High Thread - Page 676
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Canada143 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
okay well to try and do the practice justice basically the whole culture has lost its way involving miarjuana and so there are alot of erroneous beliefs that are causing people to do things that they shouldn't be doing and getting lots of people killed lol i guess we should just cover this up because it's not our fault oh well the people who think they'll take the blame for this aren't even the people who are continuing the practice but they're the people who are wondering why we can't find a way to egalize marijuana nd it's because of stuff like this which is to say traditional vehicles of spiritual transmission such as sex and PCP and even "spiritual killing" which is what rap songs refer to and people took it the wrong way for a long time and were in fact killing other people and even now spent a bunch of time trying ot make other people commit suicdie or as one guy i know put it "you just box them and then their heads pop off" so there's this big macguiver or whatever his name is theory by a bunch of people who are involved what you might as well label the satanic church which is a pretty huge underground movement in the traditional bastions of christianity because a bunch of fundamentalists were given pcp and felt like they were being mind-controlled and rightly decided that their god wasn't doing a great job of protecting them so now | ||
Sweden128 Posts
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991 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
and so the easterners who introduced substances like pcp to the west couldn't have imagined the effect of the traditional eastern medicine on the unprepared western mind, but unfortunately, and ironically it is more common among westerners now than easterners (in many places it's considered standard procedure to dose pretty much anyone with angel dust, and quite a lot more than any easterner would use) because of the power that the substance grants over the person, and then of cousre what i mean to say is that leads to intercourse, very violent very often which leads to the complete destruction of the person's character and mind and is in fact so pervasive that it's found its way into military standard procedure in terms of training special forces, pun intended | ||
United States1298 Posts
anyway it's a big mess | ||
United States85 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
blah blah, having 20 pounds of shit built up in your intestines, or favorite saying like that of my father 'his shit don't stink' or whatever is a lot like saying that i'm a genius because i have a diamond, and that's indicative of wealth, but then there are some confusions with that terminology too and money also due to the western attachment to money, the term spiritual "money" or whatever was invented to convey the notion of being "high", apart from the use of drugs, which is to say that someone can be very high without using drugs at all. and then the use of drugs like acid seared the connection of money to spiritual capital which for many people in our parents generation led to the internalizing of said connection, that being that USD or some form of 'worldly currency' was the same as spiritual capital, which it is not | ||
United States1298 Posts
and of course the history of slavery in the west is quite different than what might be termed slavery in the east, if such a thing can even be said to have existed in the east (at least of the same qualities that are so reviled in the western history of slavery) and all that whole legacy is quite related to why arbitrarily cutting off drug users is a terrible idea and is a very stupid way to 'milk' the good works that they've achieved out of them due to their addiction to substances, and of course this practice extended not only from traditional marijuana which was quite unaddictive to meth and heroine, and other eextremely addictive substances and consequently the development of marijuana technology now bears an extremely psychologically addictive nature (although that's presently been/being cured, probably currently cured but just to be sure, etc) and so many strains of the modern marijuana bear the hallmark of the karma which created it of course marijuana is a very good substance and always has been ever since the first buddha who created marijuana (though there were buddhas who proceded him or at least great spiritual masters who might have been right in being called buddhas of their age) respectively and there are many such people still alive both in India and in Asia, particularly China and Japan and also Korea and many other less frequently acknowledged Asian nations that have great and fruitful spiritual practices, etc. and it's fair to say that even the total of Asia is quite responsible for the creation of the drug marijuana, however, the great differences in the Asian culture and the western culture led to difficulties in the introduction of marijuana to the west (which was an essential and necessary step, and to be quite honest most people engaged in the negative practices which i here refer to are certainly not responsible for the inception of said practices), particularly true of the cultures which originally were responsible in the creation of marijuana because they have been more aware in this question many millenia | ||
United States1298 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
