SC2 Client Relocalization [Change SC2 Language] - Page 12
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Netherlands6142 Posts
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Brazil18 Posts
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33 Posts
On August 01 2010 03:24 Girlscoutcookie wrote: The limitation for mac right now for me is a mac mpqeditor. I know the stormlib API works on mac... but I haven't had time to sit down and write a proper app. I'll look into it though. I've got a mac, and I'd also like to be able to use this with it. Hi, I have two and a half questions about this: 1 - Would it work to copy the mpq files from the windows install to the mac install? 1.5 - If so, which files would we have to copy? 2 - What are the changes that the script makes? (So we can manually do it using an MPQ editor) Thanks! | ||
Sweden455 Posts
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Sweden283 Posts
Still, I perform the 124 enUS to 125 esMX switch, and I always get a window saying that I need an "authorized language pack" Here's the log from my switch, I use windows vista. + Show Spoiler + GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: 2010-08-10 23:48:54,14 BASELOCALE=enUS Using: SOURCE=enUS SOURCEDOT=124 TARGET=esMX TARGETDOT=125 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Assets - esMX.SC2Assets (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. #### Liberty.SC2Mod\ ###### enUS.SC2Assets - esMX.SC2Assets (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. #### LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\ ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. #### Challenges.SC2Mod 1 file(s) copied. ## Campaigns\ #### Liberty.SC2Campaign\ ###### enUS.SC2Assets - esMX.SC2Assets (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. #### LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\ ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. ## Battle.net\ #### Battle.net.MPQ (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 file(s) copied. #### Battle.net-patch.MPQ (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 file(s) copied. ## Versions\ #### Base15405\ ###### patch.SC2Archive (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ###### patch-enUS.SC2Archive - patch-esMX.SC2Archive (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 file(s) copied. ** RESET ** ** CLEANUP ** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Personal REG_SZ C:\Users\home\Documents MYDOCS=C:\Users\home\Documents 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. Please help! | ||
Australia5 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + G:\StarCraft II\Battle.net G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns G:\StarCraft II\Logs G:\StarCraft II\Mods G:\StarCraft II\StarCraft II Editor.exe G:\StarCraft II\StarCraft II.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support G:\StarCraft II\Versions G:\StarCraft II\Battle.net\Battle.net-patch.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Battle.net\Battle.net.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\LibertyStory.SC2Campaign G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\base.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\Base.SC2Maps G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\enGB.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\teen.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Blizzard Updater Log.html G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Downloader.log G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Launcher.log G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Repair.log G:\StarCraft II\Logs\StarCraft II Install Log.html G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Challenges.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Backup.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Base.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\base.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\base.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\teen.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Support\Battle.net.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\BattlenetAccount.url G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin G:\StarCraft II\Support\Blizzard Updater.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardDownloader.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\d3dx9_41.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\data G:\StarCraft II\Support\dbghelp.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\debug.bat G:\StarCraft II\Support\driverinfo.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\ErrorReporter.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\fmodex_4_28_08.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\icudt44.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\icuin44.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\icuuc44.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\log.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\Manual.pdf G:\StarCraft II\Support\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest G:\StarCraft II\Support\msvcp80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\msvcr80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\relocalize.bat G:\StarCraft II\Support\Repair.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\RzAPM.DLL G:\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Editor.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed1TEnce G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed3zz97d G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed8YXxzz G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed93Xxzz G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed9VgBoB G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedAfuzvf G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedAjIAR5 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedBvareS G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeeFufd G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeoLVXO G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeXhOte G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeYcTyb G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedF7zSPf G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedGY9NrK G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedhIuk85 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedJFQNKN