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On December 07 2006 16:35 TL.net Bot wrote:
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1207 Dual Tournament Group H was just uploaded to the tracker.
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[듀얼]이스트로 신희승 인터뷰 "휴가도 안가고 도와준 동료들에게 공을 돌린다"
[Dual Tournament] Estro Shin Huiseung Interview "I give all the credit to my teammates who helped me sacrificing their days off."
![[image loading]](http://imgnews.naver.com/image/236/2006/12/07/061207SHIN.jpg)
-처음으로 스타리그에 진출한 소감은.
-Feelings on your first advancement to Starleague.
▶아직 부족해서 스타리그에 올라 갈 줄 몰랐다. 정말 좋다. 2006년 3월 드래프트로 이스트로에 입단한 뒤 8개월만에 원하던 꿈을 이뤘다.
▶I did not think I'd make it to Starleague, because I still have much inadequacies to mend. It really feels good. Having been part of the team since March 2006 through team draft, I have achieved my dream in 8 whole months.
-프로게이머가 되기 전까지 스타리그는 어떤 무대였나.
-What did Starleague mean to you before you became a progamer.
▶실력 좋은 분들이 올라가서 진검 승부를 펼치는 곳이라 생각했다. 스타리그에 뛰고 있는선수들 모두 최고라 생각하고 존경해왔다. 그 무대에 선다는 것만으로도 감회가 새롭다.
▶I thought it was a place where the very elites meet, and fight with all they have. I have always thought the progamers in Starleague as the best in the world, and always had great respect for all of them. I feel honored and refreshed just at the thought of performing on such a league.
-박성훈과의 경기에서 긴장한 표정이 역력했다.
-You definitely seemed to be swarmed with nervousness before your match with Park Sunghoon.
▶정말 많이 했다. 경기 내내 긴장하고 있다가 자원관리나 유닛 관리도 제대로 못했다. 첫경기에서 이기고 나니까 부담이 덜어졌다. 최연성 선수와의 경기에선 제대로 플레이했다.
▶I was very much so. I was nervous throughout the match, and failed to coordinate unit/resource efficiently. I was somewhat relieved after winning the first match. I found my usual self when I played with Choi Yunsung.
-승자전에서 드롭십 전략을 준비한 것인가.
-Did you specifically prepare for the dropship strategy in the winner's final.
▶아카디아2의 맵 특성상 조이려는 시도를 많이 한다. 최연성 선수 같은 경우엔 팩토리에서 탱크만 생산하더라. 상대 병력이 앞에 있으니까 뒤를 치는 공격을 하려고 준비해왔다.
▶Conforming to the specifics of the map Arcadia 2, many try to hammer-station their force near opponent's base(in T vs T). As for Choi Yunsung, he repeatedly produced only Tanks out of Factories. I prepared (the dropship) to hit him from behind, since his units have marched all the way up.(*1)
-최근 프로리그 승리가 도움이 됐나.
-Has your recent victory in Proleague made this any easier.
▶무대 경험이 아직 일천해 큰 도움이 됐다. 살짝 적응된 것 같다. 운도 많이 따랐다.
▶It was a great experience since I still go through much stage phobia. I think I have become a bit more relaxed. I was also very lucky(during the match).
-이스트로에서 오랜만에 나온 스타리거다. 주인공이 된 소감은.
-You became a long waited Starleaguer from Estro. How do you feel about being a star.
▶잘 모르겠다. 이스트로의 대표 선수로 자부심을 갖고 최선을 다하겠다.
▶I don't know. I will do my best as an representative of Estro with esteem.
-동료들이 숙소에서 휴가도 반납하고 도와줬다고 들었다.
-People said that your teammates refused to go on vacation and helped you instead.
▶프로리그 후기리그가 모두 끝났지만 동료들은 내 연습을 도와준다며 휴가도 가지 않았다. 감독님도 오늘 딸인 채현이의 백일인데 백일 잔치를 내일로 미뤘다. 아내에게 혼났다는 이야기도 들려 부담이 컸는데 정말 큰 선물을 해드린 것 같아 기쁘다.
▶Even though the Proleague was over, the teammates did take the days off saying that they wanted to be my practice partners. The head coach also postponed the 100th day anniversary(*2) for his newborn daughter(to stay in the dorm). Hearing that he was reprimanded for his action by his wife, I was very much distressed, but I am happy now thinking that I gave them the best present I could have prepared.
-한턱 쏠 생각은 있나.
-Do you have plans to treat(the people you are grateful for).
▶당연히 있다. 홍원의 대표님을 비롯한 IEG 회사 분들과 이지호 감독님, 김현진 코치, 김동진 코치, 서기수, 조용성, 김원기, 김강호, 최욱명, 박문기, 김강석, 신상호, 최유선, 박준한, 남승현, 박준상 등 동료들과 준프로게이머인 우리 형 신희종에게 감사드린다.
