On May 05 2008 15:08 ArvickHero wrote: I'm not sure if this was mentioned in the thread (sorry if it was), but would the gunboat be able to focus fire all of its marines, or will it just hit four different targets as it flies by? Will they be able to stim inside the gunboat?
I should think to just leave it basically a flying bunker. Also, logically, there's nothing stopping a marine from using stimpacks while inside a building/ship. Blizzard of course didn't realize this "problem" until long after SC1 was released. So this feature logically should be implemented in SC2 ( Wasn't it in SC2 bunkers already. Can someone confirm this?) though it could have been left for the micro upkeep.
Other addons can be added guns on the ship even one devastating cannon to it so the price is benefitable. What it has rocket pods or flare so that enemy aircraft or ground missille will miss for a few seconds when the ship is under heavy fire
Sweden33719 Posts
Having flares (with a limit, like vulture mines) could create some extremely interesting micro situations.. I think the helicopters in World in Conflict have that ability and I thought it was pretty cool.
What about this then...
The Gunboat, as mentioned before, has two modes: the normal "dropship" mode, where it carries 4 units and travels at dropship speed, but the units cannot shoot, and the "gunboat" mode, where it slows down to the speed of, say, a Battlecruiser, but the units can now shoot/heal while in the Gunboat. Upgrading each dropship (using an SCV to "finish building" the dropship) gives it two flares, which work by acting as if the dropship is actually a ground unit on higher elevation: i.e. there is a reduced chance to hit for a few seconds. This could be used to act as a way to escape because the transition time to gunboat and dropship mode and back is a few seconds.
To address the concern that there will be no need to have infantry outside of the gunboat, my question is: how are you going to get the gunboat to escape without infantry support from fast pursuit units like the Warp ray and the Corrupter? I envision a unit of Gunboats and Dropships working in tandem, with the Gunboats clearing an area for the Dropships to land, the dropships landing their troops and wrecking havoc, then the Dropship infantry patrolling the area defending against corrupters and hydralisks while the Gunboats transition into Dropship mode, and then all the air units making their escape.
i really like the idea of an upgrade for dropship that allows the units inside to shoot very nice
flying nuke launchers : )
The Gunboat, as mentioned before, has two modes: the normal "dropship" mode, where it carries 4 units and travels at dropship speed, but the units cannot shoot, and the "gunboat" mode, where it slows down to the speed of, say, a Battlecruiser, but the units can now shoot/heal while in the Gunboat.
how about nuking from gunboat
So how do you suggest corruptors and gunboats mix? Can a gunboat get corrupted? Do you lose control over the units inside for the time it lasts or not? Does zerg get control over their abilities? Or shouldn't it be able to be corrupted at all? What efficient counter do you suggest for zerg against a flying stimming marauding sniping bunker? Or a mass of them?
On June 03 2008 02:11 dogen wrote: So how do you suggest corruptors and gunboats mix? Can a gunboat get corrupted? Do you lose control over the units inside for the time it lasts or not? Does zerg get control over their abilities? Or shouldn't it be able to be corrupted at all? What efficient counter do you suggest for zerg against a flying stimming marauding sniping bunker? Or a mass of them?
if you've let your opponent get a mass of these gunship things either you should have 200/200 ultralisks or you're really far behind.
If a Gunboat gets corrupted by a corrupter, it will stop moving and act as a hovering bunker. The units inside will be able to use, for instance, snipe or lockdown, if they're researched, as well as heal (for applicable units), and they can shoot outside and at their respective ranges. It'd be just like it got mind controlled, except its stationary. When a dropship got mind controlled, all of the units belonged to the mind controlling player, so I don't see why this should be any different.
Because of the short range and the relatively slow speed, a group of hydralisks can easily put a stop to it, as well as the disease of the infester, and dark swarm will render your units hard to kill by a Gunboat. Each Gunboat is a huge investment, it's like an Ultralisk, plus the marines inside make ti equal to an ultralisk and 6 zerglings. Plus, since it does marine damage, armored units will take little damage against it because instead of say 24 damage it does 6+6+6+6 damage, which against 2 armor is only 16 damage.
It seems interesting. I don't know the exact implications of how this would work. One thing to consider would be its speed. If it moves a lot slower, then it wouldn't be a dropship at all anymore, but more like... a flying bunker that costs gas.
Well, it wouldn't have to be a bunker. It could function just as a regular dropship with its normal given capacity, but with, say, 2-4 gunports to allow for Vietnam-style shooting from helicopters while not significantly affecting game balance (ie. no active abilities), and the dropships are still expensive and still must be filled by marines/marauders/whatever. When destroyed, the inhabitants of said dropship would also be killed. This would allow for some measure of self defence, even if slightly pathetic, while not (omfgwhyisit)pwning the air. Plus, for those that say this idea would imba for Terran, wouldn't all the places the dropship can attack already be attack-able by the much cheaper Vikings? And the primary purpose of the dropship is to TRANSPORT and SUPPORT, not PWN. It's just a thing to make the dropship seem like something you would take to a combat zone, not a cargo plane.
Sweden33719 Posts
Vand00r.. that's the idea ;p
And it's essentially a flying bunker, although weaker!
So how is our presentation of this to Blizzard coming along? Anyone made any form of direct contact on the subject?
Sweden33719 Posts
It was submitted in last months monthly report, that's about the extent of the contact I have =p
Manifesto might have more connections but I dunno =]
Good stuff, need to keep picking on them about this one. As mentioned in the thread, this is exactly the kind of unit Blizzard USUALLY goes all wet and dreamy about.
Theres a unit like this in CnC3. I don't like it even if it wasn't already a CnC3 unit. I don't like it. With no scourges in the game, imagine a dropship raid only it doesn't have to drop anymore, and on top of that, you try chase it with mutas, mutas cant move and shoot anymore, but the rines inside the Dropship can shoot while the dropship is running away, this is just such a lame idea, this would be even lamer than iradiate on your vessels (at least this caries risks from scourges), but the all mighty dropship of doom has 0 risks! Great idea! Just awesome! How the hell didn't some one in blizzard think of this?!
On June 25 2008 21:46 eugen1225 wrote: Theres a unit like this in CnC3. I don't like it even if it wasn't already a CnC3 unit. I don't like it. With no scourges in the game, imagine a dropship raid only it doesn't have to drop anymore, and on top of that, you try chase it with mutas, mutas cant move and shoot anymore, but the rines inside the Dropship can shoot while the dropship is running away, this is just such a lame idea, this would be even lamer than iradiate on your vessels (at least this caries risks from scourges), but the all mighty dropship of doom has 0 risks! Great idea! Just awesome! How the hell didn't some one in blizzard think of this?!
a) yugoslavia b) did you actually read the thread? i said that if the dropship is trying to run away it would either be very slow, or it wouldn't be able to shoot to run away. And the corrupter is a huge risk there, not to mention its much more expensive than a vessel.
and theres a unit like the siege tank in cnc its called artillery and theres a unit like the marine its called the infantry and theres a unit like the golaith called the wolverine and there used to be a unit like the firebat, it was called flamethrower infantry
just b/c its vaguely like something in cnc3 doesn't mean its bad.
Haha, yeah, C&C's APC and its various incarnations. Thus, the possibility of a non-flying but mobile bunker also sounds like a cool idea. haha.
Scourge will be back. They have to. They saved many Zergs' asses at critical moments so many times. Kerrigan will be considered stupid not to bring them back or is she planning a defection back to the Terrans? Heheh
Mebbe the corrupters will get a suicide option or something.