G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedjGksyY G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedJQUz2C G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedjVgcPD G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedMLX1OW G:\StarCraft II\Support\sednoWVKj G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedotIAR5 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedpd2XlW G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedPShSHf G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedRc6nGu G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedRRLmo9 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedSslyih G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedsVVaai G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedsVxXBb G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedUPnDi1 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedUxIHZD G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedUZq4eI G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedvbCj0G G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedvjPNKN G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedVSB7uI G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedwP3bch G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedWQFMD7 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedx4EyU7 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedXnMX6U G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedzHwBW1 G:\StarCraft II\Support\TechSupport.url G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\egrep.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\fgrep.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\grep.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\libiconv2.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\libintl3.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\MPQEditor.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\pcre3.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\regex2.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\sed.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\deDE.129 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\enGB.127 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\enUS.124 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\esES.130 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\esMX.125 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\frFR.128 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\itIT.133 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\koKR.134 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\plPL.131 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\ptBR.126 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\ruRU.132 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\zhTW.135 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\deDE.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\enGB.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\enSG.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\enUS.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\esES.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\esMX.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\frFR.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\itIT.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\koKR.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\plPL.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\ptBR.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\ruRU.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\zhCN.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\zhTW.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net-patch.MPQ-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net-patch.MPQ-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net.MPQ-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net.MPQ-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Campaigns.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Challenges.SC2Mod.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-Base.SC2Data.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Assets.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Liberty.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Assets.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Liberty.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Liberty.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-LibertyMulti.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-LibertyMulti.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Versions-Base15405-patch-enUS.SC2Archive-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Versions-Base15405-patch-enUS.SC2Archive-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Versions-Base15405-patch.SC2Archive.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405 G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Shaders14513 G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\msvcp80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\msvcr80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\patch-enGB.SC2Archive G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\patch.SC2Archive G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\SC2.exe G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Shaders14513\baselineCache.bin G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Shaders14513\deltaCache.bin | ||
Australia477 Posts
I installed everything as discussed below is my attached logs. I am getting the "you need an authorized language pack to play this version" message. and on battle-net this is recorded StarCraft II®: Wings of Liberty [SCII-1] Southeast Asia & ANZ (SEA) I would greatly appreciate your feedback + Show Spoiler + aolight=0 creepnormalmap=1 creepQuality=1 creeptrans=1 deff=0 deffspec=0 depthDisp=0 dof=0 fogvolume=0 foliagedensity=0.250000 gamehdr8bit=1 GraphicsOptionEffectsDetail=1 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality=0 GraphicsOptionModelQuality=2 GraphicsOptionMovies=0 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[5]=1 GraphicsOptionPhysicsQuality=1 GraphicsOptionPortraits=2 GraphicsOptionPostProcessing=1 GraphicsOptionReflections=0 GraphicsOptionShaderDetail=1 GraphicsOptionShadowQuality=1 GraphicsOptionTerrainQuality=1 GraphicsOptionTextureQuality[2]=1 hdr8bit=1 height=720 lastDeviceId=1026 lightingLevel=0 lightmap=1 lightmapcastshadows=0 localao=0 localeidassets=enSG