▶Without a doubt, of course. I thank the head representative Hong Wonhui along with all the people in IEG, the head coach Lee Jiho, assistant coach Kim Hyunjin and Kim Dongjin, teammates Seo Gisoo, Cho Yong Sung, Kim Wongi, Kim Gangho, Choi Wookmyoung, Park Moongi, Kim Gangseok, Shin Sangho, Choi Yoosun, Park Joonhan, Nam Seunghyun, Park Joonsang, and lastly to my older brother the semi-pro Shin Huijong.
-스타리그에서 가장 붙어 보고 싶은 선수는.
-Who do you want to meet in Starleague.
▶올라가 있는 선수들 모두 붙어 보고 싶으면서도 피하고 싶은 선수들이다. 굳이 고르자면내 종족이 테란이고 테테전에도 자신있기 때문에 테란과 상대해보고 싶다.
▶All the players in Starleague are the ones who I want to fight and at the same time avoid. If I had to choose, I want to fight with Terran since I am more confident in T vs T.
(*1)I prepared (the dropship) to hit ...... the way up. - The interviewer asked to find out if Sea.up's dropship strategy has been specifically prepared before the match. Sea.up answers not to the question asked, but rather goes on explaining about the match. So, we will not know if he had predeterminately chosen the fast dropship for the match or not. One thing to take note is that, this guy is relatively very new and from the interview, very nervous and exhilarated at the same time. Maybe the interviewer was not clear in asking questions, but it is highly probable that he was somewhat too excited and elated to give clear-cut logical answers in front of flashing cameras and several media reporters. Then, yet again I just might be totally over-analyzing.
(*2)100th day anniversary - It's a really big thing in Korea for the newly born baby. The party is very private, and only the closest people gets invited as it was the custom back in the old days, not to danger the new born child with germs and stuff. So, for the headcoach to sacrifice(postpone) this anniversary of his daughter, for work
[듀얼] SK텔레콤 최연성 인터뷰 “(이)윤열이 가장 어려워할 상대를 찍겠다”
[Dual Tournament] SK Telecom Choi Yunsung Interview "I will choose the one whom (Lee) Yoonyeol will have the most difficult time with."
![[image loading]](http://image.fighterforum.com/showImage.asp?realFile=FFNEWS20061207215015001.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgnews.naver.com/image/236/2006/12/07/061207CHOI.jpg)
-한 시즌 만에 복귀한 소감은.
-Your feelings on once again advancing to Starleague after a season recess.
▶내가 없는 동안 많은 선수들이 스타리그 무대에 올라왔다. 이제 즐길 시간은 끝났다. 재무장하고 복귀한 괴물의 위력을 보여주겠다.
▶Many players made it to Starleague while I was gone. Frolicking times have ended. I will rearm myself, and make known the power of Monster who returned..
-쉬는 동안 느낀 점은.
-What did you experience during your recess.
▶시즌2에서 출전하지 못하며 쉬는 동안 회사나 팬들의 압박이 심했다. 양대 메이저리그에서 탈락하며 쉬는 3개월 동안 뒤에 무언가가 있는 것을 느꼈다. 경기를 치르는 것보다 심적 고생이 컸다.
▶I was very much pressured by both the fans and company during the break period for not advancing in season 2. Having eliminated in both league, and resting for the past 3 months, I felt as if there was this something behind me. I experienced much more mental distress than I did during the matches.
-오늘 경기 내내 위태로운 순간이 많았다.
-You had many close moments throughout your matches.
▶1경기에서 이재황 선수가 정면으로 들어올 줄 알고 있었다. 그래서 벙커도 건설했다. 또본진 드롭에도 대비해 탱크를 몰래 숨겨 놨다. 마지막 세트는 장기전으로 빌드를 정해왔지만 경기 들어가기 전에 투 배럭으로 전환했다. 마침 상대도 스포닝풀을 먼저 건설해서 편안하게 경기했다. 돌파당할 뻔했지만 메딕이 생산돼 무난히 방어했다.
▶I knew Lee Jaehwang would storm through the front in the first match. I built the bunker expecting it. And, to counter the drop attacks in the primary base I hid all my tanks too. For the last match, I set my mind on a build preparing a long game, but I changed the build at the last minute to 2 Barracks. Fortunately, the opponent went Spawning Pool first, making the game much more comfortable. I was about to be penetrated, but Medics came out just in time, and I defended it without much loss.
-팀이 선택과 집중을 선언한 뒤 스타리그에 진출했다.
-You have made it to Starleague, after your team has proclaimed the doctrine "The Choices and The Focus"
▶구해냈다고 하기에는 아직 이르다. 개인리그에서도 성공하는 모습을 보여드려야 진정한 체제 개편이라 생각한다. 여전히 개인리그를 준비하기가 힘들지만 팀에서 내린 결정이니까 열심히 따르고 있다.
