\ Tough one ^_^ atm my band Atlantida, but besides it hmm Dream Theater, Children of bodom, Celesty, Imperanon, Pyramaze, Iced Earth bla bla bla bla ^_^
iCCup.Tym asks:
have you ever killed people with your ninja sword? :D Probably around 7………………………………. thousand :D
do you play any starcraft at all or just counter strike? ;D SC a little bit ^_^ CS always <3
what do you do for living- do you get money for your music ? I do I do :D hahaha I’m not pissing my mom and that’s what I do ^_^ j/k I do some websites and soon my university is starting ^_^ from music, not really much ^_^
what do you want to be in the future? Don Corleone O_O
iCCup.v1 asks:
how would you spend a 1 000 000 euros? Mmmmmmmmmmmm ^_^ I would buy like lots of guitars and I would open one awesome music studio with some awesome equipment and BMW X5 :D
iCCup.WinTer asks:
do you have any pets? If so, what are they? Yeah mouse O_O j/k I had, but dunno where it is now L
What do you normally do in an average day? Nm, playin guitar, chilin with friends, with gf, and doin my job @ iCCup ^_^
iCCup.Spec asks:
What does esc4Ton mean? Escaton is a wizard from Might and Magic VIII I think, I really liked him as a character :D
iCCup.Abe asks:
Do you play any instruments? Who are some of your favorite musicians and bands? Yeah I play guitar ^_^ and hmm about musicians, Malmsteen, Romeo and all fat guitarists :D, Petrucci, Satriani, Vai, Gilbert……… :D Bands ;\ huh ;\ Tough one ^_^ atm my band Atlantida, but besides it hmm Dream Theater, Children of bodom, Celesty, Imperanon, Pyramaze, Iced Earth bla bla bla bla ^_^
+ Show Spoiler [Player Questions] +
Like the admin questions submitted, iCCup forum regulars could also post questions to Esc4ton.
whats your favorite poster in iccup Forum? Doesn’t have one K
whats your favorite Team at iccup? [BoB] ^_^
whats your favorite greek at iccup? Since I don’t know any I will say you :D
whats your favorite terran player? NaDa <3
whats your favourite meme? There is no place like (I’m to stupid to understand this question O_O, sry deL <3)
how to be so sexy? Ah, you get born with that ^_^ you can’t learn that :D
how could u join smartest clan in the bnet? How couldn’t I K
favourite korean gamers? NaDa, sAvior, Nal_ra, Boxer, samgukyusa…
why do you love gulle so much? Cause he’s so gosu designer ^_^
coolest icc admin? Tym ^_^
being an icc admin what pisses you off most? Talking to some ppl, and answering on like 100000000000000 same questions ^_^
what's your favourite clan homepage and why do you have skills in making them? BoB <3 ofc ^_^ why I have skills? Hmmm, why you have skills Esc4toN O_O
do you still pretend to be God like in AoE? To be who? J
When do i get my copy of atlantida's new album? Soon J
When are you finishing your album..So you can make me my song? When you send me some American stuff!
whats your favorite poster in iccup Forum? Doesn’t have one K
whats your favorite Team at iccup? [BoB] ^_^
whats your favorite greek at iccup? Since I don’t know any I will say you :D
whats your favorite terran player? NaDa <3
whats your favourite meme? There is no place like (I’m to stupid to understand this question O_O, sry deL <3)
how to be so sexy? Ah, you get born with that ^_^ you can’t learn that :D
how could u join smartest clan in the bnet? How couldn’t I K
favourite korean gamers? NaDa, sAvior, Nal_ra, Boxer, samgukyusa…
why do you love gulle so much? Cause he’s so gosu designer ^_^
coolest icc admin? Tym ^_^
being an icc admin what pisses you off most? Talking to some ppl, and answering on like 100000000000000 same questions ^_^
what's your favourite clan homepage and why do you have skills in making them? BoB <3 ofc ^_^ why I have skills? Hmmm, why you have skills Esc4toN O_O
do you still pretend to be God like in AoE? To be who? J
When do i get my copy of atlantida's new album? Soon J
When are you finishing your album..So you can make me my song? When you send me some American stuff!