localeiddata=enSG localight=0 lowQualityMovies=1 MoviesSeen=1 MusicHeard=1 parallax=0 particlelod=1 particleobjects=0.200000 particleterrain=0.500000 physicsdensity=4 ribbonlod=1 shadowmapsize=2048 soft=0 softshadows=0 SoundAutoDetectCPUCoreCount=2 soundchannels=32 SoundQuality=1 splatlod=1 targettexeldensity=0.560000 TerrainTextureSize=768 texQualityLevel=1 texSpace[2]=500 treadlod=1 waterflipbook=1 waterrendertargetformat=1 waterrendertargetsize=768 watershadow=0 width=1280 + Show Spoiler + GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 13:27:48.35 CWD: C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Support\GSCRelocalizer-v0.7 BASELOCALE=enGB Using: SOURCE=enSG SOURCEDOT=999 TARGET=enSG TARGETDOT=999 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ** RESET ** ** CLEANUP ** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Personal REG_SZ C:\Users\tomspc\Documents MYDOCS=C:\Users\tomspc\Documents 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 13:38:59.62 CWD: C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Support\GSCRelocalizer-v0.7 BASELOCALE=enGB Using: SOURCE=enSG SOURCEDOT=999 TARGET=enSG TARGETDOT=999 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ** RESET ** ** CLEANUP ** P.s if not self evident I am from Australia and just want to get it to work in this region (i downloaded the GB one i think).... | ||
United States2 Posts
i got the enGB client by mistake.. and i want to change it to enUS...may someone upload me the files needed to do that? i would really apreciate that.. since im desesperated because my internet it so fucking slow and i have to wait like 4 days to get a new client..... PLEASE!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!! T_T | ||
Sweden455 Posts
On August 11 2010 07:24 Sueco wrote: Right been trying to Switch to LA from NA. I know I have a working LA account because the character window that pops up has my current zergling portrait in the US. So the server definatly recognizes my account. Still, I perform the 124 enUS to 125 esMX switch, and I always get a window saying that I need an "authorized language pack" Here's the log from my switch, I use windows vista. + Show Spoiler + GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: 2010-08-10 23:48:54,14 BASELOCALE=enUS Using: SOURCE=enUS SOURCEDOT=124 TARGET=esMX TARGETDOT=125 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Assets - esMX.SC2Assets (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. #### Liberty.SC2Mod\ ###### enUS.SC2Assets - esMX.SC2Assets (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. #### LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\ ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. #### Challenges.SC2Mod 1 file(s) copied. ## Campaigns\ #### Liberty.SC2Campaign\ ###### enUS.SC2Assets - esMX.SC2Assets (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. #### LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\ ###### enUS.SC2Data - esMX.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. ## Battle.net\ #### Battle.net.MPQ (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 file(s) copied. #### Battle.net-patch.MPQ (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 file(s) copied. ## Versions\ #### Base15405\ ###### patch.SC2Archive (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ###### patch-enUS.SC2Archive - patch-esMX.SC2Archive (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 file(s) copied. ** RESET ** ** CLEANUP ** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Personal REG_SZ C:\Users\home\Documents MYDOCS=C:\Users\home\Documents 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. Please help! Hey, u have used the source language as US if u gonna do that req. u to have the us version patched and installed on ur computer and as u are from sweden I guess u got the europe version, write in 127 as source language and it should work if u got the EU version installed. | ||
United States2 Posts
this is the path : C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data someone ? please? a soul who can bring me joy and happyness? =D the file is around 7 mb.. | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 11 2010 15:17 spacemonkeyy wrote: Hello please help, I installed everything as discussed below is my attached logs. I am getting the "you need an authorized language pack to play this version" message. and on battle-net this is recorded StarCraft II®: Wings of Liberty [SCII-1] Southeast Asia & ANZ (SEA) I would greatly appreciate your feedback + Show Spoiler + aolight=0 creepnormalmap=1 creepQuality=1 creeptrans=1 deff=0 deffspec=0 depthDisp=0 dof=0 fogvolume=0 foliagedensity=0.250000 gamehdr8bit=1 GraphicsOptionEffectsDetail=1 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality=0 GraphicsOptionModelQuality=2 GraphicsOptionMovies=0 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[5]=1 GraphicsOptionPhysicsQuality=1 GraphicsOptionPortraits=2 GraphicsOptionPostProcessing=1 GraphicsOptionReflections=0 GraphicsOptionShaderDetail=1 GraphicsOptionShadowQuality=1 GraphicsOptionTerrainQuality=1 GraphicsOptionTextureQuality[2]=1 hdr8bit=1 height=720 lastDeviceId=1026 lightingLevel=0 lightmap=1 lightmapcastshadows=0 localao=0 localeidassets=enSG localeiddata=enSG localight=0 lowQualityMovies=1 MoviesSeen=1 MusicHeard=1 parallax=0 particlelod=1 particleobjects=0.200000 particleterrain=0.500000 physicsdensity=4 ribbonlod=1 shadowmapsize=2048 soft=0 softshadows=0 SoundAutoDetectCPUCoreCount=2 soundchannels=32 SoundQuality=1 splatlod=1 targettexeldensity=0.560000 TerrainTextureSize=768 texQualityLevel=1 texSpace[2]=500 treadlod=1 waterflipbook=1 waterrendertargetformat=1 waterrendertargetsize=768 watershadow=0 width=1280 + Show Spoiler + GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 13:27:48.35 CWD: C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Support\GSCRelocalizer-v0.7 BASELOCALE=enGB Using: SOURCE=enSG SOURCEDOT=999 TARGET=enSG TARGETDOT=999 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ** RESET ** ** CLEANUP ** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Personal REG_SZ C:\Users\tomspc\Documents MYDOCS=C:\Users\tomspc\Documents 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 13:38:59.62 CWD: C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Support\GSCRelocalizer-v0.7 BASELOCALE=enGB Using: SOURCE=enSG SOURCEDOT=999 TARGET=enSG TARGETDOT=999 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ** RESET ** ** CLEANUP ** P.s if not self evident I am from Australia and just want to get it to work in this region (i downloaded the GB one i think).... Try it again with these options: Source: enGB Target: enSG Remember everyone: The SOURCE language is the language you have installed. | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 10 2010 21:50 gurumaia wrote: Hi, I have two and a half questions about this: 1 - Would it work to copy the mpq files from the windows install to the mac install? 