![[image loading]](http://blog.ocad.ca/wordpress/gdes3b70-fw2011-01/files/2011/09/terran_protoss_zerg1.png)
Bronze to Masters training stream.
My name is Jay and I have played Heart of the Swarm since the BETA. I am now in Masters league with every race. (after spending far too much of my spare time dedicated to this game I finally finished last season with 4 accounts in masters. 1 Protoss, 1 Terran, 1 Zerg and 1 random)
A friend of mine has just started to play HotS and requested that I show him the basics so he can play and advance from bronze in 1v1 ranked ladder without getting stomped. To do this, I will be buying a new account and streaming my 1v1 Ranked ladder games to hopefully show him everything he needs to know in order to improve. (New account so I can play closer to his level to begin with)
I will be playing random to hopefully show the largest selection of builds possible combined with teaching mechanics and useful techniques along the way. I will be doing everything from 4Gate to 3Hatch before pool and everything in-between.
This stream is primarily to help my friend but I figured I might as well make a thread in case anyone else could benefit from the stream at the same time. This is a personal stream, there are no adverts. I will be more than happy to help anyone who drops by and will answer any questions from chat.
Stream Link
Should be in the streams section and you didn't even put the stream link.
ISP problems resolved. Lets do this. (Drunk now..)
pretty awesome stream , funny and quite helpfull for lower leagues (diamond and below )
Thanks. Streaming again!
drunken nonsense in silver league... lol
Having to stream in 720p at the moment due to ISP issues but the stream is stable! xD
Quite an entertaining watch, love your name on here MidgetHumper. Just have to remember not to alt tab out, otherwise I might miss an entire game again dammit.
Thanks mate! Always good to receive feedback.. good or bad.
I will be streaming again tomorrow, probably in around 12 hours time, I hope to see you there! <3
Streaming again.. Should be a long one today! :D
fun stream
Great stream, just put a lower quality as an option, something like 480p would be great, thanks :D
I'm not sure how to put the stream Q options on. I think it might be something twitch have to do. .
You are awesome tho, and I will look into it ASAP!!
how are you still streaming?
I have been streaming for around 14 hours. As long as I have the awesome people in chat to keep me going I will continue to stream! I love you all! <3
Streaming again!
Shout out to Dale who is now GOLD!
Streaming some 2v2 games with players from chat!
shit is about to get real