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tsld/images/flags/pl.png)
![[image loading]](http://www.iccup.com/upload/images/news/2deL/2easy21.png)
+ Show Spoiler [StarCraft/iCCup Questions] +
Why did you join the iCCup admin team?
Of course to help community. When I was player I thought admin job is really cool so I wanted to be admin too. So I sent application to Ladder Section because I could be helpful there.
What did your position as Super Ladder Admin demand?
Super Ladder Admin has got few main tasks to do. The most important of them it is recruiting new admins and check their work, correct them if they made mistake and share with them our knowledge. Next one is working with Full Ladder Admins, checking their work and help them if they need my assistance. It is very important points because full admins are the base of Ladder Section and without them we couldn’t exist. Next part of my work is checking player’s complaints about other admin’s decision. So it is my job is short.
You were recently promoted, taking Mai-K's place as head admin. Mai-K had a lot of fans and presumably a lot of enemies — how are you going to go about taking on this role? In a similar way or your own style and what can the public and admins expect?
First of all it won't be easy to be so good Head Admin like ICCup.Mai-k. I don't have any plans for it, I will just do my work. I won't try to get my own «fans» because I don't need to be player's friend.
What can the public and admins expect? Admins and players can be sure they can always count on me if they will have problems. But rule is rule and everyone should respect it. If not so there will be no mercy for them. Welcome to hell xD
You share you account with Kamil – does this ever result in problems or disagreements, or do you think it is an advantage?
I think it is very helpful because when I don’t have enough time Kamil always helps. For example now when I came back at university. For us it is really good solution because we can help each other.
Problems for players? I don’t think so. I’m sure 99% of players are still thinking I’m a male. At the beggining of being admin ICCup.2easy was really male – Kamil. I helped him whenever I had free time. When Kamil finished study and found job he had less time for ICCup so I took over Section.
Problems for us? Yeah, we always argue if ICCup.2easy is his or my account ;p
What are the pros and cons of being a female admin? Do you think you are taken more or less seriously?
As I said earlier most of player treat me like a male and I don’t think I should tell him the truth. But in my opinion players could me more polite when they would know they are talking with girl. I think community like ICCup need the gentle sex :p
How do you think StarCraft 2 will affect the SC:BW community, and what do you think of the game in general from what you have seen so far?
Hmm, I don’t have opinion about Starcraft 2. For me this game has got too many details and I can’t imagine playing it. But we will see...
Gdzie jest toaleta?
Why do you remember this polish sentence? Did I think we have more well known words and sentence ;p
Of course to help community. When I was player I thought admin job is really cool so I wanted to be admin too. So I sent application to Ladder Section because I could be helpful there.
What did your position as Super Ladder Admin demand?
Super Ladder Admin has got few main tasks to do. The most important of them it is recruiting new admins and check their work, correct them if they made mistake and share with them our knowledge. Next one is working with Full Ladder Admins, checking their work and help them if they need my assistance. It is very important points because full admins are the base of Ladder Section and without them we couldn’t exist. Next part of my work is checking player’s complaints about other admin’s decision. So it is my job is short.
You were recently promoted, taking Mai-K's place as head admin. Mai-K had a lot of fans and presumably a lot of enemies — how are you going to go about taking on this role? In a similar way or your own style and what can the public and admins expect?
First of all it won't be easy to be so good Head Admin like ICCup.Mai-k. I don't have any plans for it, I will just do my work. I won't try to get my own «fans» because I don't need to be player's friend.
What can the public and admins expect? Admins and players can be sure they can always count on me if they will have problems. But rule is rule and everyone should respect it. If not so there will be no mercy for them. Welcome to hell xD
You share you account with Kamil – does this ever result in problems or disagreements, or do you think it is an advantage?