unfortunately it is well-documented today that cusing a person to die can bring great spiritual gain, and the truth of that matter is that 'suicide', when it occurred due to ego death (suicide being of less consequence in cultures with firm knowledge of reincarnation); so there was what might be termed "white" or even "good" suicide which was a consequence of bringing light to the spiritual ills of a person, thus leading to their suicide unfortunately a vehicle o f that sort is likely to be twisted as it was and so in today's spiritual culture there are death cults and satanic cults and so forth where people's goal is to cause suicide in an individual so that the killer can reap the spiritual money or spiritual gain, except that such money is truly black money or blood money, where blood money here means evil. of course this was fuel for the fires of racism and all sorts of convoluted turns occurred, but you can imagine that this is how the Japanese culture of "killing the ego" or causing ego death found its way into "black music" or the music of african-Americans, which is why there's talk of killing in rap music and also the presence of techniques like the so-called "hand-in-hand", and of course racism and discrimination against dark-skinned Americans caused a lot of tragedy especially when connected with the dearth of spiritual information conveyed to so-called african-Americans, who are today just the same American anyone else can be said to be | ||
United States1298 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
so a demon in that sense, in the t raditional sense might have been something like "you are greedy!" or "you should wash your hands!" these being the demons that tormented the people of that age | ||
United States1298 Posts
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United States8001 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
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Sweden692 Posts
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United States1298 Posts
pretty much it's impossible to be 'free' in the sense of having a mind independent from the rest of the universe because the universe and the brain are made of matter and stuff that in dennett's theory of empiricism probably behaves like matter that we're aware of. so that's possibly an error in the theory that there's matter and field mechanics that we either don't know about or if we do know about their existence we don't know how they operate which means that we can't be said to know of their existence because we can't successfully define what they are unless we have some knowledge of how they operate. in dennett's conceptualization (although he was not the first to 'espouse' this perspective he is probably one of the best people in terms of putting it in a way that people makes sense), anyway in the conceptualization presented in dennett's book about the evolution of freedom; he says that the matter of the universe comprises the universe without much reference to other possible stuff in the universe which doesn't operate like the matter we're familiar with and which isn't necessarily quantum stuff either. anyway to my knowledge there's no successful attempt to merge classic newtonian physics or whatever or way it's einsteinian physics; anyway there's no way to merge einsteinian newtonian stuff with quantum mechanics stuff that we are successfully mathemateizing in equational stuff so, that being the case i think there's a pretty big lapse or gap in our knowledge of the physics stuff that we know about (much less the stuff that we don't know about); so since there's no successful formulation of 'microgravity' or whatever you want to call the merge to newtonian/einsteinian physics (physics of big stuff) with quantum stuff (physics of small stuff) or whatever in simplest terms except for stuff like string theory which is a pipe dream to say the least and probably pretty tough to put into traditional mathematical formulation so since these gaps in our knowledge of traditional physics stuff from traditional physics matter (einsteinian) to less traditional physics matter (quantum) it's pretty tough to draw any useful conclusions from physics about the nature of free will. but dennett's postulation is also philosophical or of some purely logical abstractness in its nature and he claims that it simply doesn't bear thinking about in the human mind that we could have free will because stuff operates according to known principles of principles that are an extrapolation of principles that we think we understand or in other words principles that about which we have an approximation that a lot of people agree is something like what's in fact the case (if 'fact' here is something that can't change in time; that is that water droplets can't fly upward; alhtough in the minds of some people this is 'in fact' conceivable or possible) so anyway i guess the way it might be described about the operation of the brain is that we have a brain made of matter and it's not quantum stuff and doesn't invovle other stuff we don't know about. and so since the brain is matter and behaves according to the laws of physics that we use to approximate the operation of the physical matter in the universe, the brain doesn't do free will stuff because our conceptualization of free will is that we aren't simply wind up robots that just oh fuck i left the hose on and my dog's pen is flooding brb well fuck there was a leak where the hose met the spiggot or whatever and the water is in the drive way in a big puddle and then there's a veritable lake in the dog's pen flowing out into the car parking area and even into some of the plants. some guys are gonna be removing some extra trees and an extra random fence that's blocking my view of another fence that's between my house and the forest and stuff that's behind my house but unfortunately some damn people bought some