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On July 24 2011 태연 wrote: I have waited in this long tunnel for this moment, night and day, I can feel it about to explode from within, I can hear the roar. There is no stopping it now.
Run devil run, run devil run, There’s not even mercy, there’s not even tears, I will consume everything.
Run devil run, run devil run, There’s no such thing as love, don’t make me laugh I will stamp you to the ground.
Run! Run!
My devil’s cry!
When their first teaser for Run Devil Run came out, I was actually expecting something that sounded more like My Devil's Cry... something really powerful and that would break completely away from the sounds they had had for over two years.
hey, random post but I remember seeing a music video a long time ago that I really want to see again. if anyone remembers what it's called, just post it. its a first person music video, basically about a guy who goes through a relationship with a girl (and the video lists the stages), eventually breaking up with her, and driving around in a hyundai genesis. oh and he smashes the girl's phone at the end too lol.
On July 25 2011 19:38 nanashin wrote: Given how wrong it is to replace a Raina solo with UEE, I can't find myself saying anything against it. + Show Spoiler [And by it.] +
I mean glorious Rapesquirrel hip microan. Gods' spit, I think I can sit through those terrible, terrible synthesizers if it means I can watch Raina hip thrust in performance. Those damned chords sound like they were sampled from the Yoshi mounting/dismounting sound.
You clearly had a vision and I thank you for the work you put into obtaining it.
I always was curious. Why do you call her rapesquirrel?
Take a moment to imagine what sort of face a starving squirrel in heat would make if presented a walnut coated in squirrel musk. + Show Spoiler [Then look at these gifs.] +
So wait, is this part two? MV director/writer just had the instructor wander off to die alone without anyone but Jung Ah knowing so that they could have epic tap concert? Sort of depressing end, depressing and full of delicious legs.
Sometimes you just have to bring your own supply of Raina, bro.
At first I thought it was rated 15 dirty dancing, but upon closer inspection he's smanging the truck and she's a fair amount of paces in front of the truck ...backing that thang up ...alone
On July 26 2011 01:05 gullberg wrote: That AS MV was terrible, atleast they got wet in the end
On July 26 2011 01:03 aev wrote: hey, random post but I remember seeing a music video a long time ago that I really want to see again. if anyone remembers what it's called, just post it. its a first person music video, basically about a guy who goes through a relationship with a girl (and the video lists the stages), eventually breaking up with her, and driving around in a hyundai genesis. oh and he smashes the girl's phone at the end too lol.
Don''t know what car was driven but it does have the stages and phone smashing. Don't usually like Baby J in Jewelry but her rap really flows well here. Sadly the album that this single was on is the only thing 2NISE has released.
Oh goodness Roly Poly is maybe my favorite kpop song. Those back-up dancers filled with groove just make it more awesome watching every single performance there is!
That After School red MV is fucking super awesome I don't know what you people are talking about. If you compare it to blue it's like 300% better lol. So happy those 4 ended up in the same group.