▶It's too early to say I have saved anything yet. I think only after being successful in Individual League, then I can say the team have really gone through a true structural transformation. Preparing for Individual League is still very challenging, but since it is the decision made in team, I am following the protocol to my best ability.
-이윤열을 만나게 됐다.
-You will meet Lee Yoonyeol.
▶내가 위에 올라가 있을 때에도 우리는 서로를 응원했다. 이윤열의 방송 경기는 거의 다 봤을 정도로 애정이 있다. 올라오라고 바라기도 여러 번 했다. 프로게이머로 데뷔한 뒤 처음으로 쾌감을 느꼈을 때가 KTF 에버컵 프로리그에서 이윤열을 이겼을 때였다. 나에게 쾌감을 느끼게 해줘서 고맙고 내가 이윤열 덕분에 정말 많이 성장했다.
▶We always cheered for eachother, even at those times when I was at the top. I have much admiration for him that I watch all of his broadcasted match. I pleaded him to advance many times(during his slump). The first time I was truly thrilled was when I defeated Lee Yoonyeol in KTF Ever Proleague. I thank him for revitalizing me with the thrills, and I truly improved very much because of Lee Yoonyeol.
-이윤열이 스타리그에서 지명하길 바라는가.
-Do you want Lee Yoonyeol to pick you in Starleague.
▶당연히 나를 지명해야 한다. (대화체로) “윤열아, EVER 2005 스타리그 조지명식 당시 인터뷰를 기억하냐. 그 때 너는 이윤열의 스타일대로 지명하겠다고 하면서 높은 곳에서 만나기 위해서는 우리가 8강이나 4강에서 붙지 않는 것이 유리하다고 했잖아. 나에게는 IEF에서 패한 것에 대한 복수도 아직 남아 있거든. 이번에 나를 꼭 찍어야 한다.
▶Without exception, he has to pick me. (Conversational) "Yoonyeol, do you remember the interview during Ever 2005 Starleague group decision day? You said that you will pick me as you'd like saying that to have better chance for us two to meet in the very top we should avoid facing each other in R8 or semis. I am also still waiting for my chance to avenge you for the loss in IEF. You'd better pick me this time".
-이번 대회의 목표는.
-Your goals in this League.
▶우승이다. 이번에는 기존 강자들이 아니라 신인들을 꺾고 올라가고 싶다. 그동안 신인들을 만나면 내가 가진 노하우를 빼앗기는 것 같고, 데이터가 전혀 없기 때문에 회피해왔지만 이번 시즌에는 당당히 맞서겠다.
▶First Place. This time, I want to advance by crushing the new faces and not the already well-known strong players. During the past whenever I fought against new faces, I felt as if I was being plundered of my gameplay style, and consequently avoided fighting them. This season I will stand up to them without looking back.
-누구와 경기하고 싶은가.
-Who do you want to fight against.
▶이윤열이 나를 지명한다면 좋겠다. 그동안 조지명식에서 나는 항상 실리를 추구해왔다. 만약 그렇지 않고 나에게 도발한다면 그 사람에게 가장 어려운 상대를 선택했다. 만약 이윤열이 나를 지명한다면 ‘윤열에게 가장 어려운 상대’를 지명하겠다. 누군지 상상해보라. 판단에 맡기겠다.
▶It'd be great if Lee Yoonyeol picked me. I always went for the 'prey' during past group decision days. If that was not the case, I picked out a player who would be most difficult to play against for the progamer who incited/picked me. So, if Lee Yoonyeol picks me, I will choose "the one whom (Lee) Yoonyeol will have the most difficult time with". Guess who that would be. I will leave that to your imagination.
Just to avoid any possible confusion, oov and nada are really, really close in a very unique sense. They are both closest friends, eachother's mentor and pupil at the same time, and most intense rivals of both their recognition. Their special "feelings" for each other have not received much public attention compared to the recent exposures. For, Nada, in a Ongamenet reality TV show "The Behind Stories"(where the Starleague commentators and various progamers and etc. meet for a meal and talk on and on, which only sounds lame in writing.), he has expressed much about his admiration for oov(and also about his girlfriend who was publicly disclosed during the Shinhan Finals; go watch the vods, you'll find her) and explained in lengthy detail how oov is his utmost rival and friend who throws him into this nirvana of excitement during the match. (Basically they are each other's fix.) For, oov, through this interview he once again confirms and agrees to Nada's opinion. So, do not mistake oov's somewhat pushy comments in this interview as being rude to Nada. I know I am being overly cautious, but better safe than sorry.
Speaking of the show "The Behind Stories", I really feel sorry that the non Korean speaking population can not take advantage of them. I do neither read nor care much about Korean celebrities(or Hollywood for that matter), but when it comes to progamer gossip, omg
Quote of the match
"I found my usual self when I played with Choi Yunsung"
- Sea.UP