Game six on Xel'naga fortress

Puzzle is located in the right position

Tassadar is located in the South
2:10Gateway/gas from both players
3:00 Core from Tassadar
Puzzle gets his later
3:30 Zealot from each
Tassadar getting warp gates
4:40 Lots of warp gates from both
5:20 Tassadar on four gates
Puzzle on three with a robo in production
7:00Blink for Tassadar
Immortal for Puzzle
Xel'naga Exploded
8:00Tassadar is pushing the base of puzzle
8:45Big blink up for tassadar but losing a lot of stalkers
Immortal pops out
9:40Another blink up
Immortal goes down but the third pops out forcing him out for a while
10:40Puzzle barely holding
11:40Huge blink up from tassafar but puzzle finally pushes him back
Not enough resources for another immortal
12:40Proxy dies for puzzle
13:30Forward pylon for tassadar
Puzzle losing another proxy
Blink on the way for puzzle
15:00Attack from tassadar
Blink just finishing
15:30 Proxy goes down for tassadar
Puzzle loses immortal but blink finishes and pushes tassadar back
16:30Huge engagement in the middle
17:20Puzzle kills the army of tassadar
Tassadar GGS
Puzzle wins code A