1.5 - If so, which files would we have to copy? 2 - What are the changes that the script makes? (So we can manually do it using an MPQ editor) Thanks! 1 - Maybe? Probably. 1.5 - /Battle.net/*; /Mods/Core.SC2Mod/Base.SC2Data; /Mods/*/targetLOCALE.SC2Data; /Mods/*/targetLocale.SC2Assets; /Mods/Challenge.SC2Mod; /Campaigns/*/targetLOCALE.SC2Data; /Campaigns/*/targetLocale.SC2Assets; /Versions/Base*/patch.SC2Archive; /Versions/Base*/patch-targetLOCALE.SC2Archive 2 - It should be pretty straight forward if you look at the :COMMON section of relocalize.bat and the .mopaq files in the /scripts/ folder Note: I have grown weary of trying to find an MPQ library in a language I know or learn a language for which I can find an MPQ library, and have decided to write one in Python (which runs quite happily on macs and PCs) so expect a Mac version by the end of the month... Otherwise, try the above. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 11 2010 16:03 Keype wrote: Hey, u have used the source language as US if u gonna do that req. u to have the us version patched and installed on ur computer and as u are from sweden I guess u got the europe version, write in 127 as source language and it should work if u got the EU version installed. From looking at the BASELOCALE value calculated, it would appear that Sueco is running this on an enUS install. (BASELOCALE is determined from the install logs.) As for what is wrong, I'm really clueless. It appears to have executed flawlessly. Could you run debug.bat as well, and post the new log.txt? That would give me a little more insight. | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 10 2010 12:29 jrfskreemer wrote: If you need any help with work on this relocalizer, please, let us know. I'm pretty sure a lot of brazilian players would be glad to have everything in English. I appreciate the offer. If I come across anything, I'll be sure to let y'all know. I have the day off work on Thursday, so I can probably fix the single-player localization problem then. If not, I'll make it my top priority this weekend. | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 11 2010 14:27 moapy wrote: Hello i am getting the error: Ladik's MPQ editor has stopped working: + Show Spoiler + G:\StarCraft II\Battle.net G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns G:\StarCraft II\Logs G:\StarCraft II\Mods G:\StarCraft II\StarCraft II Editor.exe G:\StarCraft II\StarCraft II.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support G:\StarCraft II\Versions G:\StarCraft II\Battle.net\Battle.net-patch.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Battle.net\Battle.net.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\LibertyStory.SC2Campaign G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\base.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\Base.SC2Maps G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\enGB.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\Liberty.SC2Campaign\teen.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Campaigns\LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Blizzard Updater Log.html G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Downloader.log G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Launcher.log G:\StarCraft II\Logs\Repair.log G:\StarCraft II\Logs\StarCraft II Install Log.html G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Challenges.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Backup.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Base.MPQ G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\base.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Index.SC2Locale G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\base.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\teen.SC2Assets G:\StarCraft II\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Mods\LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\enGB.SC2Data G:\StarCraft II\Support\Battle.net.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\BattlenetAccount.url G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin G:\StarCraft II\Support\Blizzard Updater.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardDownloader.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\d3dx9_41.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\data G:\StarCraft II\Support\dbghelp.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\debug.bat G:\StarCraft II\Support\driverinfo.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\ErrorReporter.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\fmodex_4_28_08.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\icudt44.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\icuin44.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\icuuc44.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\log.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\Manual.pdf G:\StarCraft II\Support\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest G:\StarCraft II\Support\msvcp80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\msvcr80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\relocalize.bat G:\StarCraft II\Support\Repair.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\RzAPM.DLL G:\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Editor.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\SC2Switcher.