Hello everyone. Our small group have been doing solo and duo co-op speedruns for a while, and we would like to share it. Also, if anyone is interested in speedrunning, join our battlenet group, r/starcraft discord server or message me on discord. I can invite you to our discord server.
What we have to show
- Solo and duo records for each map
- Two types of speedruns: Any% and 100%
- Replays for each record, some have videos linked
- Average times to compare commanders
- Some solo mutations with videos
- Indepth info on maps
Google Spreadsheet with records and Map info (It’s recommended to read the legend) Replay folder
![[image loading]](https://i.imgur.com/rvJwQxv.png)
What we consider solo
- Not taking bases that belong to your ally
- No help from your ally (apart from the escort on Chains of Ascension and capture on Lock & Load)
- Not receiving resources from your ally (including the initial 50 minerals)
- Brutal difficulty
(exact rules in the spreadsheet)
How to solo
- Ask in chat or a friend to help you solo.
- Use another computer with a different (starter) account.
- Use Sandboxie, a software that lets you run multiple instances of Starcraft 2 on your computer.
Easier records to challenge and to start with
- All Dehaka and Malwarfare records
- SoA Zagara 100%, VP Karax 100%, SoA Abathur Any%, RtK Abathur Any%
- NA Battlenet Group: battlenet:://starcraft/group/1/382254
- r/starcraft discord: https://discord.gg/0g2SxTpnHG3A1mBB
- Speedrunning Discord: Add Maguro#2619 on Discord for an invite
Youtube playlists of some speedrunners
thanks for the writeup. I think its pretty cool seeing this whole solo-running speed-run thing take on a life of its own. Also cool to have one centralized place to hold all of the records too. Good stuff
Wow Yuriprime's records are impressive...
Hi,we are some coop players from a chinese forum NGA(National Geographic of Azeroth) We want to share with you about the experience :)
and how to send the reps on TL? we think the results on the form are far from the best
do you use QQ or other IM?
United States8476 Posts
We mostly use skype on discord in the west. Discord is what we use to talk about speedrunning; I sent you an invite link through private message.
QQ is a Chinese-only program. We also use third-party sites like Google and https://uploadfiles.io/ to share replays.
I do not see a replay for Scythe of Amon completed by Stukov. I see Monk has best time. Brother is struggling on this map with Stukov. Please upload if possible :~)
your record was done in an old patch, the current patch Lock & Load is different
btw i have a 6:32 run in the updated version of Lock & Load, i have updated the excel and uploaded the replay
also, in the future, you should upload a replay/make a video if you want to do records, instead of only a screenshot
Up until recently there was no replay feature
On November 05 2017 03:38 SilverBullet wrote: Up until recently there was no replay feature then you should redo it
Are all records now void with the launch of 4.0.0?
On November 02 2017 04:42 ChampBurgundy wrote: I do not see a replay for Scythe of Amon completed by Stukov. I see Monk has best time. Brother is struggling on this map with Stukov. Please upload if possible :~)
Still not seeing it and you do not have it listed in the missing replays. Whats the deal?
i just add you discord with ngaxiaolang
plz satify
On December 25 2017 13:22 NGASC2forum wrote: i just add you discord with ngaxiaolang
plz satify
could you give me your full discord tag? with the four numbers as well