Friday Night Bad Manners [FNBM] is a Channel currently hosting weekly Starcraft II show matches on Friday nights. Centered around a slightly different concept of fun through bad manners, the show match series:
[intends] to allow pros a more relaxed environment to start friendly rivalries and to let off steam in a match with little consequences.
Co-owner, Friday Night Bad Manners
Co-owner, Friday Night Bad Manners
Along with a more relaxed style for the players, FNBM brings a bit of a swing to the casters' desk with casts focused on laughs and a good time for all instead of high level, analytical commentary. After the show matches are over, its viewer games until we pass out!
Starting from two casual players having a show match and five viewers watching a drunken casts, the FNBM show match series has now featured Qxc, Kane, and Fenner.
While FNBM is not just a Starcraft II channel, rather a celebration of the passion we all share for gaming! Often featuring members of its supporter base, FNBM features Counter-Strike, Heros of the Storm, Don't Starve and many more great games. While you will likely catch some of these on FNBM's channel from time to time, we also bring you members of the FNBM family using's host feature!
Meet the Crew
Dr. Awesome[aka Doc]
Co-Owner, Caster
Info Its Dr Awesome, He didn't go through awesome school for nothing!
Drummer, CSGO player, has a sick beard.
@Dr. Awesome
Twitch Channel
YuriNalarm[aka Yuri]
Co-Owner, Caster
Info Yuri Nalarm, makes Don't Starve his bitch.
Has speed running skill, 1300+ day Don't Starve game, needs pants.
@Yuri Nalarm
Twitch Channel
Q(uee)NgreenTEA[aka QN(read: Queen)]
GM of BM
Info Likes piercings, has video game and project ADD. ("multitasker")
Gamer, engineer, and helps others stream more than she does.
Twitch Channel
partouf[aka 'touf]
Master Obs
Info Software dev & all round awesome dude.
The unheard voice yelling in Doc's & Yuri's ear during casts.
Twitch Channel
A Brief History
FNBM started out as a group of gamers getting together on Friday nights to celebrate the weekend with games, booze and bad manner; eventually gaining the weekly event the nick name 'Friday Night Bad Manners'. The fun continued until culminating in a haphazard, sextuple cast of a grudge match between two of the FNBM regulars cast on Dr Awesome's stream. Thus, Doc and Yuri decided to start a channel and Friday Night Bad Manners was born on 7 November 2014.
Shortly after its inception, Friday Night Bad Manners announced the 12 Days of XMassive Giveaways, a 288 hour marathon which culminated at Thursday, Jan 01 12:30am GMT (GMT+00:00). This stream was the first introduction to the community of streamers behind FNBM and the huge variety of games that would frequent the channel in the future. After the marathon kick off, and despite a few technical glitches, the channel remained live through out the 288 hours and culminated in an explosive show match between Rifkin and TempO.
The main streamers consisted of:
(Listed by Twitch handles)
- YuriNalarm
- DrAwesomeTBM
- GayTVChannel69
- Spoom
With back up streamers:
- Harlz21
- QNgreenTEA_x
Logistical Support:
- QNgreenTEA_x
Where to Find Friday Night Bad Manners?
Your blackened heart... Kappa
Your blackened heart... Kappa
We can be found at most major places under the ID FridayNightBM, but we provide links for the lazy!