I think it is very helpful because when I don’t have enough time Kamil always helps. For example now when I came back at university. For us it is really good solution because we can help each other.
Problems for players? I don’t think so. I’m sure 99% of players are still thinking I’m a male. At the beggining of being admin ICCup.2easy was really male – Kamil. I helped him whenever I had free time. When Kamil finished study and found job he had less time for ICCup so I took over Section.
Problems for us? Yeah, we always argue if ICCup.2easy is his or my account ;p
What are the pros and cons of being a female admin? Do you think you are taken more or less seriously?
As I said earlier most of player treat me like a male and I don’t think I should tell him the truth. But in my opinion players could me more polite when they would know they are talking with girl. I think community like ICCup need the gentle sex :p
How do you think StarCraft 2 will affect the SC:BW community, and what do you think of the game in general from what you have seen so far?
Hmm, I don’t have opinion about Starcraft 2. For me this game has got too many details and I can’t imagine playing it. But we will see...
Gdzie jest toaleta?
Why do you remember this polish sentence? Did I think we have more well known words and sentence ;p
+ Show Spoiler [About You] +
Do you have a job or do any studies?
I’m a student and at this moment I don’t have any job because from Monday to Friday I’m at university so I wouldn’t find time for work. Maybe I’m looking lazy but I really need much time for learning t_T. But after few months I want to find a job as a vet because it is my field of study.
Ever been overseas or to another country? If so, which one/s did you like the best and why?
Yup, but only once so I won’t have difficult choice which country I like the best. We decided to go on a few days trip to London to visit this city. But in the future I want to visit Japan. There is really beatiful culture and I hope I will be able to see it.
Why are all photos of you huge and in black and white?
Because I don’t have camera which make colour photos ^^ I just like it because it is elegant and looks like from last century.
I’m a student and at this moment I don’t have any job because from Monday to Friday I’m at university so I wouldn’t find time for work. Maybe I’m looking lazy but I really need much time for learning t_T. But after few months I want to find a job as a vet because it is my field of study.
Ever been overseas or to another country? If so, which one/s did you like the best and why?
Yup, but only once so I won’t have difficult choice which country I like the best. We decided to go on a few days trip to London to visit this city. But in the future I want to visit Japan. There is really beatiful culture and I hope I will be able to see it.
Why are all photos of you huge and in black and white?

+ Show Spoiler [Favourites] +
Animal – Cat. I like his independence and secretiveness.
Food – Thai food
Drink – Banana Juice
Movie - “Green Mile”
TV Show – Jerry Springer Show xDDD
Actor – Eddie Murphy
Band – don’t have any favourite band
Song – I like many songs and I can’t choose favourite one
Book – the same, I don’t have any favourite but my favourite category is non-fiction
Game – Diablo2 / SC
SC unit – Mutalisk – I like muta micro
SC player – my best friend – OsS.Bandit
SC map – Vampire/Python
Person on iCCup – OsS.Bandit
Animal – Cat. I like his independence and secretiveness.
Food – Thai food
Drink – Banana Juice
Movie - “Green Mile”
TV Show – Jerry Springer Show xDDD
Actor – Eddie Murphy
Band – don’t have any favourite band
Song – I like many songs and I can’t choose favourite one
Book – the same, I don’t have any favourite but my favourite category is non-fiction
