Confirmed by him on the SC20 stream.
He will be joining QLASH in the coming weeks, and will also be streaming more.
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/LiquidRet (not sure if he has a new one or not since he is not part of Liquid anymore)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Retjah
Twitch clip of him talking about it:
You certainly didn't waste any time making the post lol
I also just saw Ret confirming this, this is awesome for him! Glad to see him competing again!
On March 31 2018 08:10 GGzerG wrote: this is awesome for him! This is awesome for us! I really missed him.
Happy to see Ret back to SC2 ! Really feel like 2018 will be a good year for SC2 with all the good news (F2P, players coming back, Viewers increasing)
Awesome news!
What is his skill level, anyone know? Mmr on ladder?
He said he is around Top 50 GM EU
OK that is promising, but still he has a lot of work to do and I feel he's just in a very hard position because of his age if he want's to compete at high level.
When did he leave TL? I must have missed that.
Oooh nice. Never thought he would make return to SC2.
It's going to be tough, but what isn't tough in life! Sincerely offering my best of wishes to him!
On March 31 2018 10:01 MrMotionPicture wrote: When did he leave TL? I must have missed that.
I think around 2016 sort of unoffically. It was never made public if I remember correctly. 2017 he talked about it on Stream.
Wow, great news. Welcome back Ret!
Ret should know he's got fans that LOVE that he's returning to the scene. Much respect to the man.
Why not go back to TL ? TL didn't want him ? Or he didn't want TL ? Or he wanted something else ? I'm a bit surprised he didn't go back to his former team if he's serious at it again. Still, happy news !
Best of luck to you, Ret. Looking forward to your results.
Always good to see an old name return to the scene. I'm a bit concerned though - I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I thought I remembered him talking a few months back about how much better and fun BW was in his opinion compared to SC2. I just hope his heart is 100% behind this decision.
I remember those comments as well. His return to SC2 comes as a surprise.
Good luck Ret, it will be a hard path. At least he is not delusional and remains a very down to earth person, hope it can somehow be successful again.