On December 20 2012 21:15 Sigmur wrote: He will just add a third resource: rocks. Cost of CC: 400m 0g 50rocks And you will get them dunno, from destroying them?
you do know that the game is designed around the rock paper scissors principle?
I tell you what, if I send my drone out one day and find a huge pair of scissors blocking my third, I'll shit myself laughing.
I think it would be cool if medivacs with the speed boost could only turn very slowly. It would make them uncontrollable, like rockets, the idea being that abilities should come with drawbacks.
On December 21 2012 01:14 Grumbels wrote: I think it would be cool if medivacs with the speed boost could only turn very slowly. It would make them uncontrollable, like rockets, the idea being that abilities should come with drawbacks.
slow turn speed is something that would be very cool in balancing a lot of abilities and units, and even was in sc2 alpha at one point (i remember seeing a video about the thor not being able to shoot fast-moving units because he couldnt turn fast enough)
would make flanking very cool and give the game way more tactical depth, but for some reason blizz decided to streamline everything and take it out
On December 21 2012 01:25 StarscreamG1 wrote: Make mines 1 supply, only ground Make tempest only air. I want to see turrets, drops, lings, mutas, carriers, worthy to have!
Such inflexible units are total RUBBISH as can be seen with the Banshee and Viking and Corruptor and ... the only exception is/was the Siege Tank due to its power level, but Widow Mines are not that powerful. Such units also force you to have other units which can attack "the other target zone" (of air/ground) and that is usually bad.
On December 21 2012 01:25 StarscreamG1 wrote: Make mines 1 supply, only ground Make tempest only air. I want to see turrets, drops, lings, mutas, carriers, worthy to have!
Such inflexible units are total RUBBISH as can be seen with the Banshee and Viking and Corruptor and ... the only exception is/was the Siege Tank due to its power level, but Widow Mines are not that powerful. Such units also force you to have other units which can attack "the other target zone" (of air/ground) and that is usually bad.
Agreed. Units need more flexibility and utility, not less. I shouldn't have to make a different unit for every different thing I want to do. Units need to be more all around as they were in BW.
On December 21 2012 01:25 StarscreamG1 wrote: Make mines 1 supply, only ground Make tempest only air. I want to see turrets, drops, lings, mutas, carriers, worthy to have!
Such inflexible units are total RUBBISH as can be seen with the Banshee and Viking and Corruptor and ... the only exception is/was the Siege Tank due to its power level, but Widow Mines are not that powerful. Such units also force you to have other units which can attack "the other target zone" (of air/ground) and that is usually bad.
Agreed. Units need more flexibility and utility, not less. I shouldn't have to make a different unit for every different thing I want to do. Units need to be more all around as they were in BW.
rock, paper, scissors is good design in browder's book because it forces unit diversity. Yeah, that's how he thinks.
They should just give the infestor the ability to fire rocks... our little infestor will be a Rock-et Launcher and it will shoot destructible debris everywhere killing everything under it. Or they might as well cause fungal right now is so good lol "dont worry gais.. its a nurf im promise!" - David Kim
On December 21 2012 01:25 StarscreamG1 wrote: Make mines 1 supply, only ground Make tempest only air. I want to see turrets, drops, lings, mutas, carriers, worthy to have!
Such inflexible units are total RUBBISH as can be seen with the Banshee and Viking and Corruptor and ... the only exception is/was the Siege Tank due to its power level, but Widow Mines are not that powerful. Such units also force you to have other units which can attack "the other target zone" (of air/ground) and that is usually bad.
Agreed. Units need more flexibility and utility, not less. I shouldn't have to make a different unit for every different thing I want to do. Units need to be more all around as they were in BW.
rock, paper, scissors is good design in browder's book because it forces unit diversity. Yeah, that's how he thinks.
... aaaaand thats a RUBBISH way of designing such a game, because it forces too many units to be added into the game to fill in the gaps. A much better concept is to have units which are BAD against certain units, but not totally useless. Sometimes good players are even able to kill Colossi with Marines ... and thats exciting and skillful.