Game – Diablo2 / SC
SC unit – Mutalisk – I like muta micro
SC player – my best friend – OsS.Bandit
SC map – Vampire/Python
Person on iCCup – OsS.Bandit
+ Show Spoiler [Most] +
Hard working admin? ICCup.Mai-k
Lazy admin? We have only hard working admins xD
Friendly admin? Too many to specify all accounts
BM Admin? Do we have BM admins? Nope xD
Funny Admin? ICCup.v1, ICCup.Toh1o
Weird/crazy Admin? Half of Admin Team ^^
Hard working admin? ICCup.Mai-k
Lazy admin? We have only hard working admins xD
Friendly admin? Too many to specify all accounts
BM Admin? Do we have BM admins? Nope xD
Funny Admin? ICCup.v1, ICCup.Toh1o
Weird/crazy Admin? Half of Admin Team ^^
+ Show Spoiler [Admin Questions] +
1. What's your most faviorite food? and What other country food do you like? (I love to ask this all the time XD)
I really like Thai's food. Favourite polish food: tripe
2. Hardest time experienced while you are serving in admin team?
End of season — it is the hardest time for me.
3. Happiest time experienced while you are serving in admin team?
Promotion to Super Ladder Admin
1. Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs as far as i know.
Because he is stupid
2. Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Because square pizza comes in round box ^^
3. Do you sing in shower?
Sure but I don't have favourite songs. I sing what I recently heard.
4. what was first: larva, drone or hatch? o_O?
1. If you could be any SC unit. What would you be?
Overlord ^_^ — He flies and observes all.
2. If you could have any unit as a pet. (Provided it doesn't eat, shoot,
melt you) What would you have?
Zergling because he is like dog. Very fast and dangerous.
1. Do you like guys who have big or small feet?
No comment xD
2. Do You like eating more with a Fork or Spoon?
It's hard to eat without spoon or fork, isn't it?
3. Are you really a girl?
Yup, as you can see. Sometimes we shared this account with old ICCup.2easy = my future husband
4. What country would you most like to visit?
5. How did u get into SC?
10 years ago… I decided to play SC ^^
6. Would you ever go to a Live SC event?
Sure, if this event could be nearer my town.
7. If I Marry you (if your a girl) Can i be a SA Also?
You can try xD
1. What's your most faviorite food? and What other country food do you like? (I love to ask this all the time XD)
I really like Thai's food. Favourite polish food: tripe
2. Hardest time experienced while you are serving in admin team?
End of season — it is the hardest time for me.
3. Happiest time experienced while you are serving in admin team?
Promotion to Super Ladder Admin
1. Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs as far as i know.
Because he is stupid
2. Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Because square pizza comes in round box ^^
3. Do you sing in shower?
Sure but I don't have favourite songs. I sing what I recently heard.
4. what was first: larva, drone or hatch? o_O?
1. If you could be any SC unit. What would you be?
Overlord ^_^ — He flies and observes all.
2. If you could have any unit as a pet. (Provided it doesn't eat, shoot,
melt you) What would you have?
Zergling because he is like dog. Very fast and dangerous.
1. Do you like guys who have big or small feet?
No comment xD
2. Do You like eating more with a Fork or Spoon?
It's hard to eat without spoon or fork, isn't it?
3. Are you really a girl?
Yup, as you can see. Sometimes we shared this account with old ICCup.2easy = my future husband

4. What country would you most like to visit?
5. How did u get into SC?
10 years ago… I decided to play SC ^^
6. Would you ever go to a Live SC event?
Sure, if this event could be nearer my town.
7. If I Marry you (if your a girl) Can i be a SA Also?
You can try xD
+ Show Spoiler [Public Questions] +
1. What are the benefits of being an admin on ICCup?
We don't have any benefits. Maybe it can be player's respect for our job but in most of cases it isn't true xD
2. How many hours to you actually spend on doing your job?
when we have a lot of work it can be 4-5 hours, if not only 1-2 hours.
3. Do you agree with me about increasing the ICCup season to 4 months?
In my opinion it isn't good idea. Too long for me.
4. How many languages to you speak since ICCup are interested in admins that are bilingual?
Maybe I won't look very proffesional but I know Polish — my national language and English. If future admin speaks fluent English it is enough for us. If he knows more languages so it is perfect.