of the land back behind my house where i used to enjoy sauntering in the forest and they built a house there and i hate them i told my parents to buy that lot and they didn't because they're bastards and it's on the flood plane so maybe that's why they thought no one would build there but someone always does something to inconvenience me so of course they're gonna go putting buildings in my favorite forest area and they even there was a secret path like a road or something and it got all messed up and now it's just like there's a house on one side and there's a little forest that's not even worthy of being called a forest on the other and you still can't see the creek so that's okay but i can't feel like i'm adventuring into the forest now that they've build a house there and it's just like walking into suburbia instead of my favorite forest area so our original conception of free will is that there's some mysterious force or something that is our 'mind' which is separate from our brain in some way that isn't encapsulated in traditional physics, and dennett is of a different opinion that the brain is generates the mind and that nothign else generates the mind like the environment has no impact on the behavior of the brain and that the brain is just a closed circuit or something that doesn't make reference to the body or the environment in which the body is at a time and that the brain is what generates the mind to the exclusion of everything else and that there's nothing in the brain that we don't understand or can't conceive of according to traditional western empiricism that doesn't know everything about physics or anything 'real' about physics that isn't some approximation that's mathematized according to math that approximates stuff that we observe in a very particular way that divorces all phenomena from everything else to make things simple and models comprehensible or mathematizable according to traditional equation stuff and to be honest i'm not sure that's how things work because i think that there's a lot of interrelationships that determine the course that matter takes and that you can't just say well this is an equation for force or this is an equation for motion and this is an equation for impulse and that we can just from this deduce that the brain operates in this way and that the brain operating in this way implies that the mind generates this way and that leads me to be of the opinion that free will isn't real my own opinion is that there are some gaps in our knowledge merging empirical science with mathematics to give an accurate account of physical phenomena that we observe with imperfect tools. and then our need to compartmentalize each element or each event into something that can be summarized in an equation that approximates the behavior that we observe; i think that tendency creates what we acknowledge to be the necessary simplifications required to create a 'model' in the traditional sense; although one of my favorite economics lines is that "we have a perfect model and that model is the world" or something like that and that to make sense of the owrld we simplify the world and then we draw conclusions so to speak about what we see in our simplification which is like to be interrepted according to evolved tendencies (dispositions that are a combination of genetic and environemntal in nature) and that those predispositions 'color' our perception in a 'particular' way so that we see the world in a way that makes sense to us. and then we mathematice what we see according to math that exists at the time of our conceiving our thought and so the thought of a time on a subject is very much subjective despite the goal of objectivity and is so much the product of the person's exposure to knowledge and information and his innate propensities or predilections; so it's pretty tough to draw objective unequivocal and conclusions without biases because of these factors and then there's the possibility of error and also the fact that we don't know everything and so to extrapolate conclusions that are as poignant like the conclusion that there is no free will which is something that i'm sure dennett is of the opinion to be true because it's something he's spent a lot of time in thought about and then sam harris writes a summary of his work in a sensationalist way and isn't this the same guy who coat tails richard dawkins and the god delusion and just does all of it to make money or something like that. so anyway i would take what he says with a grain of salt and if i wanted a real well-developed opinion and argumentation on the subjects of evolution and atheism and free will i'd probably turn to the authors like richard dawkins and daniel dennett who give a more development and sincere account without sensationalist bias to make money (even if they have their agendas they are at least sincere in their effort and truly believe what they're writing about and do their best to give an account of the stuff they're talking about) and i'm sure sam harris isn't a bad sort of guy but i get the impressoin he's motivated other than the true knowledge he writes about and he's probably misleading a lot of people on essential subjects and 'kowtowing' disturbing conclusions that cause a lot of strife and dissent among people who are quite 'understandably' alarmed about authority figures pronouncing that there is no such thing as free will which is quite a strong statement and we probably don't in my opinion have the necessary knowledge to make such a proclamation at this time i'll probably write some morre about this stuff in the high thread or something where i think it belongs lol | ||
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