On February 28 2013 18:24 Shellshock1122 wrote:
Lair for Symbol
2nd gas for Symbol
2 more gas for Curious
Lair for Curious
evo chamber for Symbol
ling of Symbol gets into the main of Curious and scouts his lair timing
2 more gas for Symbol
2nd evo for Symbol
4th gas for Curious
+1 range attack started for Symbol
evo chamber for Curious
+1 carapace for Symbol
Roach warren for Symbol
Spire for Curious
Curious loses all of his lings to 2 banes outside of Symbol's natural
3rd base for Curious
Roach speed started for Symbol
Hydralisk den for Symbol
lings scout the 3rd of Curious
Roach warren for Curious
drone trying to make Symbol's 3rd is killed
Hydra production started for Symbol
3rd base for Symbol
mutas started for Symbol
ling runby at the 3rd of Symbol
Symbol cancels his 3rd
ling runby into the main of Symbol
hydras get surrounded by lings
3 hydras are killed
spores started for Symbol
+1 range attack started for Curious
Symbol pushing out on the map
mutas scout the army moving out
lings and mutas engage the hydras of Symbol and kill them
Lair for Symbol
2nd gas for Symbol
2 more gas for Curious
Lair for Curious
evo chamber for Symbol
ling of Symbol gets into the main of Curious and scouts his lair timing
2 more gas for Symbol
2nd evo for Symbol
4th gas for Curious
+1 range attack started for Symbol
evo chamber for Curious
+1 carapace for Symbol
Roach warren for Symbol
Spire for Curious
Curious loses all of his lings to 2 banes outside of Symbol's natural
3rd base for Curious
Roach speed started for Symbol
Hydralisk den for Symbol
lings scout the 3rd of Curious
Roach warren for Curious
drone trying to make Symbol's 3rd is killed
Hydra production started for Symbol
3rd base for Symbol
mutas started for Symbol
ling runby at the 3rd of Symbol
Symbol cancels his 3rd
ling runby into the main of Symbol
hydras get surrounded by lings
3 hydras are killed
spores started for Symbol
+1 range attack started for Curious
Symbol pushing out on the map
mutas scout the army moving out
lings and mutas engage the hydras of Symbol and kill them
3rd base restarted for Symbol
Roach attack at the 3rd of Curious
Symbol kills the 3rd of Curious
1-1 was canceled for Symbol and is restarted now (?)
3rd base restarted for Curious
hydars kill 2 mutas
burrow research started for Curious
mutas at the 3rd of Symbol
Roach runby in the natural and main of Curious
roach runby at the 3rd of Curious
Curious has roaches waiting at his 3rd and in his main
Roach hydra attack at the 3rd of Curious
Symbol backs off
Roaches and mutas of Curious give chase
Symbol turns around to fight
hydra range started for Symbol
Curious kills the army of Symbol
Curious is 30 supply ahead
macro hatch for Curious
+2 range attack started for Curious
infestation pit for Curious
2 more gas for Curious
Curious sending his roaches across the map
+2 range attack started for Symbol
Hydras are exposed at Symbol's 3rd and kills right away
roach reinforcements sandwich the army of Curious and push it back
+2 carapace started for Symbol
pathogen glands started for Curious
Curious sending his roaches across the map again
infestor production started for Curious
roach runby at the 3rd of Curious is intercepted. queen is saved by burrow