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed1TEnce G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed3zz97d G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed8YXxzz G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed93Xxzz G:\StarCraft II\Support\sed9VgBoB G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedAfuzvf G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedAjIAR5 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedBvareS G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeeFufd G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeoLVXO G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeXhOte G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedeYcTyb G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedF7zSPf G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedGY9NrK G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedhIuk85 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedJFQNKN G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedjGksyY G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedJQUz2C G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedjVgcPD G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedMLX1OW G:\StarCraft II\Support\sednoWVKj G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedotIAR5 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedpd2XlW G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedPShSHf G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedRc6nGu G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedRRLmo9 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedSslyih G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedsVVaai G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedsVxXBb G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedUPnDi1 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedUxIHZD G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedUZq4eI G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedvbCj0G G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedvjPNKN G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedVSB7uI G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedwP3bch G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedWQFMD7 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedx4EyU7 G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedXnMX6U G:\StarCraft II\Support\sedzHwBW1 G:\StarCraft II\Support\TechSupport.url G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\egrep.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\fgrep.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\grep.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\libiconv2.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\libintl3.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\MPQEditor.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\pcre3.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\regex2.dll G:\StarCraft II\Support\bin\sed.exe G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\deDE.129 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\enGB.127 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\enUS.124 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\esES.130 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\esMX.125 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\frFR.128 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\itIT.133 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\koKR.134 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\plPL.131 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\ptBR.126 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\ruRU.132 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\dotfiles\zhTW.135 G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\deDE.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\enGB.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\enSG.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\enUS.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\esES.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\esMX.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\frFR.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\itIT.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\koKR.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\plPL.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\ptBR.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\ruRU.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\zhCN.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\data\ProductLocale.txt\zhTW.txt G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net-patch.MPQ-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net-patch.MPQ-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net.MPQ-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Battle.net.MPQ-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Campaigns.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Challenges.SC2Mod.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-Base.SC2Data.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Assets.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Core.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Liberty.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Assets.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Liberty.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-Liberty.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-LibertyMulti.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Mods-LibertyMulti.SC2Mods-enUS.SC2Data-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Versions-Base15405-patch-enUS.SC2Archive-1.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Versions-Base15405-patch-enUS.SC2Archive-2.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Support\scripts\Versions-Base15405-patch.SC2Archive.mopaq G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405 G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Shaders14513 G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\msvcp80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\msvcr80.dll G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\patch-enGB.SC2Archive G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\patch.SC2Archive G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\SC2.exe G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Shaders14513\baselineCache.bin G:\StarCraft II\Versions\Shaders14513\deltaCache.bin This is unfortunately, not your entire log.txt. I need the whole thing to help you. | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 11 2010 15:25 MaG3Stican wrote: hm..im running windows 7 64bits..and i get an error everytime I try to change the location..i mean... it says that something stopped from working... and it does nothing... i got the enGB client by mistake.. and i want to change it to enUS...may someone upload me the files needed to do that? i would really apreciate that.. since im desesperated because my internet it so fucking slow and i have to wait like 4 days to get a new client..... PLEASE!