Why do you get Vikings? Because you NEED them against some threat in the air. No one EVER gets Vikings because he WANTS them. Same for Corruptors (unless you want to turn them into Broodlords) and this is where it is totally clear that morphing from Mutalisks is MUCH better because you can actually use them to do stuff instead of just wasting supply on dead weight (until your greater spire is done).
Just played a few games on the new patch and as a Zerg player I have to say that the new fungal is way too strong. You can basically force your opponent to stay out of range of your entire army while you slowly kill them. I thought that the 8 range slow projectile was perfect.
On December 21 2012 03:58 SnipedSoul wrote: I just realized that fungal outranges thermal lance colossus. That seems pretty dumb to me.
It already did before at 9 range ... because you have to add the radius to the range as well. This is now icing on the cake / adding insult to injury ... whatever saying you want to describe total stupidity ...
On December 20 2012 17:42 Gimmeurladderpoints wrote:
On December 20 2012 17:20 avilo wrote: Yeh...so played more TvZs...something is wrong at blizzard. 10 range fungal. Whoever thought of this should be fired. Brood/infestor is stronger than in wings of liberty, and I don't think any of us ever thought that was humanly possible.
As for Terran...I'm done playing beta/WOL until something changes. Either that or I will be switching to Protoss/Zerg like most other people are starting to.
There's no incentive anymore for any Terran player to buy this game (truth hurts). Yes, it's beta and they're going to keep tweaking and changing things, but it's not looking good for Terran. Bring back the warhound please.
This last update man...there's no way around saying it, this 10 range fungal is complete incompetence on blizzard's part. I want to believe there is a certain Zerg "pro" that suggested this change to Dkim/Browder, along with the widow mine nerf, probably some Zerg that kept complaining on their stream the widow mine was OP, because something tells me even Dkim/Browder did not think up these ridiculous changes themselves. The super buffed infestor is just mind boggling.
Avilo beeing Avilo.
Why this comment?
Either you agree with him or you dont ... and since you seem to agree with him that Blizzard has no clue then he is right and this snide remark is unnecessary. If you wrote this because you think that "Avilo always hits the nail on the head" then it is giving him too much credit.
Because he is terribly biased, he wants the warhound back (that would be soooooo funny), he thinks that zerg pros are deliberatly crying imba so they can get buffs.
If avio had his way, Games would just start up wth twenty marines for Terran and toss and zerg would only have units with one hitpoint.
The reason I mention the warhound is because it's ironic, not because i'm terribly biased. I was one of the people that made threads and pointed out that they should remove the warhound because it was a 1A unit or re-design it to something else.
Don't mistake my humor for bias, i know sarcasm is hard to get on the internet.
Why do i say bring the warhound back? Because at this point I feel they are lost on what to do, and Terran needs a new unit. Things are not looking good in the Terran design department right now for this expansion, and what i'm basically trying to say is, "at this point things are so bad they can bring the warhound back and the game will actually be better."
Next time instead of being a blind hater, read between the lines.
On December 21 2012 01:03 Rygasm wrote: Blizzard just doesn't listen to the community at all, such horrible business practice.
How so? If you consider what they're doing right now to be not listening to the community at all, then does that mean listening to the community means fulfilling all those horrible balance suggests/complaints on the Bnet forums?
As a zerg player, I'd say they should revert the changes.
Remove Thor bring back the Goliath (Screw the warhound). Bring back the Lurker and fix the hydra. This infester thing is just bad. We need some defiler up in here. They need to stop being scared of Brood War. Mix it in a bit. People don't care if there's a bunch of "Zomg new OP units", we want the classics and right now a few of them scream out for fixing balance. Defiler vs infester/viper is the best example I can think of.
Can someone confirm whether or not fungal is negated by PDD since it is a projectile? PDD should negate it, but it should sap more energy from the pdd.