Site: Justin.tv Channel: ccJroy's Starcraft 2 Stream URL: http://www.justin.tv/puretalentgamingpt
pTJroy streaming masters protoss games and tournaments!
Streaming protoss (~1450)
Any tips/Critiques are appreciated and welcomed in a constructive manner, i usually do some extraordinary strats and usually wont see me building mass colossi like some do = D.
Come on in and enjoy.
Edit: If your in my stream and think something is wrong (sound/anything/ect) let me know and ill fix it, haven't streamed a game in forever. Will be playing some music/talking on mumble/commentating if there are requests to do so.
Email for lessons: justinsroystarcraft@gmail.com
Cee Lo Green's "Fuck you." bla bla bla it's a good song okay
:D looking forward to your next stream ^-^ what's your schedule like?
Loved your comment about speedling timing based on gas <3 hope to hear a few more tricks
Thank you for the post Laxngr, ill add it to the playlist for you!
I watch many many Streams. Watched ur stream first time today. very nice work dude.... like when u explain ur game, what u do etc etc...
keep doing this
btw: perhaps its possible to upgrade ur quality ?
We want your replay packs! :D
Hey thanks boys, ill find a replay saver type do-dad so i dont forget to save the replays and get some replay packs going.
Also, any ideas on upgrading quality? I might be able to do so on the graphics menu, but what about stream quality?
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PvT MnMLanLan
Thanks bluebuddy, appreciate the support.
Stream is high on the entertainment factor, whether it be the RAGE or the unconventional play. I enjoy watching it. I deem it quite worthwhile ;P
Svartsot - Lindisfarne.
Offering lessons now if anyone is interested, group rates/single rates and description of what is invovled with the lesson you can hit me up on my stream or justinsroystarcraft@gmail.com
List of strats asked for.
PvZ: 3 gate expand Forge FE 1 gate stargate blink rush 4 gate+1 6 gate +1 timing attack 4 gate double stargate phoenix
PvT: DT 3 gate charge expand 1 gate FE-->whatever (2-3 strats after expanding) 1 base colossi 2 base colossi 2 immortal drop 4 gate robo all in. 2 VR all in. zeal/sentry/immortal.
PvP: Charge DT. One base colossi 2 gate expand cannon rush 2 gate zealots/3-4 gate zealots. 4 gate Korean 4 gate Immortal/VR. zeal/sentry/immortal.
Thank you so much for the builds justin! Funny I was about to ask u for them until u said u had them already in your stream, and here they are!! You would be my best friend if you incorporated good maps that suit each build order, cant seem to find much of that anywhere
Going to be switching to Own3d.com soon due to the problems that livestream seem to be having.
Once i get that up and running ill switch my link to be the own3d.com link instead of my livestream link.