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!! T_T On August 11 2010 16:09 MaG3Stican wrote: I need this file from the enUS client.. : Base.SC2Data this is the path : C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Mods\Core.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Data someone ? please? a soul who can bring me joy and happyness? =D the file is around 7 mb.. [soapbox] It's seriously people like you who make me want to completely stop supporting this tool. Here's what you can do if you actually want me to help you: 1) Stop a moment, and read the fucking thread. You downloaded a tool to fix your problem, got an error, and then posted that you get an error when you try to run the tool... You didn't take a moment to document what you did (there's not a lot of options to choose from but they're important). You didn't even mention what error you received. I don't even care if you took the effort to find someone with a similar problem, and tried the solutions presented to them. I'm just appalled you couldn't figure out to post your log.txt. 2) Don't beg my users for files that won't help you. It took you all of 30min to decide to start requesting files from the other visitors of the thread (whom I actually care about helping and don't want to see bothered) so you could hopefully fix your evidently super-urgent problem with a non-working solution (a forum search, and then actually reading relevant threads *gasp!* would have told you this). If you really want to solve it by getting other people's files, you need about a dozen of them totaling about 1GB. (Welcome to SC2 Retail! This isn't beta...) If you were actually willing to do the process manually, you could pull it off with an mpqeditor and someone's enUS.SC2Data ~1MB (and the only file you need from that anyways is included in the relocalizer.) 3) Post your log.txt. I might look at it and tell you what the problem is. I think I already know, but you blew your chances at getting that answer without a log when your wrote your second post. 4) "desesperated" is not a word. [/soapbox] Everyone else: Thanks for using my tool. I'm always here to help! | ||
Australia477 Posts
It works. Awesome. Champion! +Rep | ||
Australia5 Posts
Here's the end bit that might be what you need. If not please let me know what you need. Thanks again for the help :D + Show Spoiler + ** VARIABLES.TXT ** The system cannot find the file specified. ** INSTALL LOG ** GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 15:28:20.32 CWD: G:\StarCraft II\Support GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 15:28:24.12 CWD: G:\StarCraft II\Support BASELOCALE= Using: SOURCE=enGB SOURCEDOT=127 TARGET=enSG TARGETDOT=999 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ** enUS -- enSG ** ###### enGB.SC2Assets - enUS.SC2Assets (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. sed: can't read BlizzardComponent.xml: No such file or directory 1 file(s) copied. Could Not Find G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardComponent.xml #### Liberty.SC2Mod\ ###### enGB.SC2Assets - enUS.SC2Assets (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. sed: can't read BlizzardComponent.xml: No such file or directory 1 file(s) copied. Could Not Find G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardComponent.xml #### LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\ ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. sed: can't read BlizzardComponent.xml: No such file or directory 1 file(s) copied. Could Not Find G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardComponent.xml #### Challenges.SC2Mod 1 file(s) copied. The system cannot find the file specified. ## Campaigns\ #### Liberty.SC2Campaign\ ###### enGB.SC2Assets - enUS.SC2Assets (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. #### LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\ | ||
United States244 Posts
On August 11 2010 18:51 moapy wrote: Sorry about that, my whole log is 23MB big so I didn't want to post the whole thing lol. Here's the end bit that might be what you need. If not please let me know what you need. Thanks again for the help :D + Show Spoiler + ** VARIABLES.TXT ** The system cannot find the file specified. ** INSTALL LOG ** GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 15:28:20.32 CWD: G:\StarCraft II\Support GSC SC2 Relocalizer - Version: 0.7 OS: Windows_NT DATE: Wed 11/08/2010 15:28:24.12 CWD: G:\StarCraft II\Support BASELOCALE= Using: SOURCE=enGB SOURCEDOT=127 TARGET=enSG TARGETDOT=999 MODE: RELOCALIZE ## Mods\ #### Core.SC2Mod\ ###### Base.SC2Data (MPQ) 1 file(s) copied. ** enUS -- enSG ** ###### enGB.SC2Assets - enUS.SC2Assets (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. sed: can't read BlizzardComponent.xml: No such file or directory 1 file(s) copied. Could Not Find G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardComponent.xml #### Liberty.SC2Mod\ ###### enGB.SC2Assets - enUS.SC2Assets (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. sed: can't read BlizzardComponent.xml: No such file or directory 1 file(s) copied. Could Not Find G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardComponent.xml #### LibertyMulti.SC2Mod\ ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. 1 file(s) copied. sed: can't read BlizzardComponent.xml: No such file or directory 1 file(s) copied. Could Not Find G:\StarCraft II\Support\BlizzardComponent.xml #### Challenges.SC2Mod 1 file(s) copied. The system cannot find the file specified. ## Campaigns\ #### Liberty.SC2Campaign\ ###### enGB.SC2Assets - enUS.SC2Assets (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. ###### enGB.SC2Data - enUS.SC2Data (MPQ) The system cannot find the path specified. #### LibertyStory.SC2Campaign\ You're running the script from the wrong folder, you need to extract the archive so that you have a GSCRelocalizer folder in Support, and run relocalize.bat from Support\GSCRelocalizer\relocalize.bat | ||
Australia5 Posts
On August 11 2010 18:57 Girlscoutcookie wrote: You're running the script from the wrong folder, you need to extract the archive so that you have a GSCRelocalizer folder in Support, and run relocalize.bat from Support\GSCRelocalizer\relocalize.bat Awesome! Worked a charm! Not sure how I missed that one, thanks so much for the app and your time supporting it :D | ||
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