5. What part do you hate the most of being an admin?
Deny server crash complaints. After this I have many unpleasant pm's in my mailbox XD
6. Do you like turtles?
No, I hate them because they go out from behind furniture xD
1. Do you spend same amount of time daily or there is a peak? In other words, are you ON iccup wherever you are free?
When I'm free and feel like being on ICCup I just do it.
2. Any leisure time beside SC?
3. % time as admin vs % time play
4. Greatest pleasure after becoming admin?
Admins don't have any pleasure
5. Favorite match up?
z vs z. I like it because muta vs muta is quite funny.
6. Favorite progammer?
JulyZerg — gosu zerg user
7. Favorite race?
Zerg because in 2v2 ZZ team is imba
8. Favorite map?
1. What music do you listen to?
Club music
2. How have you become an admin?
I saw announcement about recruitation so I sent application.
3. What do you do in real life?
At this moment I'm a student. Field of study — Veterinary medicine.
4. Do you have any specific plans for your future life?
Yup, in April 2010 I will graduate from university so I want to start practising as a vet. Also in July 2010 I will get married ^_^
5. What games do you like the most beside SC?
I really like play Diablo 2 Expansion. Sorceress is the best xD
6. What is your favourite platform to play on (PC / PS / Xbox / etc)?
ofc PC
7. Do you have a pet? ;D
Sure, Persian cat and dog.
8. Who do you think should answer next batch of questions next?
Iccup.Mai-k, he was the hardest worker on ICCup
9. Is there a story about your nick? Why did you choose 2easy
You shouldn't think so much xD Don't take it literally ^^
10. Why Zerg is your main race?
Muta micro = gg no re :D
11. Can you play any instrument?
1. What are the benefits of being an admin on ICCup?
We don't have any benefits. Maybe it can be player's respect for our job but in most of cases it isn't true xD
2. How many hours to you actually spend on doing your job?
when we have a lot of work it can be 4-5 hours, if not only 1-2 hours.
3. Do you agree with me about increasing the ICCup season to 4 months?
In my opinion it isn't good idea. Too long for me.
4. How many languages to you speak since ICCup are interested in admins that are bilingual?
Maybe I won't look very proffesional but I know Polish — my national language and English. If future admin speaks fluent English it is enough for us. If he knows more languages so it is perfect.
5. What part do you hate the most of being an admin?
Deny server crash complaints. After this I have many unpleasant pm's in my mailbox XD
6. Do you like turtles?
No, I hate them because they go out from behind furniture xD
1. Do you spend same amount of time daily or there is a peak? In other words, are you ON iccup wherever you are free?
When I'm free and feel like being on ICCup I just do it.
2. Any leisure time beside SC?
3. % time as admin vs % time play
4. Greatest pleasure after becoming admin?
Admins don't have any pleasure

5. Favorite match up?
z vs z. I like it because muta vs muta is quite funny.
6. Favorite progammer?
JulyZerg — gosu zerg user
7. Favorite race?
Zerg because in 2v2 ZZ team is imba
8. Favorite map?
1. What music do you listen to?
Club music
2. How have you become an admin?
I saw announcement about recruitation so I sent application.
3. What do you do in real life?
At this moment I'm a student. Field of study — Veterinary medicine.
4. Do you have any specific plans for your future life?
Yup, in April 2010 I will graduate from university so I want to start practising as a vet. Also in July 2010 I will get married ^_^
5. What games do you like the most beside SC?
I really like play Diablo 2 Expansion. Sorceress is the best xD
6. What is your favourite platform to play on (PC / PS / Xbox / etc)?
ofc PC

7. Do you have a pet? ;D
Sure, Persian cat and dog.
8. Who do you think should answer next batch of questions next?
Iccup.Mai-k, he was the hardest worker on ICCup
9. Is there a story about your nick? Why did you choose 2easy

You shouldn't think so much xD Don't take it literally ^^
10. Why Zerg is your main race?
Muta micro = gg no re :D
11. Can you play any instrument?

Thanks! Look for more soon :D
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